For our Unity/Wings of the Republic: Lend-Lease

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Historical background

The program was enacted March 11th, 2029, by United States Government during the European Civil War which began on January 15th, 2029, along with it's direct involvement in the said war. Participating supply nation also included Singapore, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Brazil, and United Korea. Separate aid program were also conducted at that time by Russia, India, and China. The Lend-Lease Act of 2029 authorized the president to transfer arms or any other defense materials for which Congress appropriated money to "the government of any country whose survival the President deems vital to the defense of the United States and international world order." which means the members of the NATO alliance, minus Turkey which was expelled in 2029 due to their support of the Islamist terror groups fighting in Europe during that time.

When Indonesia had their own civil war in 2033 the act also used as the base in which Western and Asia-Pacific nation aligned with the US or at least friendly to its interests while officially non-aligned like India, to provide military and other material aid to the Indonesian government, with the most known example are Korean-made Hyundai Rotem K3 and earlier K2A3 main battle tanks, K11 self-propelled howitzers, K330 multiple rocket launchers, along with advanced stealth and AI technologies supplied into the country's military industrial complex. In the repeat of their involvement aiding European governments. China and Russia also supported the Indonesian government.

After the civil wars were over, the United States Congress voted to keep the legislative act intact but with the status of "suspended" as the 2030s approached its end, after intelligence warned that the wars are only the precursor for a larger hostilities, which became a reality after the United Caliphate Confederation was declared, in December 15th, 2040, in Saudi Arabia, devastated by the war with Iran, which occurred on August 16th, 2029, in conjunction with the European Civil War.

Upon the first shot of the war were fired when the UCC declared a jihad war against Israel, the emergency session of Congress agreed to extend the program to Israel, and also authorized American arms manufacturers, with long-established relationship with the country, to license-manufacture Israeli arms and weapon systems, and fully re-commenced the program when the UCC over-run part of Greece, Balkan, and South-Eastern part of Europe after it's failure of it's invasion to Israel.

Administration and Routes

Like it's predecessor centuries ago an Office of Lend-Lease Administration was established as an executive office under the President of the USA, later after more nations involved along with the United Nations which sent liaisons into the agency, it become an independent US government-sponsored corporation, the International Military Mutual Aid Coordinating Agency (IMMACA).

Routes used by the European Civil War era Lend-Lease deliveries both includes commercial air and shipping corridors with convoys, without any escorts, in which thanks to the Islamic State of Europe's doesn't have a naval component, with exception of sabotage and suicide attack in European ports including the usage of exploding drones, which necessitated the convoys to be armed with anti-drone systems. In addition, Suez Canal was deemed unsafe, so convoys from Asia were routed via Cape of the Good Hope.

In the second phase (World War III), the routings were the same, with a further addition, a dedicated air corridor for United States and European Community nations airlift effort to support Israel early in the war was established with multiple branches; first branch was the usage of the same route that was used in the Operation Nickel Grass; using Lajes Air Base in Portugal as a staging point, with heavy air and naval escort. Matters made easier when NATO had obtained naval superiority in the Mediterranean Sea four months after the UCC invasion to Israel. The second route was via Ramstein Air Base in Germany, and the third was via RAF Lakenheath in Britain.

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