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Hey guys.. this is Vedanjali presenting my OS..i will b posting as Ridz... Its a treat for my lovely readers since its my bday 😃😃😃 this time my partner in crime in writing this story is my dearest friend RUSHA SEN… read on and comment

 # Unknown_Barriers

Character Description

Swara Bose: a topper, very much dedicated towards studies. Bubbly and chirpy girl who liked singing and dancing a lot.. very naughty and makes friends easily.. a medical aspirant and taking coaching for the same in New Standard Coaching, Kolkata

Sanskar maheshwari: a tall and handsome boy.. very attractive.. girls drool over him.. flirty but serious in studies.. a medical aspirant as well and taking coaching same as swara in New Standard Coaching

Nandini: swara’s bestie, her soulsister.. swara shares everything with her.. she is a true friend.. a  medical aspirant with swara in same coaching

Prakhar: sanskar’s bestie.. sanskar shares everything with him… good natured and not at all flirty.. a medical aspirant too studying in same coaching as sanskar

"She was free in her wildness.  She was  a wandress, a drop of water. She belonged to no man & to no city."She was determined and focussed.. damn ambitious... A type of girl who was everyone's favourite, cracking jokes and doing drama.. She was our topper..  Our swara...

The 10th results were out and swara had topped in the city.. Her parents were proud of her and the city was praising her but yet she was on earth..  She was happy inside but this hapoiness didnt made her overconfident.. She knew the actual journey will now begin.. The next 2 years will b the base of her future.. With this thought and a determination in mind... She chose medical field as her career option and got into the best coaching in town, the new standard coaching institute who gave maximum selection in medicals that year.. Swara entered in her new innings with a lot of motivation and enthusiasm to work hard... Distraction was far away from her life and LOVE? i guess that word was still not in her dictionary.she had many male friends but falling in love was not her cup of tea... But little did she knew that her life was going to b  changed forever... Destiny had grabbed her seat with a bucket of popcorn ready to enjoy the show...

It was first day of the batch M5 in which swara got admitted... She was little bit disappointed that she didnt get the same batch as her friends but never mind..  She cud meet them in break.. She was sitting alone wen a girl came to her

Girl(smiling) : hi..  Can i sit with u😊
Swara(reciprocating the smile) : sure😀
Girl(sitting) : i m nandini
Swara: hey i m swara..  Friends?
Nandini: friends.. 👭
They both shaked hands and started talking.. Eventually by the end of the day they became besties...👭

Meanwhile a handsome boy entered in the class... He was a boy on whom every girl wud drool and to some extent they did but swara didn't noticed him as she was busy talking with nandu... Ok yes yes..  U guessed it right..  It was our hero..  Our sanskar maheshwari.. He stood there and looked at the girl staring him

Sanky(smirking and in flirty tone) : hey beautiful.. 
Girl: hi handsome.
Sanky:I must say the upcoming 2 years are going to b really fun

The girl blushed hearing him... Though sanky was flirty but he was at the same time very serious regarding his studies...

Sanky looked happy because all his friends were in the same batch specially his bestie Prakhar... The day passed on and swasan didnt noticed each other.

Dats passed and still SwaSan didnt noticed each other... (Generally in these kinds of coachings 100+ students study in a batch..  So even after the session ends... People dnt knw each other..  Same was happening with swasan...)
Like this 4 months passed by...

Durga pooja came and they got a long one week vacation... After the vacation...  It was their first day in ciaching...  Everyone was feeling relaxed after a break from the hectic schedule and were excitedly discussing about their vacation  whereabouts.. Strength was less as some hostlers had still not returned from their places... All the present students were sitting closely and chatting...  Laughing and sharing high fives... Meanwhile sanky laughingly turned to his opposite direction and got freezed to his place... His eyes spotted an angel sitting in the next row and laughing wholeheartedly..😍😍  Yes she was none other than baby pink sleeveless simple top and jeans with her hairs tied in a pony... She looked breath taking... Swara  turned to him but looked at him casually not noticing him much... Sanky forgot to blink his eyes.😻😻.. The classes started but sanky was still stealing her glances every now nd then... This was noticed by a pair of eyes which were of Nandini.. She found something fishy and decided to find out...

That day at night swandini were chatting on whatsapp..  That was the time wen nandu thought of bringing up the topic

Nandu: shona.. Wat do u think about sanskar
Swara(confused) : sanskar! Who sanskar? I dnt knw any sanskar😶😒
Nandu(closing the topic): acha ok shona..

