Chapter 6

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Alex's POV

The teenage Saiyan was waking up out of his bed feeling very happy actually looking around for a moment scratching his eyes to make sure no crust was there as who wouldn't want that at all, so the male was walking out of the room heading to the bathroom and began brushing his teeth then taking a quick shower as the boy finishes up heading out of the bathroom back to his room putting on his gi would then head downstairs seeing Cabba eating some breakfast as he joins him. "Good morning Cabba" "Oh good morning Alex" he said to his friend happily before returning to his meal as he grabbed some cereal and had began munching down onto his food only to be stopped when hearing a certain yell from upstairs making the two boys freeze for a moment hearing the first male's name being yelled out from a certain fused Saiyan female.

Kefla's POV

"ALEX!!!!" "WHY ARE WE STILL FUSED!!!" Kefla was yelling quickly coming downstairs bursting through the door of kitchen looking at the male who was eating some of her food casually looking back at the Saiyan changing his expression softly giving back a quick answer with a question. "Could you please lower your voice you're being too loud shh" he said calmly mocking the girl making her more upset before she could do anything, Cabba steps in stopping her from probably chocking him out. "Wait Kelfa think about this now that you're a fusion!! You can get easily stronger now!?" He said sweating a bit nervous as Alex nodded bit softly with a little grin only for fused warrior getting even more angrier but was calming down when her stomach growls making her kneel to the floor starving that has Cabba looks down in somewhat shocked and having Alex sharing some food with her.

Cabba's POV

He sweatdropped a little bit from letting out a small sigh of relief hoping that should calm her down not wanting the strongest Saiyan in their universe to be going crazy against the strongest one out of their counterpart universe as he was sitting back down watching the two of them having a little bickering conversation on the situation seeing how Alex was treating this as a good thing. "Hey look at the bright side, as Cabba told you that now you'll both get stronger but fused into one person" he said to her snickering as Kefla was grunting at her not taking it so kindly of being mocked only for the male to keeping playing around with her as Cabba looks down emotionally tired thinking 'it's going to be a long day huh' he said to himself knowing it will be eventful.

(The mountains Third Person's POV)

Alex and Kefla were already fighting each other for the rest of the day going all out with using bunch of different techniques and attacking one another in more harder time, for the male to punch her across the face and elbowing her nose hardly being more than ever wasn't going to hold any longer as Kefla wasn't either delivering some jabs onto him too that were painful while bouncing off each other's energies with Cabba having to watch from the background carefully, so the two kept on clashing fists until he was pushing her back turning SSJ2 no longer remaining his base form rushing at her with Kefla charging at him until both fist bumping that creates big shockwave of energy blowing the two sliding back as he dashes at her again throwing his attacks making it difficult for her to lay a single finger on her as he throws multiple ki blasts throwing her off and even shooting his special beam cannon that follows after the female Saiyan into a square prison piercing into her shoulder of course making her bleed a bit and she was very pissed it was supposed to teach her how lethal a fight can get and holding your own than being overconfident having no discipline as she shooting four red ki blasts that easily was dodging them was creating multiple more from above coming down at him only to quickly creating a ki blade immediately deflecting most and sent some back at her while making their clothes slowly ripping away in some areas into keeping their private parts covered but those two was going at it throughout the whole day even harder.

Cabba's POV

He was amazed at how the two Saiyans were still pushing each other limits teleporting in air and on the ground minus looking off at their clothes being torn apart and kept on clashing into their attacks every time, so the male was paying attention carefully until seeing Alex charged up fully very quickly than was dashing at maximum speed raising out his fist about clash with his opponent and Kefla was doing the very same thing wasn't allowing herself to be out bested by him flying at him with her fist raised out until both punching each other's faces creating a big shockwave blowing them away again only ten times harder and he was about to step into the fight in order to help Kefla that was falling from the sky only to be caught yet again by Alex who was smiling this time in her little tired state from overusing her energy taking her over to Cabba where the two heading back to the hideout after a long day of sparring as every now and then Cabba would but knowing Alex was too strong for him which leads to another question for his fellow Saiyan friend. "Hey Alex I wanna ask you something! If you're maybe okay with seeing your universe since I found it nice the last time i was there and maybe Kefla would!?" He said to the teen who was actually thinking about it might have to ask their God to see if it was fine. "Hmm maybe I'll need to ask Champa and Vados for that to happen if he says yes then of course we can go and maybe I can show her around" he said excitedly as he later does go to the Angel and God having no choice but to accept as long as the universe 7th Saiyan was training them which he is still and came back later on that evening since the afternoon was over they didn't have any breaks when sparring all day had told Cabba who was excited as Kefla was asleep but Alex gave her a senzu beam for her wounds.

Alex's POV

The Saiyan was just sitting outside looking up at the sunset/nightly sky being on top of the roof feeling very relaxed from having to train and spar with his new friends of the 6th universe looking off at the clouds enjoying the view as he sensed someone was coming close to him only to turn around realizing it was just Kefla who seemed calm herself and not upset about the whole fusion thing since she's grown to accept it at this point hearing her speak to him about the night time, "This is a nice night!! I'm not gonna's very relaxing" she said to him calmly sitting down next to him watching the clouds going back with the stars sparkling setting mood. "Yeah it is nice out here, so Cabba told you right about coming to my universe?" he asked her as she nodded haven't really been outside of her own world before so at least besides the tournament she wasn't going to do it alone as the female Saiyan was just closing her eyes for a moment before looking over at the 7th warrior who was smiling warmly to make her blush at the thought of actually liking him which wouldn't mind it but never really expressed due to her personality can switch up to be more dominant not only wanting to seem like a girly girl as she then builds up the courage on grabbing his shoulder instantly that slowly tightens which catches him off guard getting his attention gazing into her eyes. "Hmm Yes Kefla! you need something?" He asked her softly with confusion watching as the fused Saiyan was telling him to answer his question. "I need you~"she shyly responds started to actually get tense a bit with some nervousness before having to grab onto the collar of his shirt making him face her and before he could say anything with a blush, she immediately placed both hands onto his cheeks kissing him passionately before pulling away with a bit spit coming off from both their mouths as the boy was surprised giving off a small blush stumbling back as she was looking down a bit acting somewhat of Kale for a moment then changing back to more of her hyper attitude. "Yeah so what I like you!! I have been ever since you've started training us  and in the tournament before just overtime grew but...I didn't know how to tell you" she said to him looking away crossing her arms as he slowly scoots closer towards Kefla to cup her cheeks with his hands looking into her eyes telling her with full honesty. "That's funny because I've been felt the same way~ I didn't know how to express that either...until seeing you that you're fused it's easier to love you two more equally! he said smirking seeing her do the same before kissing deeply while their arms wrapped around each other under the moonlight, eventually the two went back inside the hideout and began sleeping peacefully in Alex's bedroom.

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