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Unit5: Effort Aims for Low-Cost Computers for Poor Children

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I'm Steve Ember with the VOA Special English ...(1).

Computer ...(2) in the United States are working on a low-cost computer for young people in developing countries. The ...(3) is for every child to ...(4) one.

The project ...(5) by Nicholas Negroponte, ...(6) of the Media ...(7) at the Massachusetts ...(8) of Technology. Mister Negroponte ...(9) announced the idea of a one hundred dollar ...(10) computer in January. He just ...(11) an early ...(12) of the computer at the World Summit on the Information ...(13).

The ...(14) took place earlier this month in Tunisia. The United Nations organized the ...(15) to discuss Internet ...(16) in developing nations.

...(17), the computers ...(18) to use the free operating system ...(19) instead of a ...(20) like Microsoft Windows. Users without ...(21) will be able to turn a ...(22) to ...(23) the battery. A special ...(24) will have the ability to change to a black-and-white...(25). That way, users could see it even in ...(26) sunlight.

And the computers ...(27) be able to connect ...(28) to each other and to the Internet.

The ...(29) will not be able to store ...(30) of information. But they will be made to...(31). Also, the ...(32) color should make them more ...(33) to children -- and less appealing to ...(34).

...(35) has set up a ...(36) organization called One Laptop ...(37) Child to develop the computer. Five companies, including ...(38) and News...(39), have ...(40) given two million dollars to ...(41) the group. The plan is ...(42) the computers to ...(43) that order at least one million of...(44).

The laptop is still not ...(45) developed. And there are other...(46), like how to get Internet service to...(47). But officials say they should have computers ...(48) by the end of next year or early two thousand seven.

Countries that ...(49) an interest ...(50) Brazil, China, Egypt, ...(51), South Africa and Thailand.

The computers ...(52) cost more than one hundred dollars to ...(53) in the beginning. But Nicholas Negroponte says he wants to ...(54) even more.

A two hundred dollar version may be ...(55) to the public.

In Massachusetts, ...(56) Mitt Romney has ...(57) to buy a low-cost computer for every ...(58) and high school student in his...(59).

This VOA Special English Development Report was written by Jill Moss. Internet users can read and listen to our reports at voaspecialenglish.com. I'm Steve Ember.

Đáp án

Development Report => đây là tên chương trình phải viết hoa, dư s

scientists => dtừ chung kg viết hoa nhé, thiếu s, Sientist, sciencetists, scientits

dream => deram (viết ẩu đây), green

own => all, dư -ed

is led => is lead, is let, leads, is planned, is leaded, is plan

chief => kg viết hoa từ này, He's, chef, cheaf, he is, chieft, see, seed, she's, sit, mister

Lab => Lap, viết thường, Land, net, and Lap, left, dư 'of'

Institute => viết thường, Instituted, dư s, introduce, institude, institue, instutite

first => fist

laptop => viết hoa, latop, dư s, lapton

presented => presentation, project(ed), thiếu -ed , dư 've, dư has, projented

version => vision, urgent, verision

Society => viết thường, sociaty, scientic, Socienty, sociality

three-day meeting => để dấu gạch nối sai chỗ, dư s, free-day, friday meeting, free day medium, early meeting

conference => conferencé, dư s, conflant, conferent

growth => goal, Group, world

To save money => ... seek..., to say money

are expected => designer expected, respected, espected, has ecpected, will, excepted

Linux => Linard, Linus, viết thường, learner, Lenux, run it, Linus. Lilux

product => brother, produced, dư s, project

electric power => relaxed

wind-up handle => wide, wide-uf, wide of, one of, on-off, wand of, one-dot, wire up, wired-off, wide ud, wonder handle, white of, one of, wisenous

recharge => charge, discharge, retry, rechart, reachas, witch of

full-color display => fore color, four color, coloured

image => in each, in it(s), dư s, innit, elect, intead

bright => rise, price, while

will => were, would, was

wirelessly => wiseously, wireless, wireless lead, widness, wide lately, widely

machines => thiếu s, missing, seen, missing, dream

huge amounts => thiếu s, huge demand survey (??), mounts, dư "saving", huge domain server, huge demand, hug demand, huge a man

survive rough conditions => thiếu s, ... gruff .., service worst condition, service dump condition, ... raft..., survival, survice, servicer up, ... rock..., service group conditions, service routh ...

lime-green là màu này nè các bạn => light-green, light dream, lame green, lamp green, line green, white green, life green

appealing => apealing, abilling, pilling, appearling

robbers => rubbish, adult, robot(s), dropper, wrapper, drub, robust, groups, rapers

M.I.T. => NIT, ko có dấu chấm cũng được, dù sao thì ng ta cũng hiểu

non-profit => north, non-private, non-profess, none, non profect

per => viết hoa, call, for, poor, machine

Google => đây là từ wen thuộc nhất vậy mà có bạn vẫn nghe thành Googo, dư s, Gogo

Corporation => Cooperation, Coporation

each => its, it

finance => finaces, finace, dư s, final, financial

to sell => save, to sale, thiếu 'to'

education ministries => Education Ministry, thiếu s, viết hoa là sai, education industries,

them => others, USD, offer, one

fully => dư "in", forlead

issues => thiếu s, issued, issuses, isues

poor villages => poor validity, pull vilage, thiếu s, villagers, poor valueless, poor verlegide

ready for shipment => ... segment, already for shipman, ready for six months, ready for set month, ... shipmen

have expressed => present perfect mà thiếu -ed, express, expression, expresstion, expretion

include => dư -ed, dư s

Nigeria => Nigieria, Negeria, tên quốc gia mà viết thường

may => made, make

manufacture => dư s, dư "the", many factory

cut the price => dư s, thiếu "the"

sold => sought, show(ed)

Governor => viết thường, Government, governer, govern

proposed => propossed, purpose(d)

middle => medium, medal, mettle

state => viết hoa là sai, stick, stage

Sửa lần cuối bởi Maroon_Opal : 19-11-2006 lúc 08:53 PM.

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