Swara didnt took the convo seriously and got busy in her studies...  Days were passing and now it was swara who noticed that sanskar shamelessly stares her... She decides to confront him

One day..  When sanky was busy in staring shona..  She went to him

Shona: hey why r u looking at me like that? 😡😡
Sanky(nervously) : n.. No u r mistaken😅
Shona (angrily) : oh hello i m noticing from many days... Dnt act smart with me and dare not stare at me from now..  Got it?
Sanky simply nodes in agreement...🙈

After a week..  Swandini were waiting for a bus on bus stop when they spotted sanky and prakhar standing on the opposite side of the road..  Sanky staring swara..  This was enough for her and she went upto him..  Before sanskar cud understand anything... CHATAAK! a sound came which startled everyone... Swara had imprinted her fingers on sanskar's cheeks... He looked at her shockingly😹😹

Shona(shouting) : are u out of ur mind or wat? I gave u warning the other day na..  Dare not look at me dat way or i will complain...😡😡😡

Sanky along with prakhar fled from there... Prakhar from the past few days was observing every action of sanky but remained quite..  But this evening gave him so much to absorb... He decided to do something... On the other side nandu was also thinking the same... Prakhar and nandu became friends on Facebook where prakhar got to know that swara is not at all interested in love stuff and sge hates sanskar very much.. Prakhar didnt tell this to sanky

Days passed but sanky couldnt control himself staring her.. He stared her with lots of love.. He cudnt understand why he was being attracted to her so much... Swara was also deep down melting somewhere..

In the same section a boy named siddharth had a huge crush on swara..  Sanky was aware if it and used to hate sid.. One day

Sid: hey swara..  Can u help me in this problem..  I m stuck in it since last night
Swara: sure..  Show me
Sid sat besides her and started discussing..  In between they were laughing too...

All this was witnessed by sanky nd he unknowingly gumed in jealousy... He went to nandu

Sanky: nandini..  Ask swara to stay away from sid and not talk to him
Nandini: may i knw the reason behind such orders?
Sanky: because i dont like him
Nandu(confused) : so?
Before sanky cud say anything..  Swara came looking for nandu and angrily looks at sanky
Swara: nandu..  Wat r u doing here with him😠
Sanky on remembering her slap kept his palm on his cheek and ran away... On seeing him running away in fear for the first time a curve appeared on her lips😃

that evening prakhar and nandini were discussing about the same and they came on the conclusion that sanky is jealous of swara sid's closeness but the reason was still unknown to them which was making them confused over sanky's behaviour

on the other hand swara was thinking about sanky

swara's POV

i have slapped him so hard.. he still looks at me the way he used to.. i dnt get one thing why i dnt feel disgusted by his gaze? maybe i m interpretting the things wrong.. maybe he is not that bad guy.. i can have a friendship with him..

swara's POV ends

next day at coaching

swara goes to sanky

swara(smiling): hi sanskar😃

sanskar got shocked on seeing her and again puts his palm on his cheeks😦😦

sanskar(stammering): swara.. i.. i.. m sorry..i didnt looked at u with any evil intention.. please forgive me😨😨

swara laughs seeing him and he gets mesmerised seeing her laughing whole heartedly😂😂😂

swara: i knw sanskar.. that is why i hav come to u.. i m sorry for getting u wrong.. can we be friens? (forwarding her hand)

sanskar immediately takes it: friends👫

and they chatted for a while and went back to studies

days were passing happily.. they were enjoying each other's company alot..they had literally became besties and shared each and every secret with each other... it was starting of love where things are not under ur control, feelings not yet realised and u think about ur unusual actions later on... same was happening with our swasan... they used to think about each other but then they brush away those thoughts.. prakhar and nandu were happy that the tension between swasan was over and dey cud clearly see love for each other in their eyes but prakhar being the closest to sanky was not sure about his feelings.. sanky was day by day growing protective over swara😍😍😍😍

they were one day roaming in mall.. a guy was continuously staring swara making her uncomfortable.. he held sanky's hand tightly and he noticed the guy... sanky warned him not to do so

sanky: hey u stay away from her..😡😡

guy(flirty): how can i be away from such a beauty?

he tried touching her but sanky in anger held him by his collar and was going to punch him but swara stopped him 

swara(stopping him): sanky! wat r u doing? leave him.. dnt create a scene here

sanky(anger): no swara.. i m not going to leave him.. how dare he flirt with u

swara: let it be sanky.. dnt make urself dirty by touching such creep creatures..

and they left from there

that was the day wen swara for the first time felt his protectiveness over herself.. she was feeling awsome under his care and potectiveness... her mind was flooded with unknown emotions

swara was day by day geting attracted towards him.. psychologically it is said that girls are more mature by mind than boys being in the same age.. i guess that was what happening with swara.. realisation.. but still she was not able to get her feelings

one day.. swara came to coaching wearing a blue crop top with denim 3/4th.. she was loooking cute.. sanky was lost in her but wat he heard make him hell angry

prakhar(joking): hey swara! u r looking hot (winking)

swara laughs: thank u prakhar

sanky boiled in jealousy.. got hold of prakhar's collar and strangled him..👊👊👊

sanskar: is this the way to talk to girls? dont do that again😡

everyone was shocked... infact sanskar too was shocked.. he didnt know why he did that a he clearly knew that it was a joke.. he went from there leaving prakhar.. swara stood their speechless but soon she smiled thinking about his jealousy but still she could not make out the reason behind his actions..  Prakhar was not in state to utter a word but he got his answers... He went to sanky

