Prologue: Quitting Union

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(In a forest, everything seems to be peaceful until three individuals are seen running.)

Icarus: Run! RUN!

(Then they hide in a tree as they take a breath.)

Laura: Did we lose them?

Icarus: I think so.

Pablo: The moment we set our feet in there, we didn't know we would end up making the worst decision in our lives.

Icarus: Agreed, brother. We just want to save people, and those bastards simply don't care about anything but themselves.

Laura: We're close to find our parents, once we do, we'll tell them everything they need to know, about what they did to Pablo... to us...

(Suddenly a red mecha approaches the tree they're hiding, and then a female voice speaks up.)

Eva-02: I found them!

????: Good! They're surrounded now!

(The trio jumps off the tree and keep running as some figures and Eva-02 chases after them as the mecha starts shooting, but they dodge, and suddenly a pomeranian propels himself with an explosion.)


(Bakugo tries to hit them, but they dodge as they slide under a tree log, making him explode the area. The trio keeps running as the figures who are none other than the Union Bullies keep chasing after them. Icarus and Laura use their powers to defend their brother from the bullies, but some of them almost catch up to him. Suddenly two voices are heard.)


(The bullies stop as they realize they just drew the attention of James Emillio and Karla Emillio, the parents of the three children.)

Eva-02: Shoot!

(Then a bullhead comes in and the Union Headmasters (Ozpin, Sirzechs, Nezu, Ironwood, Superman (Justice Lords), Gendo Ikari and Chifuyu Orimura) come out of it.)

Ozpin: Mr. Emillio, I believe there's an explanation I can give you.

James: Your pathetic explanations mean nothing to me, Ozma. (Ozpin's eyes widen) I know what actually happened. Your students were persecuting my children because they care about family, something you clearly don't!

Sirzechs: It's not that, Mr. Emillio.

Karla: (skeptical) Really? Then how do you explain the threats you gave Icarus and Laura just because they were defending Pablo?

Nezu: Well, we're... we're really sorry, Ms. Emillio.

James: Excuses won't fix our trust in you, Nezu. You know it quite well. (glares at Ironwood) And you'll never take possession of Sumdac Systems!

(The Headmasters' eyes widen as James Emillio found out about their real intentions of keeping Pablo, Icarus and Laura in their academy. Suddenly Superman's eyes glow red.)

Superman: You're testing my patience. Wanna share the same fate as...

(Superman gets interrupted when a kryptonite bullet goes through his chest. The headmasters turn to see Jason Todd, also known as Red Hood, leader of the Rebellion League, a faction which opposes the Justice Lords.)

Red Hood: Go!

(James and Karla nods as they take their children away.)

Gendo: Curse you, Jason Todd. How dare you stand in our way?

Red Hood: You're just as pathetic as that sad excuse of a father who let me die by The Joker's hands!

Chifuyu: You can't beat us all!

Red Hood: Who said I was planning to beat you?

(The headmasters and bullies turn around to see the Emillio Family is gone. Then they turn back to Red Hood, only to see he's gone too.)

Ironwood: Damn it, outsmarted by that nobody again...

Chifuyu: Bruce isn't gonna like to know Jason is still alive.

Ozpin: We'll worry about this later. We need to take Superman to infirmary. He needs urgent medical attention.

(As both Union headmasters and bullies return to the bullhead, Ozpin has only one thing in mind.)

Ozpin: (in mind) Don't think this is the end, Mr. Emillio. We shall have the Sumdac Systems in our grasp, no matter what.

(As the bullhead flies away, a certain male figure who is the son of Fred Jones and Daphne Blake is seen watching them.)

Alexander: I wonder how the mysteries behind Union's crimes are so easy to solve... Well, they will get them back... (smirks) OVER MY DEAD BODY!

(He then pulls out the Ginga Spark and activates it before grabbing his Ultra Spark Doll as he prepares to transform.)


(Alexander becomes Ultraman Patriot.)

Patriot: This is only the beginning.

(As the screen fades out, Ultraman Patriot flies through the screen while waving as he pulls a "To be continued" sign before flying away.)

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