Chapter 3: Yankees (Rewrite starts here)

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(This is where the changes started to begin folks)

Adam's POV

As we now enter the streets of London, Multiple buildings we're collapsed and destroyed from the Nazi Bombings. In the mean time Jessie is Taking Pictures of the Destruction for Command. As we continue to follow Amelia, Multiple Brits stare at us in confusion and fear.

"Jesus Christ...Fucking History Books couldn't at the horrors we're seeing?"

Javier Mutters as Amelia Perks Up, turning her head to us.

"What do you mean History Books?"

She asks Us as i sigh.

"Once again Ma'am, everything will be explained whe-"

"When what?"

A gruff voice was heard behind us as we all turned to see...

Prime Minister Winston Churchill was surrounded by Multiple Royal Marines as they now Surround me and my team, never seeing men like us before.

"Holy shit its actually him."

Jessie Whispers to me as Amelia steps in.

"Prime Minister sir, My name is Agent Amelia Sanders, British Intelligence. These men and...Woman claim to come from the United States."

Winston Perks up hearing that we're Americans as he turned to us with a small greeting smile.

"Ah, Americans. Good to see Yankee's in London, so what do i owe this Visit?"

He asks us with a Kind Tone as the Royal Marines Tone Down there alert.

Lt. Hale Steps in saluting to Churchill.

"Sir, its an Honor to Meet You. My Name is Lt. Freddy Hale of the United States Marine Corps Force Recon."

Churchill tilts his head, hearing Force Recon.

"I've Never heard Force Recon Before, and i have never seen the American Military Issue those...Clothing and Weapons."

He says as Lt. Hale turn to us, giving us a nod as we all knew what was about to happen next. Hale turns back to Churchill.

"Well sir, This may sound like science fiction to you or a lie but...The U.S. In 1941 Was replaced by the U.S. From 202X."

As soon as he says that everyone's eyes widen but Churchill kept a calm Manner.

"202X? That seems quite impossible...Tell Me, What Happens to us and You Americans after this War?"

Churchill Asks Us, not believing us as i now popped in.

"Sir, in December 7th 1941 the U.S. Was attacked by the Japanese in Pearl Harbor with Both Germany and Japan declaring war. In response to this the U.S. Has joined the Allied Forces. In the 9th of May, 1945 Nazi Germany Surrenders with the Suicide of Adolf Hitler. In the Pacific the Japanese surrenders after Two Large warheads were dropped in Nagasaki and Hiroshima. The War officially ended in The 2nd of September, 1945. The war's Death toll is...70–85 million...Mostly from Civilians."

As i finished, everyone except me and my team stare in shock, the Number of death's, The end of the War, Everything.

"....70-85 Million People...My god..."

Amelia stutters in shock covering her mouth as Churchill looks down.

"...So we won...At that cost...Its Impossible."

Churchill says as Lt. Hale turns to me.

"Give him the Book."

I gave him a nod, grabbing my rucksack and Opening it. I pulled out a History Book and gave it to Churchill as he takes it slowly

"Sir...This book contains every information about the second world war...right now, it is more valuable than the whole economy of the world."

I tell Churchill as he Opens the Book, quickly landing on the Normandy Landings as he read it silently.

He turns back to us.

"...This is-"

Churchill was cutoff with a Young Royal Marine Private butting in.

"Sir! German Bombers inbound!"

His eyes widen as he pockets the Book. Air raid sirens we're now heard all across England as Civilians rushed into Bunker. We looked up to see sillohetes of German Bombers

Before we could respond our radios lit up.

"This is Eagle 5-1, Engaging Bandit."

A voice says through our comms as all of the sudden Two of the bombers we're hit by missiles an F-35 fly over us.

"Two Bandits down, There going slow engaging with 25mm."

The Pilot says as the bombers started to get ripped to shreds.

multiple thump's can be rapidly heard. Everyone turns to see Multiple Black Hawks and Ospreys Landing.

"Chalks on the Ground, going to Holding Pattern."


December 8, weeks before contact in Europe

Location: Philippines

Japanese troop carriers can be seen approaching the Coast of the Philippines, these men ready to fight as they easily assume the small force of US and Filipino Soldiers can't possibly beat us. Even if they we're US Armor, they can be easily taken out since the Air attack earlier would have taken it out.

As the first Jap troop carrier hits the beach, the Japanese soldiers rushing out yelling "BANZAI" as they rush towards the presumed Defenses in the end of the beach which was a jungle. But little did they know it wasn't that easy.

"All Hitman teams, send them back to Tokyo."

Soon the entire Japanese invasion force was met with hundred and hundred of rounds and explosions as the one thousand strong US Force defending this part of the Beach lets loose.


Artillery shells rain hell to the beaches and ships as the Japanese we're caught off guard. There wasn't supposed to be a heavily defensive positions.

As Japanese destroyers and a battleship prepare to fire their cannons towards the presumed defenders position...



The Japanese ships who we're about to rain hell on the beach was suddenly met with Missiles and Thousands of hot lead easily piercing the ships as The Japanese sailors look up in shock.

The two lone A-10 Warthog's rain hell on the Japanese ships, instantly killing thousands as the Japanese who we're expecting an easy victory was met with a force so powerful it brought them to shock.

Meanwhile the Transported Subic Base and Clark Airfield, originally meant to protect the Philippines from Chinese Hostilities in 2022 was now sending its forces across the Philippines.

This...Wasn't just in the Philippines...Some of the bases stayed in its original Positions.

Location: NATO Base, Germany

German, American and NATO Soldiers can be seen firing towards hundred and thousands of Nazi troops rushing the NATO Base. M1 Abrams, A-10s, Bradleys, Leopards, Everything unleashed hell on the Nazi Soldiers.

This...This is the beginning to change History.

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