3: High expectations

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Now we were outside.

It seemed that other Pokemon from separate squadrons gathered outside too.

"Good, is everyone here?" The Hunter asked, as everyone formed a crowd around him.

Some guards nodded at The Hunter's question.

"Alright then. Hello everyone, it's been five months since I've seen you all. But i came here because we finally have a new soldier." He said pointing at me, as i looked around, as everyone was now looking at me.

"Looks weak..." A Blaziken said from the back of the crowd.

The Hunter shook his head.

"You all know Zaiden is just like you all when you all first started." He stated, as the Blaziken shook his head a little.

The Hunter looked a little pissed, and walked over to the Blaziken.

"Soldier S-3!?" He yelled out loud.

"Yes sir?" The Blaziken said, looking at The Hunter.

Suddenly, The Hunter swiped his leg under the Blaziken which made the Blaziken fall. Then, he put his foot on the Blaziken's chest.

"I'll show you, 'weak', S-3..." The Hunter stated, as he punched the Blaziken straight in the stomach really hard.

Soldier S-3 groaned loudly, and laid there in pain.

The Hunter scoffed, and made his way back to the stand in front of us all.

"Now, don't piss me off, or you'll be like S-3 over there, got it!?" The Hunter yelled out loudly.

"Yes sir!!" We all yelled, as i knew now what to say.

S-3 got up slowly, and replied. "Y-yes... S-sir..." He said a little weakly.

"Good, now... Everyone to the field! We have a lot to do." The Hunter said, walking away into a building.

Everyone then starting walking away to a large gateway. It, of course, lead to a field.

But i didn't follow them.

I ran to the building The Hunter was in, and i walked in.

"Hunter!?" I yelled a little, as The Hunter was a few feet away from me.

He shook his head a little, and looked at me.

"What did i tell you to do, Zaiden?" The Hunter questioned.

I stayed silent for a moment, i felt a little awkward at the time, but i finally came to my senses and responded.

"G-go to the field..?" I said a little silently.

"Good, now go." He said turning around and walking away.

"W-wait!" I yelled suddenly.

He turned around again to face me.

"What do you want? I gave you an order, best comply quickly." He said, sounding impatient.

"I want to know who you are... And what this place is." I stated.

He smiled a little and shook his head.

"You really want to ask such a stupid question!?" He yelled slightly.

"I... I do." I said, sounding a little brave.

Why the hell was i standing up to him? I just watched him trip a soldier who has been here longer than i have. He was strong, apparently.

He suddenly started walking over to me.

He was now in front of me, he was impressively taller than most Bisharps I've met.

"I don't think that is a question you should be asking, Z-1..." He said, suddenly grabbing my neck and lifting me up.

I choked a little, but out of instinct, i kicked him away really hard.

He was pushed away from me, he let go of me thankfully, but now, he seemed REALLY pissed.

"What type of idiot are you? Assaulting your own leader... Damn. It's about time i show you what the real world is like." He said, approaching me again.

I backed up a little, i was against a wall now.

He was in front of me again.

He then punched me in the stomach really hard, then grabbed my head and slammed my head against the wall.

I groaned loudly, yelling slightly.

He let me fall to the ground, then backed up a little.

"It's about time you had a taste of reality..." He said, now walking away, as i laid there in pain.

How was he so strong? That punch... That head slam... It hurt like hell.

I slowly got up, holding my stomach, and walked out.

All i wanted was a damn answer, but all i got was a punch in the stomach, and my head slammed into a wall.

I rubbed my head a little, and finally stood up properly.

Freya was waiting for me by the gate.

"Holy shit! What happened to you!?" He questioned.

I just looked at him and didn't answer.

"Don't tell me you confronted The Hunter..." He said.

I then nodded slightly.

"Damn... He'll go hard on you now, since you... Questioned him. I'd advise that you listen to him. ALWAYS." Freya said, now turning around and walking to the field.

I slowly followed

"How did you know i questioned him?" I asked.

He stayed silent for a moment.

"Because i did that too, but on the third day after i came here." He said.

I nodded and acknowledged it.

"By the way, Zaiden... This place, these people... They all expect you to reach their high expectations. And they won't give you a break..." Freya added.

"I could tell..." I said, holding my stomach again, picturing The Hunter punching me again.

"The Hunter is very harsh against everyone. Two days ago, he almost killed someone just for not complying to his order." Freya said.

"I thought he'd be more of a father figure to me, but, he's now more of a mysterious, yet violent stranger now." I said, continuing to walk toward the field.

"For once, i can agree." He noted.

I thought for a moment to myself. A leader who doesn't respect his followers, that's damn messed up.

He'd rather beat them up, or try to kill them if they didn't listen.

"If he does any sort of thing that affects us in a bad way, I'll make sure to stop him." I said out loud.

Then, Freya covered my mouth.

"Don't say that out loud!" He said, still covering my mouth. "If you try to rebel against him in any sort of way... He will kill you."

I looked at him, then pushed him away a bit.

"Then if that is what it takes, leave it be."

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