Short 21: Kai's situation

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*Kai, Puromelon, Zoro, and Nolan are outside on the balcony...*


Zoro: So we, uh, just gonna chill out here boys?

Kai: I guess...

Puromelon: Well, without the worry of Darka... I could, for once, rest easy...

Zoro: Darka? You've been dealing with that creep?

Puromelon: More like... He was trying to deal with me...

Nolan: Why does Darka try to separate this perfect family?

Kai: Perfect family? Eh... We're just a really good friend group.

Zoro: What would you know, Kai... You ran away from your parents three years ago...

Nolan: He what!?

Kai: You had to bring that up...

Puromelon: Why would you run away from your parents?? They most likely cared about you!

Kai: I chose that.... No one can intercept my decision.

Nolan: But why? Why would you do that?

Kai: Because... I knew i could live my life without my parents shoving me around... I knew i could take care of myself...

Nolan: But they cared about you... Right?

Kai: ... *sighs* Yes...

Puromelon: You are lucky to have caring parents...

Zoro: Or any parents at all...

Kai: Lucky or not... I did what i did... And no-one can change that

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