Chapter 6: Return of the Terrorcons

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(Meanwhile in Atlas, one former male soldier is seen being pushed to his prison cell by the other soldiers as they found out that he betrayed them.)

Atlas Soldier 1: (glares) You've got some nerve to betray us and free those filthy animals.

Atlas Soldier 2: And Clover almost died because of this treachery. You're lucky he's still alive. Or else, the General would demand your execution in this exact moment!

(Suddenly one of their communicators beeps, and the Atlas Soldiers attends it.)

Atlas Soldier 1: Hello? Yes, General. We captured the traitor. Okay.

(He hangs up as he smirks deviously.)

Atlas Soldier 1: Bad news for you, traitor. The general has scheduled your execution for tomorrow. Enjoy your last moments, Kenan.

(The Atlas Soldiers walk away while laughing as they fistbump. Kenan then throws a metal plate to the side.)

Kenan: (stern) I wish I could destroy this damn place.

(Suddenly some purple smoke comes into his prison cell, forming some kind of Dark Morpher.)

Kenan: (shocked) What the hell is this?

(He picks it up and feels some dark energy coming from the morpher.)

Kenan: What should I do with it?

(He suddenly hears a mysterious voice.)

????: Say "Dark Magna Power".

(He gets scared as he looks around, and then the mysterious voice speaks again.)

????: Say those words, human. And you can get your revenge on those pricks.

Kenan: (frightened) W-W-Who's there?

????: Behind you.

(He sees a demi-human behind him and gasps in fear.)

????: There's no need to be frightened, Kenan Fang.

Kenan: (shocked) How did you know my name?

????: (smiles) I've been watching you the whole time, waiting for the right time for vengeance for those who did wrong. I believe it's payback time for what they did to you.

Kenan: But I don't even know your name.

????: Let's say I am... the leader of the new Zangyack, or should I say... Zangyack Armada. And my name is Victor Chase. And this morpher you hold is a creation of Dormammu. He called me when I was in his kingdom. He told me to keep all of his creations safe in my hands, so I can rule the Megaforce-Verse for him. They're like the original version of the heroes, but darker versions of them. They're far more powerful than any one, all you have to do is to accept your power and become one of us, Zangyack Armada. What do you say? You want revenge on Atlas for killing your mother, right? I also heard they're keeping a cybertronian here for their project. (smiles) Do we have a deal?

Kenan: ... (smirks) Deal. DARK MAGNA POWER!

(Kenan then becomes the Dark Magna Defender.)

D. M. Defender: What kind of Megaforce Villain am I?

Victor: You're Dark Magna Defender. Now go and destroy those worthless bastards. Also, free the cybertronian, of course.

D. M. Defender: (chuckles evilly) With pleasure.

(Dark Magna Defender uses his sword and slices the bars, which draws the attention of two guards as they charge at him, only to be slashed in half.)

D. M. Defender: (laughs evilly) Now this is what I'm talking about. Shattered Megaforce rules!

(He starts destroying everything in his path as the Atlas Soldiers gather to fight him.)

Atlas Soldier 3: What the hell?

D. M. Defender: (chuckles evilly) Call me Dark Magna Defender. I am a new member of the Zangyack Armada, I know Ironwood hides a cybertronian there.

Atlas Soldier 4: (shocked) How did you...

D. M. Defender: (smirks) I have my ways, now I get to kill you.

(He charges at the Atlas Soldiers as he slashes seven of them. As he resumes his slaughter, one of the Atlas Soldiers tries to call Ironwood.)

Atlas Soldier: This is Atlas Prison Tower. General Ironwood, please respond.

(Dark Magna Defender suddenly appears in front of him and stabs him as he screams in pain.)

Ironwood: (intercom) This is Ironwood, what happened? Report!

(Dark Magna Defender grabs the communicator as he speaks.)

D. M. Defender: (smirks) Deja vu, General.

Ironwood: Kenan? How did you escape?

