Chapter 22: Neo French Revolution

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(Paris, France. 13:45 Several Days Later)

The city was largely empty as nothing but air and water droplets were heard of. Soon, a distortion ripple of space appeared in front of the Eiffel Tower as it turned into a portal. Gueri came out of the portal as he looked around. Then, the walking crowd came by and ignored the intruder like a normal Parisian day.

" It is a lot more emptier than I imagined. The city known for beauty and loud love is now a place of quiet and isolation. Even a the chirping of birds from miles away can be heard." Gueritaru was freely curious as he looked around more. Bumping into a fine thread line, he was alerted before a barrage of energy blasts appear behind him. He was quick to react as he blocked most attacks. But moving in the slightest triggered any thread as more appeared. The same song dance was repeated. He was increasing get worse and worse of dodging and blocking the blast. " The threads?! What are they and how is triggering a blast reaction!? It must be Dogs, I sense they are here but where?"

The policemen noticed the intruder as they alarmed everyone. A man dressed in an overcoat and a hat observed his attacks. He was whistling around and walking. He pretended to be oblivious and dense when he walked around the streets.

"...I see now" he blocked the final onslaught of attacks as he stayed still afterwards. He scanned the area as he noticed the threads all around every point of the city. "Now I see, it was a tripwire trap to set me up for exhaustion. I have to give then credit for that though, it was indeed a clever attempt. "

The man watched Gueritaru's acts and sat on the bench. Gueri saw the man as he looked at him and asked, " So you're still here for the show? "

He ignored his question as he was intently staring at him.

" A man of silence then. Then let's see what's on his mind" Gueri thought as he summoned the stolen mind stone and used it to read his mind. The man was just staring as he crossed his arms and raised his eyebrows.

" Nothing at all...then we shall wait and see, " said Gueri as he stood still. The crowd turned to him and mumbled as the man grinned. " What is he grinning about? Nothing in his mind, standing around, and a crowd watching..."

Amelia disguised as one of the Parisian crowd secretly took some pictures. She was wearing a black beret and dark overcoat. Her emerald irises were covered by dark circular sunglasses.

" Wait..." he said quietly before scanning the area around him closely and intently looked at the Kree-hybrid woman. " The strands of energy might be a step up..."

She carefully took more pictures and spoke to the man in French which she learned from her grandfather when she was a child. He nodded and took his device which he began working as he could. Amelia turned her attention to the streets and to the people. Gueri then channeled energy at his finger tips.

" If one would step up, surely they will come," he thought has he pointed at the crowd.

" Merci beaucoup, monsieur,
" Amelia nodded and saved those images as she transferred them to the overcoat man's device. She knew it's the only way to expose Gueritaru's activities elsewhere. The being waited and waited before he fired the beam into the ground. A giant eruptions of explosion follow suit as areas were disintegrated or collapsing. Amelia quickly rushed herself into safety as she sensed something's wrong.


Great, it's time to go starburst for real! "
she thought and illuminated herself in the alleyway to transform and flew above the skies. The Kree-Hybrid woman appeared in her NOVA Corps uniform and confronted the attacker. " You got some issues here? "

"A Savior that is post destruction showing up after destruction. Why would they wait if they know?...Makes the mortals think, don't you?"

" Well, I'm just busy figuring out how to let the people know what you're doing, " Amelia answered. " Now, they already knew. "

The crowd and the policemen indignantly glared at Gueritaru. Gueri looked down at the people and back to Amelia as he sighed.

" It's a great shame that mortals alike are stubborn. A display of shear power in a instant like that should've left them trembling. But, it seems this universe has been through much worse. However, the fact remains the same. This universe will slowly die out by my hands none other than less."

" Don't you even think any innocent lives will be involved with your acts? For you, you're just doing it for your satisfaction. But for us, it's genocide. "

" Yet here you stand alone by yourself at the moment. What chance is there for you can handle the chaos yourself until the dogs arrive? I'll tell you how much...." Gueritaru replied before pointing up his finger. "It's a high chance. "

" They will show up, but not this time..." Amelia sternly spoke and illuminated her hands.

"...Let them come...Come if they want, nothing changes."

" Like I said, not this time..." she blasted him down.