Prakhar(placing a hand on his shoulder): sanky
Sanky looks towards him and bows his head down: i m sorry prakhar... I shud not have over reacted..
Prakhar: dats ok..  I dnt mind..  But dude..  Wats up with swara.. Han?
Sanky: i dont knw prakhar..  I hav not felt for anyone like this before..  Wen that sid  comes to talk to her i feel so jealous..  That was the reason i strangled u today..  I just cudnt take anyone flirting with her..  That day in mall also i feel like killing that guy who was ogling her... I feel so happy with her..
Prakhar: dude.. Are u in love with her?
Sanky was stunned listening this
Sanky: no..  How can u say this..  Love is just a waste of time..  I cant be in love.. 
Prakhar: u r not realising that u love her..  Go home today and think over the matter..  U will get ur answers...

Sanky went home and thought about it over nd over again..  Wen he closes his eyes it was swara's smiling face which comes infront of her... Finally realisation hits sanskar.. On the other hand same hapoened with swara nd she realised her love for him.. 💖💖💖

Next day

Sanky was dancing like mad in the class 💃💃💃💃💃 prakhar was shocked seeing him😂😂

Prakhar(confused) : hav u had tequila shots in ur breakfast? 😑😕

Sanky stops listening to him nd glares😡
Prakhar: dnt stare at me like that..  U r behaving as if u r drunk... Wat happened why r u dancing like a crazy creep?
Sanky(smiling) : because m soooo happy prakhar..  I realised last night that i hav fallen in head over heels in love with her.... Oh god.  I cant believe SANSKAR MAHESHWARI is in love 😍😍😍
Prakhar was happy for him nd he hugged her...

Sanky: i want to propose her..
Prakhar: did u forget that chataak?
After so much of struggle she has become ur friend or rather a bestie but dnt u think proposing her will get ur friendship in trouble? Moreover we dnt knw wat she thinks about u...

Sanky(with attitude): no one can refuse sanky.. U just wait nd watch

Prakhar(closing his eyes) : ye to gaya aaj..  (he is gone today)

Sanky went towards swara but suddenly remembered the slap..  He held his cheeks nd shouted just near swara's ear

Sanky(holding his cheek nd imagining swara slapping him again) : Noooooo

Swara got shocked nd turned around..  She held her ears

Swara(irritated) : sanky..  U monkey..  U donkey..  R u in ur senses..  Why r u shouting? 😡😡😡

Sanky(stammering) :umm..  No..  Nothing swara... And ran from there

Swara(smiled) : pagal 😂

It is rightly said..  The more u hide ur feelingd..  The more u fell for tgem..  Same was happening with our SwaSan... The fear of losing friendship was somewhere stopping them from confessing.. 

Everything was going good but still there was a person who was not satisfied with sanky's behaviour..  He was Prakhar... He clearly knew about his flirting nature nd cudnt digest the fact that he fell in love so easily..  But he brushed away his thoughts seeing them happy together..

One day... The class was free so everyone was playing truth and dare... Sid got a dare to sing a song for his loved one..  He looked towards swara and sang CHAHUN MAIN YA NA... Sanky boiled in jealousy but prakhar signalked him to calm down... Next wen sanky's turn came prakhar grabbed the opportunity nd asked him to sing a song..  Nobody knew that sanky was an awsome singer other than Prakhar... Sanky sat infront of swara and sang TUM HI HO..  swara was just awstruck listening his melodious voice and blushed after he finished...

The unconfessed mutual love is something worth adoring 😍😍😍
Both of them were getting an idea that the other one has fallen for them.. Jealousy was most prominent in their relationship which led others to notice them as a cute couple 💑💑 its not that only sanky gets jealous our swara was also no less 😂😂

One day wen swara entered class..  She saw kavita feeding sanky... Though it was friendly but our cutie got hell jealous 🙅🙅🙅

Sanky passed a smile to her but she ignored him nd went away.. 

Sanky(monologue) :aaj to main gaya (i m gone today)

She was sitting with a cute pout on her face and her nose had turned red due to anger 😡😡😡

Sanky came infront of her and tried pacifying her but she was in no mood... Then he did something unexpected..  He sat on his knees infront of her and said

"Ruth jao kitna bhi mana lenge,Dur jao kitna bhi bula lengeDil aakhir dil hai sagar ki ret to nhiKi naam likh kar usse mita denge..!"
(sanky the shayar 😂😂)
(sorry cudnt translate it)

Everyone was surprised seeing this side of sanky... Swara smiled and he felt relieved...

