Where are we?!

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There a god name Ask and he watching every universe from every earth.One day,he saw a universe that a person name Y/n got abused,neglect and bullied by his life.Ask decide to bring them here.As Ask snap his finger,everyone got teleport to a theatre.

Izuku:Huh?Where are we?!

Ruby:We in a theatre but who teleport us?

The heroes turn around see every villains from his word.

AM:All For One!


As they get ready to fight but they saw that their quirk,sacred gear and weapon are stole by a person.

Issei:My Boosted Gear!

Bakugou:Who are you extras?!

???:Woah!Calm down you angry dog.

As it reveal a person with red hair

Ask:My name is Ask and i teleport you guys here because to watch some multiverse.


Ozpin:So Multiverse is real.

Ask:Yeah and before I explain,I would like to invite some guest here.

As Ask snap and brought out 7 people.

David(Y/n Father)

Elissa(Y/n Mother)

Oliver(Y/n Big Sister)

Veli(Y/n Big Sister 2)

Melidas(Y/n Little Sister)

Carl(Y/n Brother)

Daniel(Y/n Brother 2)

Elissa:Ah!Where are we?!

Melidas:Sis where are we?

Oliver:I don't know little sis.

Ask:Hello people.

They turn around and saw a person.

Carl:Who even are you?

Ask:Name is Ask and i teleport you guys here because you guys will gonna watch multiverse.

Melidas:Cool so who are we watching?

Ask:Well you guys will know about it.It of course your son,Y/n.

At this moment,the Union people start to laugh even his family.It make confused to the villains.Expect some of the students.

Issei:Why are we even look at that weakling!

David:Yeah!That brat didn't deserve to live our family.

Emerald:Excuse me but why are they laughing?

Ask:(Sigh)I explain to you guys.He was born without teigu,quirk,weapon and sacred gear.That happen it change his life.His family start neglect and abused him.What make it worse that his Union student bully him for no quirk,teigu,weapon and sacred gear.The teacher won't do anything.I am a god that i watch every universe of earth.When i see him getting bullied,i get anger for that.That why i'm here to show you guys.

The villains are very shocked that his school Union Academy wouldn't do anything.

Ask:Right now.You guys may take a seat and we get ready for the multiverse.


Akame Ga Kill(Night Raid,Jaegers,Wild Hunt)(Will be join soon.)

Dxd(Rias and his peerage,Sona and his peerage,Fallen Angel,Headmaster)

Rwby(Team RWBY,Team JNPR,Team CRDL,Team SSSN,Team CFVY,Team NDGO,Ozpin,Winter,Oobleck,Ironwood,Villains)

Mha(Class 1A,Class 1B,Class 3A,UA Staff,League of Villains)

Y/n Family(David,Elissa,Oliver,Veli,Melidas,Carl,Daniel)

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