The being caught the blast and converted into a destructive energy and aimed it towards the ground. He soon fired the beam, making an immeasurable explosion in the process. Amelia quickly dodged the attack as she flew. The crowd quickly ran away into safety as the half-Kree woman blasted the fire extinguisher on the street.

" You say they will be here. But are they here now? Or after your death? "

" Depends, I'm gonna play tricks on you first! " she replied and blasted her attacks to him.

Gueri smacked away the energy blasts, " Then, it's the latter then!"

Amelia flew around as she decided of hitting the head.

" Now, time for me to go Binary, " she thought and illuminated her body into bright yellow energy and blasted him more.

" Binary?! " Gueri curiously said as he began to maneuver around the blasts. " Already using your trump card? Or are you relying on the Dogs?"

" Both..." she evilly grinned and blasted him another. Then Gueri, grinning, blasted away the blast.

" I hope you guys can show up while I'm diverting him, "
Amelia spoke telepathically to her grandfather and the others while keeping targeting Gueri. Then, he sped towards her before he enhanced his hand with his grey energy.

" Perish Before my holy might!" Gueri said as he clashed with Amelia.

" Not today!! " she gritted her teeth and dodged as she blasted him. Her grandfather and the others exchanged glances as they knew what to do next. Gueri plunged through the blast as he came out from the starting point of the blast. He raised his energy enhanced hand towards Amelia.

" Die! " He then enchanted his energy into a blade and proceeded to slash Amelia. Amelia felt the pain from her right leg as she yelled. She noticed some blue blood dripping from it. Suddenly, a blue blast struck Gueritaru's face.

" STAY AWAY FROM MY GRANDDAUGHTER! " a male voice echoed.

Gueri was thrown away by the blast and into a small building to which his collision toppled the entire building.

" Sacré Bleu! "
a French policeman yelled in fear as the others ran away.

Amelia slowly crawled to escape as she was watching the disaster. Gueri then blasted away the building he was played in. He got up and slowly regenerated as he looked upon the warriors. " So ,they finally arrived. "

Amnon carried his granddaughter away from the falling building. She anxiously panted to see what was happening.

" You have a lot to explain everything..." the Kree Eternal sternly replied.

The overcoat man revealed himself as Dr. Pyromaniac who grinned and stood up from his seat.

" Just witnessed what you have done..." the Inhuman added.

" Well, I supposed this will entertain me further beyond..."

" Oh... Entertain eh? " Deadpool laughed.

" Yeah! Entertain you to death! " Agent UR added.

" And How should you suppose that? I have your stones. What can you possibly do?"

" Well, it's a long story to tell..." Tengfei smirked and turned to Gladius as they both laughed at him.

" You don't have any idea what we have done..." Zavala added.

" To which you have done what? "

" A lot of things! " Carol yelled.

" Then present thy new found ideal, " Gueri said.

Skoúro then soon flew right behind Gueri out of his sight with a ultraviolet blast ready.

" With absolute pleasure "my lord ", " she said before blasting the corrupted being at point blank range.

" Katean, let's do this..." Détente smiled.

" Got it! " the Lunivian time elf nodded and turned around as the two began diverting Gueritaru.

Katean released her time orbs to distract the being as Détente began to form an army of French policemen shooting him using his Reality Stone. Gueri dealt the attacks head on as he was severely damaged. He regenerated before forming a Energy shield around himself. Carol and Amnon both destroyed the Energy shield as Détente continued distracting him.

Skoúro formed another blast of ultraviolet energy towards Gueri, " Perish you zealot! "

" Time to go! " Agent UR beamed and laughed using his Ego Stone energy.

Skoúro fired the blast multiple times at Gueri. The immortal grey flinched with every attack from the heroes as his regeneration couldn't keep up the damage. Zavala used his Barrier Stone and etched on the ground to protect the civilians. Gladius helped him by restoring the environment in normal state.

" Bon Voyage! " Tengfei used his Void energy to strike down Gueritaru. After receiving all the treatment, he wrapped out of the bombardment and regenerated.

" Barbarians, you all lack all respect and dignity to those over you! " the being angrily yelled.

" Let's just see about that statement." Skoúro said before looking at Amnon. " Open the portal! "

" Au Revoir! "
the Kree Eternal evilly grinned and formed a blue portal from the Space Stone. Gueri looked up at the portal before Kai coming out of the portal and kicked him in the neck, cracking it. Kai soon transformed to his Cindersoul form and punched him into another building. "Oh.. that felt good."

