Chapter 11: Violence and Timing

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(Hiroshi is seen disguised as one of the Union Students as Chifuyu carries Alexander Johnson in a black SUV which is going to Union City.)

Hiroshi: (in mind) I should have acted earlier, but I could get caught. I just need to wait for the right time.

(As Chifuyu looks at Hiroshi, she stares at him, and then he speaks.)

Hiroshi: So? You're gonna boss me around or you'll just keep staring?

(Suddenly the convoy stops.)

Chifuyu: What's going on?

(Hiroshi then places the Desire Driver in his waist again.)


Chifuyu: What the...?

Hiroshi: It looks like the Battle Alliance Academy has managed to block your way, eh?

(Hiroshi then reveals himself as he pulls out the Magnum Buckle and places it on his driver.)


Hiroshi: (snaps fingers) Henshin!


Geats: Now, here comes the highlight.

Chifuyu: You'll pay for this.

(Before she could react, Geats shoots and kicks her constantly.)


(He keeps shooting before dodging and countering her attacks as he shoots down three Huntsmen who tried to help Chifuyu. She tries to strike him, but Geats blocks her attack and shoots her.)


(He shoots her again, but then some Union Heroes arrive.)


(Geats shoots more of them as he kicks a Devil Soldier away.)

Geats: In that case...

(Geats changes his Magnum Shooter 40X to its rifle mode.)


(He then shoots more Union Heroes with precision, unaware that Chifuyu was getting up. Unfortunately for her, Alexander recovered as well as he tackles her, giving Hiroshi enough time to finish the remaining Union Heroes as he sees Enterprise, Zane, Murasaki, G&K and Nikolai. He then takes out his driver.)

Hiroshi: (smiles) Hey guys.

(Alexander is seen choking Chifuyu between his legs.)

Hiroshi: General!

M4: Let her go!!

General Alexander Johnson: I'm not done yet! (glares at Chifuyu) Where's the missile?

Chifuyu: Hehehe. (chokes) You'll never reach it.

Hiroshi: That's it, I'll kill her.

(As he aims at her with a pistol, Rex stops him.)

Rex: Wait! (to Alexander) General, what are you saying to her about the missile?

General Alexander Johnson: YES, i need answer from her of where's the missile!

Rex: Wait...


Morpho: So those chips can cause Students to become corrupt?

James: (radio) Yes, Raiden informed everyone that Inhibitor chips were used to corrupt the non-corrupted students.

Hellfire: (radio) So Inhibitor chips is like order 66?

Mediziner: (radio) Sounds like a reference to Star Wars.

James: (radio) We knew those chips could use the students to hunt down and destroy all who oppose them. Ash said that Azazel, Ichika, Serafall, Aizawa, and Emi had left.

(Flashback ends)

Rex: Wait, General don't kill her!

All: What!

General Alexander Johnson: Why?

Rex We need to interrogate her, instead of killing Chifuyu, were taking her as a prisoner and interrogate her.

Hiroshi: You mean like good cop and bad cop montage?

Rex: Yes... Mission complete, let's head back to exlil and get him safe

M4: Commander, General was recovered returning to base.

(At the desert, we can see Rex saying goodbye to Griffin and Kryuger T-Dolls as they head back to the base. Morpho gives the pistol to General Alexander Johnson for his protection.)

General Alexander Johnson: We've got a bigger problem. The missile was never in Yokosuka. The guidance systems were, but it was made from Mann Co.

Hiroshi: Mann Co.?

Rex: Mann Co. is a multinational division of Team Fortress Industries founded by two idiot brothers, and then Saxton Hale too,

Morpho: Where the hell did they get those?

Enterprise: Umm... General, I noticed a symbol looks like Red and Blue, who are they?

General Alexander Johnson: I fear that someone has returned from our past. They're working with Union Academy.

Hiroshi: Where the hell did they get those?

General Alexander Johnson: Global Risk, but unknown to our foe, we don't know where it was, but we have two common enemies: Global risk and Union Academy.

Zane: So where are they now?

General Alexander Johnson: Aside from Union Academy, there's only one person who knows where to find them. we have Chifuyu, so we're going to interogate her by tomorrow.

(Then they take Chifuyu away ad the screen fades out.)

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