Chapter 1: The Calm Before The Storm

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December 7th 1941

Location: Washington D.C., United States Of America

Adam's POV

I open my eyes to see everything returned back to Normal as we all stood up from the ground.

"Jesus Christ...Mike, Gather the Staff to the Pentagon Now. We need to find out what the hell is going on, Adam i need you to return to your post."

Joseph orders both me and Mike as we gave him a nod as i now rushed out of the white house.


Location: U.S. - Canadian Border.


An American Border Patrol Rushes to an officer, panting as he breathes heavily.

"Sir, you need to see this..."

The Unit gave the Officer his binoculars and pointed to What seems to be Canadian Soldiers, but not any Canadian Soldiers. WW2 Ones marching towards the Canadian Capital.

"What the...Get there attention we need Answers, i don't care we break protocol, the air is too clean and there's more trees than before."

The Officer Orders as the whole Border goes on Full Alert while a Jeep carrying Border Patrol Officers rushes out of the American Side to Canadian Territory.

Canadian's Point of view

Things aren't looking good at Europe. Germany took over France and The British is the sole Allied Country in Europe Left.

These Canadian Soldiers will be shipped out soon to Britain to assist.

One Canadian Soldier notices a vehicle approaching the group.

"What the...Incoming from the south!"

He shouts as the Canadian soldiers quickly unslings there rifle and point at the Vehicle as it stops in front of them. Two men exit the odd vehicle with there hands raised as the Canadians were now confused of what there wearing and who they are.

"Easy there, we're just looking for help."

One of them say in an American Accent as the Canadians lower there Rifles, realizing its Americans.

"Who and why are you here?"

The Canadian Officer Asks, seeing the American Flag on there vest but a bit different.

"We come from the Border, i don't know if you people are doing an play or something but we need answers."

The other man say as the Soldiers look at each other with a confused look.

"...Play? The hell are you talking about Yankee, We're being deployed to Britain because of the Germans."

The Border Patrol Agents look at each other confused then turning back.

"I don't understand, are you talking about World War two? That ended in 1945, its 202X."

The Canadian Soldiers we're now confused but quickly realized. There gear, there vehicle, the way they talk...these aren't normal Americans.

"I-I think your Mistaken...Its 1941."

The Americans eyes widen as one of them reaches for there radio.

"Sir...We got a problem."

A day Later

At Camp Pendleton, Multiple U.S. Marine rush around while a nearby TV Can be seen showing the news.

"It seems that most of communications outside the United States has Ceased with Multiple Islands appearing in the east and West coast with Overseas Bases of the US Military. The International Space station reports that Europe was engulf with flames and the noticeable rise of the Environment. The air seems more clean and US Military Personal are placed on High alert. Meanwhile in the U.S. Canadian Border, reports are saying of Canadian soldiers wearing World War Two Uniforms are seen talking to Border Patrol Agents. This has yet to be confirmed by the President. There has also been reports of Americans who claimed to be Tourists outside the U.S. Appearing out of nowhere back at there homes. Meanwhile First Responders arrive at the scene of the crash Landing of Flight 691 At the Coast of New York after a power failure caused the aircraft to crash when the incident happened. The death toll Nationwide is Fifty six Dead and multiple Injured. We'll come back to you, this is Mr. Anderson of CNN."

Adam can be seen exiting the Humvee and rushing inside to his Barracks.

Adam's POV

As i open the door, i was greeted with the sight of my Friends and Team. Jessie my Best friend was the first to notice me.

"Jesus Christ Daniels i got worried."

She Says as the whole team turns to me.

"What's the situation at DC?"

Sgt. Zander asks me as i sat down on a chair to join my Friends.

"Same as New York, Seattle, everywhere, we still have no clue what the fuck is happening-"

I was cutoff as the door open revealing General Fredrick.

We quickly all stood and saluted.

"At Ease. Marines i want you to understand what i tell you is classified."

We all lower our arms, confused at the Generals' words.

"Lance corporal or should i say Corporal Daniels. Your Brother has issued an Executive Order. From Intel we have from Satellite Imaging, Drone Recon, and communications with Subic Base...We have some how time traveled back to 1941."

My eyes widen hearing those words. 1941? But doesn't that mean...

I see my mates having my same reaction, shocked and confusion.

"We have found out that a shockwave of sorts knocked out every power within multiple miles of US Territory. Lucky for us the Fleet that was supposed to attack Pearl Harbor was within the vicinity of the shockwave. The Executive order wasn't announced to the public yet but...The President Ordered The Deployment of U.S. Military Personal into Europe and Asia."

This doesn't seem real. How can we just go back in time to 1941? It doesn't make any sense.

"Sir, with all Due Respect. Why are you telling us this?"

Lt. Hale asks the General.

"...The President Wants you Marine First on the Ground in Britain. He personally asked Langley to put you in the front. We are still trying to find the cause but we also found out that our overseas bases are also carrying Soldiers from Other Nations or at least the Modern nations. The British, French, Germans, Japanese, Estonian, Basically all of our allies. The bad thing is, most of those soldiers countries are considered enemies...I can't explain anymore here. You'll be briefed once you arrived at the 6th Fleet in the Atlantic."

As we stayed silent, taking in the words of the general he left as me and my team stays silent.

"...This has to be a joke..."

Daniel mutters as i add.

"...why would they send our asses?"

We stayed silent for a moment until Jessie adds.

"First to Fight am i right?"

After we discuss more i exit the Barracks with my phone in my hand. I reached for my phone and dialed My Girlfriend's Number. As i wait for Dash to pick up i watch a few Marines walk pass me, muttering the words.

"This Doesn't make any sense, why the hell are we being deployed at The Philippines?"

As they walk out of earshot of me the phone picks up.

"Oh thank god, Dash i was so worr-"

She cut me off with those words striking me like lightning.

"Adam...This Isn't working..."

My Heart skipped a beat as my eyes widen.

"Adam...I was seeing someone else...I can't be with you anymore...I'm sorry but this isn't working...I'm sorry..."

As she hangs up the phone i stare in disbelief and shock at the wall in front of me as i leaned against the wall behind me.

Tears form in my eyes as i continue to stare in disbelief...This Has to be a dream...First we're back in 1941 and my Girl cheated on me with a Jodi...FUCKING JODI!

I struggle to suppress my whimper, making sure i don't get caught by anybody...

"Hey Daniels, you alright?"

I quickly turn to see Jessie with a concern look in her face as i quickly wipe away the tears while sniffing a bit.

"I-I'm good Jackson..."

I forced a reassuring smile on my face but it didn't work.

"...Adam your such an Horrible liar, what happened?"

She asks me one more time, this time using my first name as the tears i suppressed showed themselves.

"...Its Dash...She fucking cheated on me and broke up with me..."

I finally told her, as i look to the ground.

"What the hell Am i supposed to do now Jessie..."

I ask her as i felt her wrapped her arm in the back of my neck.

"Adam...Forget about her...listen...Me and the guys are here for you...You'll get through this...I'm here for you Adam...we all are..."

I turn back to my Redhead bestfriend as i felt a small smile form on my face.

"Thank you...Thank You Jessie."

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