Exams were coming and swara decided to confess her love to him after that as she was now sure that he too loves her...
Aww..  Everything seems perfect ma... But do u think everytime wat we think.. That happens?

Exams started and swara noticed a change in sanky's behaviour..  He started ignoring her..  Swara thought maybe because of exam pressure he is behaving like dat...

After exams.. They were sitting in coaching and discussing paper..  Swara was trying to talk to sanky but he was ignoring her..  Suddenly his phone rang and on seeing the caller id..  He rushed outside... Swara was shocked seeing him in such a hurry and decided to follow him.. He went in the backyard wich is quite isolated... After sometime swara reached there... She cud hear some giggles from the back of the hut in backyard..  She went to look there and the scene there took away the floor from beneath her foot..

Sanky was smooching kavita and she was giggling... Swara with teary eyes managed to speak

Swara(choked voice) : san.. Sanskar

Sanskar looked at her and smiled.. Held kavita from her waist and said

Sanky: hey swara..  Meet my gf..  Kavita

Swara froze to her spot on listening the word gf.. It appeared to her as if her world crashed

Swara: gf? But sanky u love me

Sanky gave out an evil laugh

Sanky: wat? Love and with u...  Come out from ur dreamworld.. No ways..  Love is just waste of time..  And i cant make a nerdy like u my gf... I just wanted some time pass..  U very well knw that i m a flirt..  How can u think that i can love anyone?

By that time prakhar nd nandini also reached there and witnessed everything..  They were shocked..  Swara was not in state of speaking anything... Nandini supported her and gave a tight slap to sanky and gies from there taking her away... Sanky was unaffected..

Prakhar was in his own world..  He was feeling bad for swara..  His doubts on sanky that he cant love anyone turned out to b true... He was looking at sanky with disgust while sanky was flirting with kavita unaware of the loss he just experienced...

Swara lost her smile from the next day... She drowned herself completely in studies.. Trying hard to b away from sanky's memories...  Nandini and prakhar were her constant support... Prakhar had stopped talking to sanky and sanky! Ah..  It is said wen mind blocks..  It totally blocks..  He didnt cared for swara and wen prakhar left..  He even didnt cared for him also... All were busy in studies as less time was left for entrance...  Our swara became the one she was..  Focussed.. Determined but the only difference was..  She lost her smile...

Entrance held and results were out soon... Swara was 3rd in west bengal and bagged the seat in the top government college..  Sanky also got selected but in different college...

2 years leap

The life is back on track..  Swara managed to get over from sanky. She was back to her bubbly nature..  Prakhar nd nandu were still her besties but prakhar didnt forgive sanky and cut his all ties with him...

One day

Tring tring
Swara's phone rang

Swara(taking the Call) : hello
Other side: swara

Swara froze to her spot.. The unknown voice which was once known... Her eyes filled with tears...

Swara: sanky

Sanky: haan swara..  M sanky...

Swara: wat do u want..  Why hav u called?

Sanky: swara.. am sorry.. am really very sorry..I took so much time to realise my love for u that I lost u..I really love u swara..not from today..from that day when I frst noticed u..kavita was a mere attraction fr me..nothing else..but u were my life..u r my life..u will b my lady life..everything..Plz come nothing without u..I will do whatever u will ask me to do..beat me,slap me,abuse me..but plz come back.."

But this time swara was a hard nut to crack...

Swara: sanskar..  I dnt want to talk to u...  Please stay away from me.. (cut the call)

She burst into tears..  She had feelings for him afterall he was her first love... But she had self respect... A girl is very sensitive regarding her love but wen her self respect is hurt.. She becomes a lioness..  So was our swara... She decided not to forgive him...

One day swara went to mall with nandini and shikher(her new friend) sanky saw them there and tried talking to swara but swara held shikher's hand and went away..  Nandini gave a deadly glare to him and scolded him like hell and went from there...  Seeing swara going with someone else pained him alot

Sanky tried talking to her many times and regretted badly for the loss of his love.. He became a drunkard being in thoughts of swara...  But swara had moved on keeping her past behind...

***THE END***

Hang in hang on guys... I knw u all r ready with ur shoes tomatoes and eggs to throw at me but guys this is my POV.. A girl who is betrayed by a guy shud do this only with him no matter how much he regrets..  The girl should not make a fool out of themselves by falling for the same idiot and getting btrayed again... And yes..  The most important thing is..  This is our friend's real story..  All the incidents happened in real. The shayari the song...  Everything... and i m very much proud of her for not forgiving that boy nd moving on in life happily...

And dnt throw eggs..  Throw chocolates..  Its my birthday na guys.. 😜


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