Wings of the Republic: Indonesian Government Ministries in 2040s

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A/N: This might be less relevant with the story but this was part of the universe.. so let's go!

I. Overview

The ministries are one of the most influential component of the executive branch of the Indonesian Government. Ministries are appointed by the President and could be dismissed at any time. Beginning from Joko Widodo second administration, younger-than-40 people without any political party affiliations are increasingly involved and become minister, further perfected by the succeeding administrations even during the 2033-2035 Civil War. Senior bureaucrats are de-facto balancing power in the ministries especially if the said minister was either young or non-partisan.

List of ministries and ministry level organizations in 2040s:

A. Without coordinating minister (ministry level organizations/pejabat setingkat menteri)

1. Ministry of State Secretariat, providing technical, administrative, and analytical support to the President and Vice President in the exercise of their state powers

2. Ministry of National Development Planning/National Development Agency

3. Agency of Reconstruction and Rehabilitation:

Shortened form of Coordinating Agency of Reconstruction, and Rehabilitation of Regions Affected by the Civil War, Badan Rekonstruksi dan Rehabilitasi Wilayah dan Masyarakat Terdampak Perang in Indonesian. Initially established in 2036 to coordinate reconstruction and rehabilitation activities related to the aftermath of Civil War. The eve of World War III expanded it's scope to refugee and asylum-seeker relief from Middle Eastern and South Asian countries impacted by war.

4. National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB)

5. Attorney General of the Republic of Indonesia

6. Indonesian National Police (it's chief had ministerial level but still answer to the Minister of the Interior)

7. Indonesian National Armed Forces (it's chief had ministerial level but still answer to the Minister of Defense)

8. Indonesian Coast Guard (it's chief had ministerial level but still answer to the Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries)

9. State Intelligence Agency (BIN)

10. Cabinet Secretariat

11. National Land Agency (BPN)

B. Under the Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal, and Security

1. Ministry of the Interior

2. Ministry of Defense

3. Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development

4. Ministry of Justice and Human Rights

5. Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform

6. Ministry of Communications and Information Technology

7. Ministry of Veterans Affairs

C. Under the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture

1. Ministry of Health and Labour

2. Ministry of Education, Culture, Science, and Technology

3. Ministry of Youth and Sports Affairs

4. Ministry of Religious and Traditional Beliefs Affairs

5. Ministry of Rural Development and Tribal Affairs

6. Ministry of Women Empowerment and Family Affairs

7. Ministry of Social Affairs

D. Under the Coordinating Ministry for Economics

1. Ministry of Finance

2. Ministry of Digital and Creative Economics

3. Ministry of Small-Medium Enterprises and Cooperatives

4. Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Food

5. Ministry of Environment

6. Ministry of Trade, Investment, and Industry

7. Ministry of Public Works, Housing, and Urban Development

D. Under the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs

1. Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries

2. Ministry of Transportation

3. Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources

4. Ministry of Tourism

II. Presidential Line of Succession

In case of the sitting president died in office, incapacitated, resigned before his or her term ends, or impeached the following line of succession took effect:

1. Vice President

2. If both President and the VP was unable to complete their terms for all reason mentioned above there will be a collective presidency by three ministers for 30 days until new election is called by People's Consultative Assembly with the following orders:

- Minister of Internal Affairs, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister of Defense

3. If one or all three were unavailable for any reason the following order will be:

- Minister of Justice and Human Rights

- Minister of Finance

- Minister of Trade, Investment, and Industry

- Minister of Education, Culture, Science, and Technology

- Minister of Health

- Minister of Youth and Sports Affairs

- Minister of Agriculture and Food

- Minister of Labor

- Minister of Social Affairs

- Minister of Veteran Affairs

- Minister of Transportation

- Minister of Public Works, Housing, and Urban Development

- Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries

- Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources

- Minister of Communications and Information Technology

- Minister of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform

- Minister of Religious and Traditional Beliefs Affairs

- Minister of Rural Development and Tribal Affairs

- Minister of Women Empowerment and Family Affairs

- Minister of Digital and Creative Economics

- Minister of Small-Medium Enterprises and Cooperatives

- Minister of Tourism

- Minister of Environment Affairs


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