Universal Tears

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I stood under the rain, slowly reached for my back pocket while praying to god that pepper spray would work under such rain. I knew that it would be washed away in a second even if it worked and I couldn't manage as far as ten meters after a long school day and commuting for an hour to reach home. Given the previous sleepless night, the entire universe knew that I wanted nothing more than a goddamn sleep, but they had to mess with that by putting a stranger on the pavement, blocking the doorway, the only way into my home-sweet-home. I couldn't trespass into my own home through the window, right? Even so, I had to pass this suspicious person first.

My legs got weakened and I knew I could pass out any time, so I stepped up with both hands behind my back so whoever this was wouldn't be cautious. The stranger was still in the same position, sitting on the ground, head dropping, soaked hair covering the face. Clearing my throat, I hoped my voice wouldn't sound trembling like my body, "Good evening! Can you... move a tiny bit to one side? You are blocking the way to my house."

I didn't get any answer, but I saw the head gave a sharp nod and the body slowly leaned to one side. I was waiting in joy and anticipation, but I got my hope up too soon. The stranger fell to the ground.— I. Was. Speechless. He collapsed! Yes, I finally figured out that was a man. I took a deep breath and made my way to the door.

The man was now in my living room. I was standing at the door when I have a second thought. A gruesome robbery or something worse could happen due to my naive choice, but I could never forgive myself if something happen to an innocent person. The man was unconscious, and his huge figure didn't do any help. I had an extremely hard time pulling him inside, so I left him on the living room floor. I was gobbling down the leftover of what I prepared for my packed lunch when I heard a groan. I frantically searched for the pepper spray and, luckily, it was still in my back pocket.

With the spray ready in my hands, I hold my breath and cautiously stepped back into the living room. The stranger was still lying on the floor, but this time I heard... his snore?— I. Was. Speechless. Again! This meant all this time he was sleeping? Under such heavy rain? Having no idea of his surroundings even if I dragged him all the way through the doorway, up the threshold, and threw him there? Well, he looked comfortable lying on the floor and soaking my carpet with his wet clothes. When I think of it, I was aware of the sticky and itchy wet clothes of mine.


Full and fresh, I stood in front of the man sleeping like the dead. It would be decent to put him on the couch at least, but, at the same time, I wouldn't want it, and myself, to be wet. He was doing the thing I was wishing for this whole evening – sleep, of course – and I didn't have any energy left, it would only be fair to leave him be, right? If so, why would I feel so guilty? Nevermind!

"Ugh!... Where am I?" I heard a voice when I had just turned away and got ready for embracing my beloved bed. Talking about "perfect timing"!

"My house." I couldn't help another sigh.

"What...? "I turned around to see the man had sat up. He combed his hair back with one hand and looked up. Suddenly, I was face to face with a good looking man, not breathtakingly handsome like a Greek god, but his features were delicate and looked well together – green eyes, slightly bushy brown brows, tall nose, fair lips, thickset build, everything was just right.

"I found you sitting in front of the doorway and you just collapsed. I had no other choice but to drag you in."

"Oh! Sorry," the man rubbed his forehead, "I felt so sleepy I couldn't drive any further, so I step out hoping the rain would wash the sleepiness away. I must have crashed."

"What car? I didn't see any car when I came back."

The man looked up in stunt. There was a pause for five seconds before he rushed to the door. I leaned to the wall, this was getting more complicated while I was hoping that I could get rid of him as soon as he woke up at the back of my head.

"Does burglary and robbery happen often in this neighborhood? Gosh, I just paid off that car yesterday."

"Not that often, but your car could have been towed away."

"It is?"

I nodded, "You'll receive a ticket tomorrow, or you'll have to file a report."

The man returned to the living room, leaned to the wall, and slumped down on the floor. "Let's hope for the best."

"Hey, you, why are you sitting there? Now that you're awake, you should go home."

Remaining in the same position, not even bothered to look at me, the man said with an exhausted voice, "You can call me 'Nigel' in stead of 'you'. Can I bother you for a night, I..."


Surprised by my quick answer, he finally spared me a look. "Ms. ... whatever your name is, I'm seeing stars in my vision, could you be a decent person and let me stay a night?"

Decent? I heard a stab in my conscience. "How would I know you wouldn't do anything harming me?"

"I told you my name, you knew me now. And given that I almost haven't slept for two days, crashed in front of your house, I don't have any energy left."

I tried to consider if his words was trustworthy and tried to think of an argument, but he was not the only exhausted one. Besides, empathizing was a quality of a decent-person, right? "The name is Amie. I have a spare room for rent and the previous renter moved out a couple of days ago. You have to put on a sheet to use it. You also have to wash up first, I don't want a wet mattress."

"Do you have anything I could change into?"


I swear to god, I didn't mean to embarrass him or make fun of him, but I didn't have any man clothes so Nigel had to put up with a pink bathrobe of mine. It was a bit small for him, alright I'll tell you the truth, it was tiny to him but it covered what need to be at least. I didn't think it was a problem and that was my biggest mistake. I was standing at the door to a naked sleeping man. I didn't know and didn't want to know how, but apparently the bathrobe was untied and the quilt only covered one leg.

"Oh dear!" Still standing at the door, I turned away and shouted "NIGEL!"

"Huh? Wha– What?" A second passed by and a scream came. "Woa– Ahh! Who ARE you?"

"Amie, this IS my house, remember?"

"God! Why didn't you knock?"

"I did. You didn't respond."

The frustrated sigh was audible. "OK. What's the matter?"

"I'm heading out in an hour so..."

"Sure. I got it."

Nigel told me that he had to work, even on Sunday, so he left in a rush. However, judging that he was standing right in front of me, "work" was a mere excuse. Both of us were surprised at the present of each other at the funeral, my best friend funeral.

"Who are you to her?" – "Who are you to her?" We asked the same question at the same time.

"Her brother," Nigel said.


There was a brief silence, as we were registering the situation, even guessing about the other, I think.

"So... The renter you mentioned last night... was my younger sister, right?"

My chest suddenly got heavy and it felt like I almost couldn't breathe. The corner of my eyes stung and my vision became blurred. But then it seemed like she had just told me to be happy for her when she gathered enough courage to stop the torture and leave this world. I finally found air and my voice, "... We were also best friend."


That night was just the first time this man fell asleep at my door. The next time we met, he was sleeping in his car. Then there were the third and fourth time.

That was the fifth time I took him in.

"Amie!" Nigel briefly looked down. When our eyes met, there was something raging in his eyes. "If the room is still available, I want to rent it."

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