Chapter 8: Villainous Meeting/Rise of Kamen Rider Tiger

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(Meanwhile in Union City, Dark Magna Defender is seen meeting with Void Sentry and Darkus Rodan.)

V. Sentry: So you're my comrade. Victor told me about you.

D. M. Defender: (nods) Indeed, since we both transformed into evil revised versions of the Megaforce Society. I'm Kenan Fang, pleased to meet you.

V. Sentry: Norris Hudson, glad to team up with you.

(Suddenly two portals open as Victor Chase shows up along with his comrades from Another-Verse.)

D. M. Defender: (confused) Who are they?

Victor: (smiles) I contacted our new allies ever since both Dormammu and Virgolial hired us ever since we were waiting for the end of the Heisei Era. Meet the Another Daikaiju.

????: (smiles) It’s good to see you again, Victor.

Victor: Same here, Josh Elite of the Timejackers.

D. M. Defender: Wait, Timejackers? I thought they were destroyed by Ohma Zi-O.

Josh: No, my dear friend. Ever since my father died when I was young, I was abused by my mother, sister and brother. Once we got to Galaxy Garrison, all adults thought I wasn't better than my father, and I ran outside to let my anger out. But a certain Timejacker gave me his powers.

D. Rodan: It's Swartz, right?

Josh: Yes, he gave me his powers to conquer the world. And now I show them the true power of Time Jacker, my step-family is now afraid of me and Victor told you that we met. Both of us are no longer human, were more like Demi-Humans.

Victor: Ever since I was young that my parents neglected me ever since only they pay attention to my brother & sister. Bullied in school and nobody helped me and I shown them the true power of Zangyack Armarda, I found the cybernetic soldiers ever since and started terrorize my hometown and my so-called family finally realize what have they done and they're now frightened by me.

????: And I'm guessing you brutalize them.

Victor: (nods) Yes. (laughs evilly) I love my job, I first met Josh in Dark Omni-Arena when we were hired by both Virgolial and Dormammu to join forces. But they sadly died from those Heisei Heroes, so we can rule Reiwa Era for them. Josh taught me to do time traveling like Time Jacker do, I revived Zangyack Armada and turned every worthy teenager into our servants to destroy the heroes themselves. We are far more powerful than regular humans, both Zangyack and Time Jacker will destroy Reiwa (stern) ever since both Black Sun Warriors and Compati Fury destroy both Another Virgo and Shattered Grimlock in the first place.

Josh: (nods) Yes, and now I feel some heisei aura. I think they're here. Oh, I almost forgot, I would like to introduce both Another Daikaiju Members since I picked them in Megaforce Cosmic Fury's Universe. Zangyack Armada, met the evil revival of Tyon and Demonik.

????: I'm Quincey Ninten, call me Another Tyon: Evil revised version of Tyon.

????: I'm Frederick Johnson. I'm the revised version of Demonik, but call me Another Demonik.

D. M. Defender: Hmm, not bad. 100% badass, now let us introduce ourselves as well. My name is Kenan Fang, I am known as Dark Magna Defender the Revised of Magna Defender.

V. Sentry: I'm Norris Hudson, the revised version of Sentry, call me Void Sentry. And this is my Bakugan, Darkus Rodan.

D. Rodan: I'm basically the revised version of Pyrus Rodan, but with Darkus attributes. And I can see you have numbers in your bodies, like the Another Riders.

A. Tyon: (nods) Correct.

V. Sentry: While we are the Evil Counterpart-like Super Sentai.

Victor: That's right.

Josh: Now go, Another Daikaiju and Shattered Megaforce. Destroy the Heisei Heroes.

(Both Another DaiKaiju duos and Darkus Rodan roared together as Dark Magna Defender and Void Sentry battle cry as they went through the Dimensional Gap, both evil leaders laughing together as they summoned the portal as they went back to their domain.)

(Back to the Battle Alliance Academy, Tom Lucius walks towards the staff room and sees two people on stage.)

Tom: (shocked) No way...

????: Tom? Is that you?

(Tom is confused as he turns around and sees a certain Daikaiju Hero named Ken Takada.)

Ken: Is that you, Tom?

Tom: (smiles brightly) Ken, you melonhead. Bring it in.

(They have a brotherly hug as they pull back from each other.)

Ken: (smiles) Man, I haven't seen you for a while ever since we were still young adults. How's it been for the longest time?

Tom: (chuckles) Still good as usual. How's Virgoro?

(Virgoro suddenly pops up.)

Virgoro: Somebody called me?

Tom: There you are.

(Suddenly Edward comes in and sees Ken and Virgoro.)

Edward: (shocked) Ken Takada and Virgoro... (chuckles) It's good to see you again.

Ken: (smiles) Ever since Omni-Arena against both evil warlord of Virgolial and Dormammu, hell yeah.

????: Well, I'll be damned, Tom Lucius and Edward Simmons.

(Both Tom and Edward turn to see Damien Burke.)

Damien: (smiles) Good to see you again, bro.

Edward: Damien, you son of a bitch.

Damien: Bring it in.

(They have a brotherly hug before a fist bump as they face back at each other.)

