02 • 二

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- Lee Minseo's POV -

I was sat on my couch, hugging a warm mug of hot chocolate in my hands and (re)watching Boys Over Flowers, one of my favourite KDramas.

It was 9pm right now, and when I got home I showered, got changed into pyjamas and curled up on my couch. Jungkook works late hours as a policeman, but only on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Sadly, today was Thursday.

Oh yeah! I didn't tell you about where Jungkook's hyungs work. Jin is a doctor, but has a strange amount of free time. Yoongi says he works in a mattress store, typical. Namjoon works as a university lecturer at the university I wanted to go to.

Hoseok works in the same university, but as a dance instructor. Jimin is an accountant, Taehyung works in a Tailors, and Jungkook is a police officer.

I felt my phone buzz, then saw that I had a text off Jimin. I unlocked my phone, then opened up text.

[Jimin]: Is Jungkook with you?

I was about to reply, when I heard the doorbell ring. That must be him. Well, I hope it's him. My pyjamas consist of a big, fluffy jumper that looks more like a minidress, and some really short shorts. I placed my phone down, along with my hot chocolate, and tip toed over to the door.

As I thought, it was Jungkook, dressed in his uniform. I opened the door wide, expecting a hug.
"Hey Jungko-" He interrupted me.
"Excuse me, Miss Lee." He began. "Oh sorry, I mean, Mrs. Jeon." I giggled slightly and rolled my eyes, but he continued. "There have been noise complaints coming from your neighbours."
"Noise complaints?" I asked.

"They said they heard screaming." Jungkook told me with a straight face, talking a step inside my house. What?
"Screaming?" I asked. "I haven't been screaming."
"No, but you will be." He smirked, closing the door behind him harshly and roughly slamming me against the wall.

"Ew. That was the most cringeworthy thing you've ever pulled." I giggled.
"I wasn't lying." He whispered seductively into my ear. "You'll be screaming my name all night until your throat is raw." I felt his hot breath tickle my neck, and his hands began to trace my body.

His lips suddenly attached to the pale skin on my neck, as he began to kiss, suck and bite his way up to my jaw. I tried my best to stifle my moans, but I couldn't help it. Jungkook pressed his body against mine, and I felt a bulge on my pelvis. Oh Jungkook.

His lips attacked mine, but I attacked back, tugging on his hair and his neck, while he pulled me closer by my waist. I felt his tongue against my bottom lip, and opened my mouth slightly before he forced his tongue in my mouth.

After what only seemed like 1 minute, we pulled back for a breath. Suddenly, my phone vibrated, so I halted what we were doing and walked over to where I left it to find that I received a text message.

[Unknown]: I can see what you're doing, and it's making me angry. Stop.

What the fuck?

"Who is it?" Jungkook asked, his voice coming closer.
"Just some weird prank." I sighed. "It's nothing."
"You know, things like prank calls are illegal." Jungkook was now behind me, and I felt his breath against my neck once again. "Speaking of illegal..."

I was to immersed in my phone to feel something cold wrap around my wrists. When I finally realised, I looked down and saw...
"Handcuffs!?" I yelled.

"Shhh," Jungkook smirked, placing his index finger on my lips. "Your amount of beauty is illegal, so I'm afraid I'm going to have to arrest you, Mrs. Jeon."
"Anything you say may be used against you, so I'd watch what you say, you naughty girl." He whispered lustfully.
"Fuck you." I laughed, dropping my phone onto the sofa.

Jungkook then picked me up bridal style, and carried me to my room. Since I live by myself, I live in an apartment, so the bedroom is on the same floor. While he was walking, he whispered things into my ear.

"Your so beautiful it's illegal."
"I'm going to have to punish you."
"Be ready, I can't wait any longer."
"Your love is so intoxicating, it's a crime."

Then he closed my bedroom door..


I woke up the next morning snuggled up against Jungkook's bare chest. He was sound asleep, his muscular arms wrapped around my body. I tried to sit up, but Jungkook pulled me back.

"Mmm~ Minseo." He growled sleepily, eyes still closed. Damn, his husky morning voice is so sexy. I checked the time: 7:45. Shit.
"I've got to get to work.." I mumbled, trying to wriggle out of his tight grasp.
"Just stay a little longer~" He groaned, wrapping his arms tightly around my waist.

"I'll be late." I told him, to which he opened one of his eyes.
"Okay, if you can get out, I'll let you leave." He smirked.
"What?" I asked.
"You've got to get ready for work." He told me.
"What's the catch?"
"I've got to stop you."

We both stared at each other for about 10 seconds when I suddenly broke free from his grasp. I crawled to the edge of the bed, when he grabbed my ankle, pulled me back and got on his hands and knees on top of me, pinning my wrists down. I can't break free now, he's too strong.

"You're gonna have to try harder than that if you wanna go to work." Jungkook smirked, leaning his face in a little closer.
"There's no hard feelings, right?" I asked, and he gave me a confused look.
"No, why-" before he could finish I kneed him 'where the sun doesn't shine' causing him to roll off me in pain. That should keep him immobilised for a while.

"I'm sorry!" I responded to his groans of pain, quickly getting changed into my lifeguard uniform. Just as I was brushing my hair, he came up from behind me and slowly snaked his hands onto my hips.
"That was mean~" he growled into my ear, pulling me closer to him. I continued to ignore him, grabbing a bobble to tie my hair up.

Seeing the lack of hair covering my neck, Jungkook began to kiss and suck on it, leaving small hickeys. It was hard trying to stifle my moans; he knows my weak spot. I was ready to leave, but Jungkook was still latched onto my back, refusing to move. Then I had an idea.

I turned around and began to kiss him, pushing him slowly onto the bed, so I was on top. I straddled his waist, and as I kissed him I grabbed and pulled on the hair on the back of his head; his weak spot. With my free hand, I reached out to the bedside table and grabbed the handcuffs. The same ones he used on me last night.

Keeping him distracted, I looped one end of the cuffs to the bedpost, then (somehow) attached the other end around his wrist. He looked up, confused, but then reality slapped him in the face.

"Payback." I laughed, stepping away from him. The time was 7:55, and I could make it if I ran.
"Damn, you got me." He sighed in defeat.
"I'm sorry," I smiled. "But I have to go. The keys for the cuffs are on the side; I'll see you after my shift! Love you!"
"Yeah, yeah, love you too." He chuckled, reaching for the keys.

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Word Count: 1286

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