Christmas special

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"Cleo get up! If you don't wake up in 5...4..3.2.1 I am going to.." THUMP. I hit her with a pillow. "Georgina!" she woke up and ran after me as I sprinted down the corridor. She huffed at the door, "Come back in here you." Cleo goes back in her room and I go back into Scarlett's and mine. I throw on the jumper dress which Gillian brought me for a fall present it's crimson red with gold-domed buttons on the shoulders then I put on some black tights. Then my jade slipper boots. Then I make my way down to the lounge. "Merry Christmas everyone!" I smile as Cleo sits down next to her stocking on the bean bag. "Hope she didn't hit you too hard this time." Scarlett laughs at Cleo. Gillian is stretched across the sofa and I move him so I can sit down next to him. "Shall we get started?" I smile. "Spark Spark" Sparky nods. "I can't believe it's been a year already." Aurora says stroking Magnus's hair. "Me neither Snow me neither." Magnus says. "Time flies when you are having fun." Marcus clocks in. Gillian guffaws and says "Nice one Clockwise. Now let's get started."

We all unwrap our presents and sit there talking about the past year. "What has been your highlight from the past year?" Darcy asks everyone with a big smile. "Definitely watching you all grow in strength and open up more." Lucas says, he is now 25 years old and still the head of our form. "You lot are the friends I've ever had, but you'll be leaving in 3 years. And I'm going with you." I gasp. Marcus looks older than Lucas by some way even though he is 15 like some of us. He being a time traveller ages faster than everyone else, we all have a feeling that he may not live until 100. But yet most elementals don't. For most of us, our powers end up being the cause of our deaths. For blood elements, they often get Leukaemia aged 60 and slowly die. Knowledge elements tend to die old and simply fade out with a puff of smoke after making their last speech. "my favourite memory has been the summer dances and the events of the slumber parties afterwards. You guys were hyper admit it." Marcus laughs. "I wasn't. They all were but not me." Cobra smiles ear to ear. I nod, unfortunately I had guzzled a whole pack of sugar laces and rainbow belts. So I definitely was. Gillian had the same and we skipped together without shoes on. It was so adorable and Marcus went with Ratchet, they kissed during spin the bottle and I totally shipped them. But Marcus called it of last week, after his meeting with Miss Redwood.

We start talking about the future and Marcus goes silent. "I want to travel the world. See everything there is to see." Scarlett says with a bright smile. "Marcus come and talk to me in the hall." I say and take him into the hall.

"What's up?" I ask him. "My sister has gone missing. She is a multi elemental and she was taken by the yellow coats into the woods. I haven't heard from her since. Jasmine is missing and I can't find her. I've been trying for weeks. All I got was 2 years older, and a cold." He cries looking out of the window where it is dark and raining. "We will help you find her Clockwise. I promise. She's in the past so Lumi and the others will free her when the time comes. If we don't they will." I put my hand on his arched back and rub it as he cries more. "She is all I have left. My mum died last week, it's just her and me left. Not that I have long at this rate." He cries more. His eyes are red with worry and fear. His hair is greying and there are wrinkles slowly building on his face. "Marcus you are so strong and kind, I couldn't find a better friend. And that's saying something, you deserve happiness so don't shut it out just because you might not make it that far. Live for now, that's what we have to do. We are the Elementals and we will make it one way or another." He smiles still teary eyed and says, "I love you too girl, Elemental sister. Now let's going and play some truth or trick before your boyfriend sends his dragons after us." He giggles back at me.

Sat next to the tree we are all smiling and Gillian is being a monkey for a minute and Cobra is laughing on her back rolling around. I smile at them all, my group. I know we all have so much to fight but for the moment we are living in the moment.

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