Chapter 9: Magnus

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You know I am normally an optimist. But right now I am singing a song to a flame guy quite literally, no guitar, no music. Just the cold wind of the forest rushing through the trees, and me tapping my foot. Riptide is an ironic song to sing to a guy called sparky who has doubled in size in the past month or so. It must be December by now, to be honest I have practically always been a realist. Especially at times like this, in cold forest with the icy wind ricocheting through the trees until it tears through my clothes and sleeping bag leaving me shivering.

Sparky is also shivering, I gave him my spare coat a day or so ago. But that is no protection from the cold of a winter's night. Without campfire we might not make the night. Octavia would never allow that to happen I am her hostage and Sparky is her self created companion. I haven't seen Alex in two weeks now or Octavia. I can't speak because every movement requires energy and that is my last glimmer of hope about now. So Sparky starts singing the song as well, we warm up by huddling. My hands aren't blue yet, frostbite is going to get me soon enough though. Must keep going.

"Which song does the girl get the words wrong to?" Sparky asked after the first full sing through.

"I have no idea but if I had to guess I would say bonfire hearts," I replied.

"How does that song go?" Sparky asked.

I started singing bonfire hearts and we sang until the wind stopped seeming so cold. So we both fell asleep. Sparky isn't that bad, he is quite cute as a little energetic pixie. He is quite adorable actually. Warm, caring and generally kind hearted. Unlike his creator, who knows what she is up to right now. Alex is dead by now, I just know it. She might be testing how strong Georgina has become, by picking on one of her old friends. I dread to think what is really happening.

So I just put more energy and thought into the lyrics and music. I hope Aurora isn't shutting everyone out like she promised to. I have known her for 4 years so I know what she does if something happens to me she will shut down completely. I know her, what she'll already be shutting herself away in her room for hours at a time.

Hopefully, Georgina will speak to her and she will open up again.

When Sparky snores he sounds like he's mumbling, "spark, spark, spark." Which makes him sound like a 'small yap type' dog. To quote a comedian. I am bored already of eating tree bark and drinking tree sap for nourishment. Its December after all, did you know that December is supposed to be the tenth month it was in the roman calendar until someone named August after Augustus, January after Janus, March after Mars the greek god of war. Or that Thursday was named after Thor the god of Thunder. Although the romans couldn't have much of a go because they named June after Juno, the queen of the gods and patroness of marriage and weddings, and July after Julius Caesar in 44 B.C. Which was previously known as, "Quintilis," which is Latin for "fifth." Yet it is now the 7th month, which was originally September, then August being the 8th month which was October, then November (Nono meaning nine) and December meaning 10th month. It makes no sense if you think about it.

So it has come to this, just laying still listening to the bark snore of sparky.

And thinking about calendar-related facts.

It's going to be a long night, a cold one too.

My name is Magnus Killian, and if I shall perish I would like it to be known that I was somewhat livid about it. I would also like a symbol of a fire lion on my headstone. With the words 'see you in the next life my friends.' Reincarnation is real you know, or at least I believe it is. Cleo is Cleopatra the queen of the Nile, she also has a fear of snakes which could be explained by the fact that Cleopatra was killed by an asp. Gillian could have been a dinosaur, Georgina could have been anything, and me I think I would have been a sabre-tooth tiger.

I can hear Georgina and the others telling me to hang in there, as I close my eyes and drift into another dreamless sleep. With Sparky waking me up the next morning saying, "Alex is gone. Octave what happened?" Sparky mumbled at first but is now worriedly screeching at her for having left.

"It was something I had to deal with. Now, I need to rest and train." She sighed, I am still pretending to be asleep.

"Can we not spend another night in the forest? Honestly my back is killing me. And it is winter, the nights are getting colder." I suggested in a wheeze.

"Fine but you'll find the location, with Sparky. Then send me this note back with the address." She yawned.

Great just my luck, first I end up in a weird realm with an evil witch and her half-literate fire child. And now I have to play real estate agent, for no money. Remind me how I ended up here again, actually, don't bother. North, south, East or west. The edge of the forest is ahead. I keep hiking until me and sparky make it."Spark?" He nudged my leg quizzically.

"I'll think of something Sparky." I clarified bluntly. Think Magnus, come on think!Where is shelter? A hospital? No, too obvious and everything could go wrong. A long stay at a B'n'B? That could work if they need staff, I could apply for a job and opt for a free place to stay with breakfast as payment. I saw something like that near the town. So I and Sparky venture forth to find this.

We search for an hour to find nothing, then two hours go by and I spot it at last 'Jolene's Bed and Breakfast. Job vacancies apply within.'

I hope that fate wants me to not freeze to death and go in. "Hello, my name is Magnus Kilian. I am looking for a job and a place to stay." I walk to the semicircular cleanish front desk where there is a woman in her work uniform sitting smugly on an office chair. "Right through there sugar, Jolene will interview you now." The receptionist directs me to go through the door that reads 'Jolene Pierce boss' I knock first then open the door when instructed to do so by a sweet yet twangy accent.

"I am looking for a job." I clarified.

"And you saw one was promoted outside. How do you want to be paid?" She asked I could tell by this point that she was slightly fed up.

"Can I just have somewhere to stay with my sister? And a few quid for dinner of that's alright?" I suggested, lying about her being my sister Sparky still waiting outside.

"Of course, and you are hired. As a janitor, just go and get your sister and belongings you can start working in the morning." She waved her long red nails in the direction of the door as if to usher me out. Her nails reflected her hair colour a gingery red with more curls than I could care to count. But I did what she had said. Collected Octavia and explained that I would be working there as well as being able to get us a room with three separate beds and heating. I also explained that I had lied and said she was my sister. She was a bit curious about that but didn't particularly question it.

Authors note:
Hi it's me again, yes the weird and wonderful author of this book. The next part will be out in around 4 days. And will be set when Octavia had gone off for a few days.
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Dotstarflowers over and out. 🦄

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