Wings of the Republic: Treaty of Budapest

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1. Spoiler for the story's ending.

2. Politically sensitive and will be hard to stomach by many.

3. This map above was obtained from globalresearch(dot)ca, a known left-wing and "revolutionary" think tank under the leadership of a Canadian author, economist, and conspiracy theorist Michel Chossudovsky. So, if you look at its contents expect heavy amount of pro left wing and communist contents there.

"Progressive" in the Western world nowadays is a euphemism of hard left politics, which in my opinion is not much better than religious instigated identity politics plaguing my own country!



After the World War III was officially ended, a lengthy peace conference was immediately convened in Budapest, Hungary.

One of the most important result of the conference was the "New Middle East" in which the borders were redrawn in the spirit of "fixing mistakes of the Sykes-Picot Agreement"

The region was finally reorganized as described below, but not without problems thanks to the differing interest between Western powers (NATO), and pro western members of the PPDU like Japan, NZ, Australia, and Korea, and Eurasian powers fronted by China and Russia, especially in matters pertaining to Palestine.

1. Russian and Chinese persistence ensured Syria maintain her territorial integrity under the Ba'ath Party, accepted by the West as a lesser evil in return of non-aggression pact with Israel; with the Northern part of the country, used to be Rojava, opted for special autonomy a la old region of Iraqi Kurdistan instead of joining the newly formed state of Kurdistan consists of former Turkish and Iraqi Kurdish region. 

2. Break-up of Saudi Arabia; Hejaz region was annexed by Jordan, forming the Greater Kingdom of Jordan with the Two Holy Cities were put under nominal Jordanian sovereignity but jointly administered by a Special International Commission for Two Holy Cities with Jordan, Malaysia, and Indonesia as it's main contributor, along with Muslim representatives from China, Philippines, African Union, Indian subcontinent, Thailand, and Myanmar. Meanwhile the Najran, Jizan, and Azir region was allocated to the US pending a plebiscite, and the rest was named Saudi Homelands Territory, centered in Riyadh, which was initially planned to be destroyed a la Warsaw in World War II. The Eastern Shia-majority province was attached to the SHT with special autonomy.

3. The Palestinian Authority was reduced in autonomy and then disbanded; and the West Bank and Gaza Strip was renamed, by the Israeli government, as "Autonomous Region of Arab Palestine" modeled after old Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao in the Philippines, without it's Sharia Law. Jerusalem was given fully to Israeli administration which in return "internationalized" the Temple Mount under an International Commission consist of Israel, United States, Switzerland, Russia, Italy, and Jordan. Security in a said area are responsibility of a Multinational Security Company, modeled after the old Multinational Force and Observer, which itself was revived by Egypt and Israel, with smaller personnel than the former.

4. The remains of the region of Iraq was made a confederation; with a predominantly Sunni region in the North, Assyrian homeland in the West, and the Shia one in the South. Despite the signing of the treaty in December 2046 there are significant agitations from a section of Arab Nationalists backed by Russia and China for geopolitical reasons, for a merger between Iraq and Syria with Kurdistan also be the part of the aspired united Republic; United Republic of Syria and Iraq.

5. Iran's government and monarchy was fully restored with all regions intact including it's Kurdish region, that opted to remain with the Shah.

6. Due to the demand of pro-Allied Free Turkish Movement, Turkish sovereignity was partially reestablished with the country divided into occupation and 'free' zones; It's part of Eastern Thrace and Smyrna were occupied by Greece, while Bosporus and Dardanelles region incl. Istanbul was reorganized as a "Free Territory of Bosporus, Dardanelles, and Istanbul" (FTBDI) akin to the Free Territory of Trieste or Free City of Danzig administered by the UNSC. Black Sea region was occupied jointly by Korea, Indonesia, and Japan with the administrators are mostly Japanese. Meanwhile Eastern Anatolia region was occupied by Russia. Southeastern Anatolia Area was given to the United States, while South and Southwestern Anatolia area including the city of Antalya was given to joint Franco-German administration. In return for the country to be permitted to re-arm five years after the end of the war, Russia and China put forward following demands for the country's independence, namely; neutrality, admission of Armenian Genocide, and no foreign military bases.

7. Pakistan was divided into a northern occupation zone which includes cities of Rawalpindi and Islamabad was administrated by the PRC, while the southern zone which include former Azad Kashmir and Balochistan region was given to India; to the disappointment of China. 

8. Thanks for it's strategic position the Government of Djibouti was restored, but was made a French associated state with it's NATO partners and other allies, including Japan, also enjoyed unlimited military access, effectively expelled China from the region.

9. Libya: Senussi order was restored and the Kingdom of Libya is reborn as a constitutional monarchy. However the country was made an associated state with the United States for five years with it's armed forces was limited to 60.000 personnel, in which 45.000 are to be in the Army and Air Force.

10. Egypt, upon the end of occupation it's armed forces are to be limited to 370,000 personnel — of whom at most 345,000 were to be in the Army and Air Force (not including it's gendarmerie component, the Central Security Forces). Furthermore it's government were required to abide to a separate treaty with Israel, the Treaty of Stockholm, which basically a renewed 1978 Camp David Accords that was rendered void by the UCC.

11. Prolonged war and water crisis had rendered northern part of Yemen largely inhabitable with Sana'a was abandoned, so a UN Blue Helmet presence was established to prevent lawlessness in the region. while the Southern Area had a better outlook and soon a "rebadged" South Yemen was declared as a Democratic Republic of Yemen.

12. Afghanistan independence was restored after intense lobby and diplomacy by it's nationalists during the conference as the Republic of Afghanistan, strongly inspired by Indonesian multi-ethnic state example. Due to it's bloody history since 1978 the new Afghan state was soon declared their neutrality in international affairs, using Finland, Austria and Ireland as example.

13. In Nigeria, a pro Chinese government took power immediately after the war and thwarted the planned divide of the country to North and South Nigeria planned by the Western Allies. Other African pro-Eurasian governments in power post war include Tanzania, Zambia, Mozambique, and Namibia.

14. Kosovo. Re-annexed by Serbia (there is speculation that this is an appeasement tactics by NATO to prevent the country for drifting into Russo-Chinese sphere of influence while in return, the region was given a special autonomy).

15. For the rest of the UCC member states and failed African states the UN re-activated the Trusteeship Council; with the following arrangements:

a. US Trust Territories; Maldives, Qatar, Northern Sudan.

b. French Trust Territories; Morocco (incl. Western Sahara), Algeria, Tunisia, Mali, Lebanon

c. British Trust Territories: Kuwait, UAE, Bahrain, Oman, Mauritania (jointly with Canada and France)

d. Chinese Trust Territory: Chad, Ivory Coast.

Russia has no trust territories but it's leadership were content with having friendly countries such as Ethiopia, Cuba, Bolivia, Myanmar, and Cambodia, but most prominently Syria.

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