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New Vaccine Aids Fight to End Polio (click title to download)

This is Shep O'Neal with the VOA Special English Development Report.

A new kind of vaccine is being used to stop the ...(1) of polio. World health ...(2) say the vaccine is an important ...(3) for the final part of the ...(4) to end the disease.

Experts ...(5) in Geneva, Switzerland, earlier this month to discuss the ...(6). They say polio could be ...(7) within six months everywhere ...(8) Nigeria, which has the most new ...(9). The experts say at least another year of ...(10) is needed there.

Doctor Steven Cochi is ...(11) the United States Centers for Disease Control ...(12) Prevention. He says, "There is no reason why polio should continue to exist ...(13) in the world after next year."

Until now, the vaccine used to ...(14) polio has combined three different...(15). That is because there are three different polio ...(16). But only two of them still ...(17): type one and type three. Type three exists in ... (18) of Nigeria, Afghanistan and India. Type one is more ...(19).

The ...(20) developed vaccine is known as monovalent ...(21) polio vaccine. It protects only ...(22) the type one virus. World health officials say it ...(23) to work faster than ...(24) vaccines. They say it should now be used ...(25).

These officials say the new vaccine appears to ...(26) stopped the spread of polio in ...(27) and most parts of India. Children in Yemen ...(28) the vaccine three times this year after a new ...(29) there. ...(30) officials say the number of new cases is ...(31) quickly now.

In a ...(32) development, ...(33) children in an Amish ...(34) in the American state of Minnesota have polio. The Amish are a small ...(35) group that does not believe in ...(36). Now some parents have ...(37) to vaccinate their children.

These are the first ...(38) polio cases in the United States in five years. ...(39) health officials said the ...(40) children did not show ...(41) of paralytic polio. They say the general ...(42) is not ...(43) because most children have been vaccinated.

Polio ...(44) mostly children under five years old. It spreads through human ...(45). The virus attacks ...(46) cells. About one out of two hundred cases leads to ...(47) paralysis. Usually the victims cannot move their...(48). But some of them die. There is no ...(49) for polio.

This VOA Special English Development Report was written by Karen Leggett. Our reports are ...(50) at voaspecialenglish.com. I'm Shep O'Neal.

spread > dư s

officials > Office, officer(s), thiếu s, viết hoa, officals, professors, how of special

tool > too, to, true, truth

campaign > dư s, viết hoa, campaints (?)

met > made, match, vaccines (how can it be?), smelt

progress > paragraph, program, project, congress

gone > guarded

except > example

cases > kinds, casers, cancer, keysets

work > dư s, word, world

with > worked, need, which, wish, Swiss in, catched

and > land, Controland, Provention, plan, Polio, viết hoa, lung

anywhere > everywhere

prevent > prevend, dư -ed

medicines > thiếu s, manager, madicines

viruses > vicinages, vacinies, variousness(es), varieties, thiếu -es, stypes, valises, vice, virussion

exist > dư s (cn là two of them mà), exit, exsist

parts > thiếu s, partside, dư chữ of, for example, part south, parcel

common > covered, times, calmer, commanded, coma

recently > seasons, simply, reasonably

oral > oron, arrow,..., or, all-round, oro-, ozo, all called, row, on, dư s, of the, over, orra, horrour, over all, around, euro

against > again(s)

appears > thiếu s, pease

existing > exiting(s)

worldwide > worldwhile, well life, viết rời, worldlife, viết hoa

have > help, has (sau to mà chia đtừ hả)

Egypt > Egyp, tên riêng sao viết thường, Asia, desert

received > thiếu -ed, reaches, dư "the"

outbreak > our break, viết rời, upgrade, operate, approach, outpress, outspread

Health > world health, Half, How, This

dropping > growing, thiếu 1 chữ p, propping

separate > secret, spread, dư -ed, searched, secrect, excepted, safepress

several > tự nhiên viết hoa, several old

community > sao lại viết hoa

religious > release, religiuos, release, religion, relieved, relative, releas, related

vaccinations > thiếu s, vaccine actions, internation

decided > vaccinated

known > none, non, unknown, long

State > viết thường, Stay

infected > effected, in facted, infact, effect, in fact the , effective, affect, infracted, in fact

signs > shine, shame, thiếu s, shy, sham, sight(s), side

public > pupblic it, population, pulic

at risk > reach, reaches, real, existed, at risked, addressed, not read, dư s, expressed, thiếu at, not rich, arrest, spread, interest

affects > effect, thiếu s, attacks, access

waste > way(s), dư s, wave(s), weight(s), waist, weak, wait, weigh

nerve > nous, no, all, nurse, most. Nub, known

permanent > parmelent, parmanent, permanence, permenent, perminant

legs > neck(s) (cái "lày" là dzo "lói" ngọng đây) , lifes (làm gì có chữ này), lack, left,

cure > curer, kill(s), killer, cue, killed

online > launched, viết rời, dư -ed, show online, lived

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