D. M. Defender: I have my ways, and now I'm freeing the cybertronian you kept for your so-called project. Hehehehehehehe!

Ironwood: I'm warning you, Kenan. If you continue with this senseless resistance, I'll-

(Dark Magna Defender crushes the communicator as he walks towards the cybertronian's cell as he busts it out.)

Novakane: I am free. (stares at Kenan) Why did you free me?

D. M. Defender: I know they were trying to make you as their personal weapon to wipe out all villains and rebels alike, it's time for vengeance against this world. Join me and we will show them, I also heard that the Battle Alliance Academy has true heroes. Why not give them a show of destruction?

Novakane: (thinks for a moment) Very well.

(Novakane and Dark Magna Defender set towards Union City to cause some destruction.)

(Meanwhile at Arkham Asylum, another male person is inside his cell for killing his rich family, he hated Batman for ruining his plan to reveal his parents' true color as he reads the newspaper that his sister is the new Head of Diane Family Inc. He yells in anger as he tears the paper apart and punches the wall, he kicks the trash can as he pulls the cell bar that won't even tear apart.)


(Suddenly Victor shows up out of nowhere.)

Victor: Then why not use these.

(He gets scared, but then he glares at Victor.)

????: I am Victor Chase, Leader of Zangyack Armada. I heard you want revenge on your step-family, right... Norris?

Norris: (stern) Yes, I want revenge on them for abusing me for 20 years, I want to show the world who are the real monsters and kill Batman.

Victor: (chuckles) Of course. Use these instead. They'll make you more powerful than him.

(Victor transfers some dark power to Norris while tossing a Darkus Bakugan as the latter laughs maniacally and becomes Void Sentry while the Darkus version of Rodan stands.)

Void Sentry: (chuckles) I feel more powerful than I thought. Time to show them what I'm made of.

Victor: Do it, Void Sentry and Darkus Rodan.

(Darkus Rodan roars as he and Void Sentry start destroying everything in their path, including 20 guards. Suddenly Void Sentry sees Nightbird in her prison cell, and then he frees her.)

Nightbird: Thank you for freeing me. Now to destroy this place.

(Void Sentry, Nightbird and Darkus Rodan combine their powers and destroy Arkham Asylum as they walk off.)

Void Sentry: Next is my step-family. Let's destroy them.

D. Rodan/Nightbird: (nod) Roger.

(As they keep destroying everything in their path, Victor chuckles deviously.)

Victor: (smiles evilly) Now this world shall be destroyed by Unicron and his heralds. Time to free the others.

(In an abandoned facility, Freeze is seen destroying everything in there.)

Freeze: Worthless. I better find another place to destroy. Hmm... maybe Metropolis.

(Freeze sets out to destroy Metropolis.)

(At New York City, Battletrap is seen destroying everything in a zoo.)

Battletrap: We will have on revenge on all organic beings.

(In a Japanese military facility, Sideways is seen destroying everything in his path.)

Sideways: Behold your own doom, humans.

(As he keeps destroying everything in his way, he leaps out of the building.)

(In Hawaii, Scorponok isn't happy by seeing humans enjoying their lives.)

Scorponok: Curses, now they'll get theirs!

(He starts destroying everything in his way as well.)

(In Africa, Scourge is seen attacking the villagers.)

Scourge: Inferior lifeforms, you will regret having defied Lord Unicron!

(Cyclonus, Galvatron and Nemesis Prime are seen gathered in Union City.)

Nemesis: It's just a matter of time until Lord Unicron comes here.

Cyclonus: This universe will soon be no more.

Galvatron: A new era starts now.

(Unbeknownst to them, the Daytona Cybertronian is watching them as he prepares to fight.)

????: I won't let them bring their master here. I'll stop them. I'm the only one who can protect humanity.

(As the screen fades to black, the Daytona Cybertronian shoots the screen, writing a sign which says "To be continued.")

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