" This is Neo French Revolution! " Carol beamed and blasted Gueri using her Binary and Mind Stone.

Gueri quickly transformed to his ultimate form and deflected away the blast as he healed rapidly. "...Hoooo, What will it take to at least convince you?"

" Why don't you ask Napoleon Bonaparte? " she grinned.

Détente grinned and made an imagery of the French general using his Reality Stone to divert Gueritaru. The rest of the Infinity Avengers empowered as the imagery confronted the being. Gueri sighed at the childish attitude of the heroes and summoned the reality stone. "To think I have to result to this."

Détente glared at him and concentrated with his energy as he got enragred and remembered his siblings' deaths caused by that monster. His energy from the negative emotions and his Reality Stone formed a destructive force to control the imagery against Gueritaru by slamming the being into the face.


" He'd became too excited. This force, too weak." Gueri thought as he warped away from the force and appeared in front of the reality dog. He then blasted the reality warper, with the power of his own reality stone, into his demise. "You've lost because of your own anger and regret. You became flustered and excited. "

" THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT, YOU IDIOT! YOU KILLED THEM! " he warped back, absorbed the other Reality Stone from Gueritaru, slammed the being, and crushed him. He used the same Reality warper blast to take down his opponent.

" This is it..." Amelia looked at the fight between Gueritaru and Détente and turned to the others. " NOW! "

Skoúro nodded before creating a energy sphere powered by the Power stone and had unleashed the energy upon Gueri. She looked over to her brother and the Lunivian elf, "Amnon! You and Katean open the portal!"

The Kree Eternal and the Lunivian Time-Elf nodded. It was the first time for a Kree and a Skrull-related being to work together which these two races are used to be enemies. They both turned to the overpowered being. Amnon aka Mr. Marvel formed a blue portal from his combined Space Stone energy and the Light Soul he has. Katean was in full energy from her Time Stone which she formed a giant orb. Gueritaru got surprised to see the portal of Space and Time Energy which he felt engulfed from it. He tried to resist the suction of the portal as he used all of his might to escape from it.

" You can't possibly think a mere portal can slay me. Nothing can destroy this body now!"

" You may be right, " Kai said as he powered himself more, flickered of his KreeCinder form occasionally appeared. "But this is the most we can do to seal you off! " Kai then proceeded to summon a fireball and threw it at Gueri before hitting him. Then, Gueri succumbed to the grass of the portal and cave into it. Despite the situation he was in, the being began to laugh.

" Hah!...You've only prolonged the eventual end. Fate will still warrant my death as you all will come find me within the other side, to finish me off! Nothing can overcome what fate has wish to lay!" Gueri said before we was completely engulfed by the portal. The heroes were now hesitant to whatever further engage him within the other side of the portal or to seal him.

" Okay, what are we gonna do now? " Agent UR asked.

" One last resort, we have to seal him for good, " Gladius replied.

" Yeah, I can't take his damn tricks, anymore fellas..." Deadpool shrugged.

" Possible..." Dr. P nodded.

" He wants us to seal him" Skoúro said before looking at the portal. "It is merely a deception of sucess on us. We have to keep it open. As crazy as that sounds".

" Right, if this escalates, he might cause trouble, " Zavala replied.

" Possibly, we can go somewhere else before he goes wild..." Carol added.

" Like figuring out who he was before he became what we faced" Kai said before thinking too himself. " He kept calling us Mortals, possibly referencing how he could've been a immortal god before the switch. However, it could be just him emitting a high aura of pride....either way, if he appeared and was born in one universe, then certainly his original self must be within this universe or elsewhere."

" Well, most likely we need to find out..." Tengfei nodded. " How are we gonna figure out to kick him out for good. "

" Good idea, " Amnon commented and turned to his granddaughter with concerned who got injured.

" Grandpa...I just want to join with you guys, if you're going elsewhere, " Amelia wearily smiled and said.

" You're injured, Captain Dalton. "

" Well, I started this mission in finding you all and have to finish this. I can't abandon you guys or else I'll be in AWOL. "

" Are you sure? "

" Yes, sir! " Amelia confidently saluted her grandfather and then turned to the others. " I'm gonna do it whatever it takes. "

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