unit 4

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Unit 4: General Motors Announces Plan to Reduce Jobs and Factories

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I'm Steve Ember with IN THE NEWS in VOA Special English.

This week, General Motors ...(1) a three-year plan to lower its ...(2). The plan ...(3) G.M. to ...(4) its number of workers in North America by ...(5) thousand. That is a ...(6) of seventeen ...(7). The company ...(8) it will close ...(9) or part of twelve ...(10) in the United States and Canada.

Its chief ...(11) officer, Rick Wagoner, says the cuts are ...(12) for the company to ...(13). General Motors has ...(14) more than four thousand million dollars this year. And that is not its only ...(15). In October its largest ...(16), Delphi, ...(17) protection in ...(18) court after heavy ...(19).

General Motors is the ...(20) maker in the ...(21). But the company has ...(22) against foreign ...(23), especially the Japanese ...(24) Toyota and Honda. Forty years ago, General Motors controlled ...(25) the market in the United States. Now it controls ...(26) of it.

G.M. will ...(27) production to better ...(28) demand. It ...(29) to produce just over four million ...(30) a year in North America by the end of two thousand ...(31). That is thirty percent ...(32) than it ...(33) in two thousand two.

...(34) experts ...(35) the situation in part on poor ...(36) and vehicle ...(37) that have not been very ...(38). Other reasons, they say, include ...(39) health care and ...(40) payments.

The new cuts and ...(41) announced earlier are ...(42) to lower costs by about seven thousand million dollars next year.

The number of ...(43) to be lost, thirty thousand, is five thousand ...(44) than Mister Wagoner had announced ...(45) this year. G.M. officials say they want to reduce ...(46) numbers ...(47) through retirements.

...(48), the United Auto Workers ...(49) calls the cuts ...(50). The labor union says it will do everything ...(51) power to ...(52) job security programs.

Union officials ...(53) the idea that the problems at General Motors are ...(54) high labor costs. ...(55), they say, workers and their ...(56) will be the ones who ...(57) because of the ...(58) announced this week.

The ...(59) labor agreement ...(60) General Motors to continue to ...(61) workers even when factories ...(62). And the company cannot ...(63) close factories without union ...(64). So the factories cannot ...(65) close until the two ...(66) reach an agreement in the next ...(67). Those ...(68) in two thousand seven.

Some industry ...(69) say the union might not have much ...(70) but to ...(71) the job cuts and factory ...(72). They say the union has to be careful not to go ...(73). Too much ...(74) could send the company into bankruptcy court to ...(75) protection from its ...(76). Then ...(77) agreements with the union ...(78) be renegotiated.

IN THE NEWS in VOA Special English was written by Nancy Steinbach. ...(79) users can ...(80) and listen to our reports at voaspecialenglish.com I'm Steve Ember.

announced => announces, anounced, annouced, annouce, are now

costs => thiếu s

calls for => cost, caused for, thiếu for, cause(s) for, called

reduce => dư s


cut => cup

percent => dư s, % (tuy đúng, nhg ký hiệu thì chỉ đi với con số), process

says => said, saids


factories => factoried

executive => execute, ejecate, representative, executor, exactitude, exactative, excutive, exactly about, exactly


compete => complete, compet

lost => lots

problem => dư s

supplier => supply

sought => sort, short, soft, sold, such, shot, shorter

bankruptcy => bankrupt, bankrubtcy, bankruptive

losses => losts, loses, losest, lossess, largest

largest automobile => largest on automobile, of mobile, on mobile, automobi, largest of mobile


struggled => truggled, stronger, judder, thiếu -ed, strongly

competitors => competitive(s), thiếu s, competities, competition

automakers => thiếu s, automobile makers, maker, automator, automatic, automatically, or Jamaica

half => dư of, have

one-fourth => one-forth, dư s (chừng nào 2/4 trở lên thì mới có s), one-fouth, one fourt, one for, onefull

reduce => dư s (có will mà dám thêm s)


plans => planed, lands, thiếu s

cars and trucks => thiếu s


fewer => huger

built => build(s), builded

Industry => viết thường, industrial

blame => dư -ed, lay, plan, lane, plain, explains, planned, said, blaim(ed), explain

decisions => thiếu s, dicisions

designs => thiếu s, desings (ẩu nè), designed, more than

creative => created, preative, creatived, creatative

costly => cost plea, court please, costs in

retirement => retiremant

measures => measurements, mesure, measurers, message(s), majors, mergers

expected => respected

jobs => jam



employee => dư s, imployees


Still => viết thường, Steve


unfair => on favour, on fare, there

in its => indeed

enforce => inforce, enfource, afford, enford


because of => beacause of

Yet => Yes, viết thường

communities => thiếu s, communitis

suffer => dư -ed, sofer

actions => thiếu s, actuals


requires => required


close => dư -ed,

permanently => thiếu -ly, permenant, permanately, efficiently, parmanent, permenently, permitted

approval => approve

officially => efficiently, officialy, offically, affliction

sides => thiếu s

contract talks => contrast talks, talk thiếu s, contact talk, contrast thought

will take place => were taken place, would take place, was taked place, were take place, was take place, were, contract bridge, won't take place

experts => expers

choice => dư s, choise, chose

accept => except

closings => close(s), thiếu s, closin, closes

too far => to far, too fast

pressure => presser, presses, dư s

seek => sick

creditors => creat, credulity, creator, quality, cretitive, gratitute, competitive, square, quantities


would have to => will have to, thiếu to, thiếu would

Internet => internal


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