Damien: (smiles) Good to be reunited at last.

Edward: (smiles) It's been a long time since we defeated Dormammu and Virgolial.

Damien: Glad to be together as Heisei Heroes.

????: So the Multiverse theory isn't a conspiracy after all.

(They turn to see Jason Todd, also known as Red Hood, the leader of the Rebellion League.)

Red Hood: How did you get here exactly?

Ken: It's a long story, but we can explain it.


Red Hood: Let me get this straight, you're a group of heroes from another universe or Omniverse of DaiKaiju-Verse and Megaforce. In Megaforce-Verse where one of yours earned my cowl, right?

Damien: (nods) That's right.

Red Hood: You gentlemen fought against our enemies, evil rampaging monsters, devious aliens, mutated creatures, rogue robots, Super Sentai's enemies, Kamen Riders' Kaijins and Villains to save your both universes from the hands of two evil Dark Omni-Lords named Virgolial and Dormammu. So both DaiKaiju Defenders were founded by both Monarch Society & Jiro Serizawa.

Damien: That's right.

Red Hood: And Megaforce Society are founded by Plumbers Association and Ben Tennyson.

Edward: (nods) Yeah. And we're here to investigate the return of the Terrorcons and some of our evil counterparts who roamed around here lately.

Ken: Scourge and his gang have returned from the dead, and now they seek to finish what they had started.

Red Hood: You mean...

Damien: Yes, they will destroy this planet in behalf of Unicron.

Red Hood: Now I can see why Optimus Prime asked for my help.

Tom: Optimus Prime lives in this world?

Virgoro: Of course he does, he's part of the Rebellion League led by Red Hood and seeks to find his fellow Autobots before the Justice Lords and Union Academy get their hands on them and use their metals for military purposes.

Ken: We better be prepared and make sure nobody dies in this battle.

Red Hood: I'll try my best. I already gathered my team.

Damien: Ichika Orimura, Azazel, Eraserhead, Ms. Joke, Mera, Zuko, Miss Martian, Fire, Optimus Prime and Thor.

Red Hood: Exactly. Dick and Tim refused to join in the war while Damian thinks Bruce finally decided to do what "should be done".

Edward: Let me guess, it's the incident which resulted in the death of The Flash, and subsequently Luthor being brutalized and murdered by Superman.

Red Hood: That's why I saved the Emilio Family from them.

Damien: And who are the Justice Lords?

Red Hood: Besides Batman and Superman, there are Green Lantern, Hawkgirl, Martian Manhunter, Wonder Woman, Green Arrow, The Atom, Aquaman and Raven.

Damien: Yikes, who knew Batman would throw his own "children" away so he can get a powerful team.

Red Hood: That's why I decided to join together with you and the Battle Alliance Academy to fight against both Union and Justice Lords.

Tom: Let's not forget about the Terrorcons who might come to New Mexico.

Red Hood: Now let's meet up with our fellow teachers and staff. James is waiting for us.

(They then proceed as Fire looks at Ken, and smirks at him as she winks, making him blush. Rambo notices that and turns to Fire.)

Rambo: Did you wink at him?

Fire: (giggles) Yep, he looks handsome and cute. He's my type of guy.

Rambo: I bet he's gonna run away.

Fire: Really?

Rambo: 50 bucks he'll get nervous and run away.

Fire: (smirks) You're on.

(James then comes to the stage as he pulls out his microphone.)

James: Hello fellow students and staff, it is my great pleasure to you all welcome to Battle Alliance Academy.

(They applause as James holds his hands up, and everyone quiets down.)

James:  We are here for this Academy to train well, doing true heroic duties, helping innocent people, saving faunus, facing crime, fighting evil-doers, challenging villains and saving  the world from destruction and defeating Union Academy, we will show those bastards who we are and this time... we won't let them stop us.

(Everyone cheers him up as he faces back at his wife and children and walks towards Pablo as he puts a hand on his shoulder.)

James: Pablo, I guess it's time.

Pablo: What do you mean?

(Then Icarus and Laura face back at him.)

Icarus: (smiles) What dad means is that you're ready to face them.

Laura: (smiles) Father always wanted to give you something.

Pablo: Like what?

(Karla pulls out the Tiger Advent Deck and gives it to him, much to his shock.)

Karla: (smiles) Your father always wanted to give you this before he retired, it's time for you to be the next Kamen Rider.

(Pablo then points his deck in a nearby mirror, and the V-Buckle appears in his waist.)

Pablo: Henshin!

(He becomes Kamen Rider Tiger.)

Tiger: (smiles) Now I feel powerful.

Icarus: (smiles) That's our brother.

Laura: (smiles proudly) Nobody can outmatch him now.

Karla: (smiles in tears) Our little boy has grown up to be a Kamen Rider.

James: (nods) Indeed, Karla. He will lead the next Emilio Generation.

Karla: What should we give both Icarus and Laura?

James: (smiles) Don't worry, tomorrow I'll give them the perfect drivers.

(Meanwhile at Union City's docks, Cyclonus is seen terrorizing the fishermen who run away.)

(As the screen fades to black, Cyclonus blasts the screen as the sign says "To be continued".)

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