13 • 十三

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- Lee Minseo's POV -

"It said... This is for having a crush on my girl."

I froze. I was right. It is my fault. It's all my fault. Why did I have to go out with Sehun and Jongin on that day? Why couldn't I just stay in and enjoy my day off?

"Minseo," Jungkook said my name quietly. "You're crying..." He wiped my tears away with his thumb, but I just felt more coming. God damn these stupid hormones! Stop crying!!
"Shhhh," he whispered, gently pulling my head to his broad chest. "It's okay, I'm sorry for telling you." His chest was wet where my tears had been, but he didn't seem to care.

I can't believe I'm doing this. I'm the one crying when Jungkook's the one who has to be reminded of their deaths everyday. He's so strong; I wish I was as strong as him mentally.

"H-have you eaten?" I mumbled, and he shook his head gently, slipping his shirt back onto his shoulders. I sat up, rubbing my eyes, and looked him in the eye. "Are you hungry?" He shook his head again, but a noise came from his stomach that told me otherwise. At this I giggled and stood up, making my way over to the kitchen.

"Hey," he got up and ran after me. "Don't cook for me! I'm fine! I'll make something myself!" At this I laughed, sniffling slightly.
"Me? Cook? Really!? I can't cook for shit!" I saw his worried face then change to one with the brightest smile I've ever seen, and we both stood laughing in the kitchen.
"Here, I have a spare cup of ramen if you want it." I told him, reaching up on my tip-toes to grab it. Except, I couldn't.

"You're so small," Jungkook whispered in my ear lustfully from behind, before reaching up to grab the ramen cup. "It's adorable as fuck." He placed the cup of ramen on the counter, snaking his hands around my waist and placing gentle kisses along my neck. I turned to face him, planting a soft kiss on his lips, but then biting on them playfully.

"I'm not adorable." I mumbled, wrapping my arms around his neck.
"Yes you are." He replied, pulling me closer to him. We had some kind of strange staring contest, until Jungkook interrupted the silence.
"See, even that's adorable." He poked my nose playfully.

"Tch, wait in the bedroom." I huffed. "Then I'll show you who's adorable."

- Jeon Jungkook's POV -

"Minseo," I whispered in her ear. It was 7:30am, and I was just about to set off for work, but this beautiful creature is still sleeping. "Minseo, I'm going to work now. Do you wanna lock the door?"
"Lock it behind you..." She mumbled.
"There's only one key dumbo." I smiled at her semi-sleeping form.

She's still adorable. I don't care what she says or what she can do, if you get what I mean.

"Carry me to the door.." She mumbled, holding up her hands with her eyes still closed, ready to be picked up.
"Did you ever grow past the mental age of three?" I asked her with a broad smile on my face, but she only wiggled her fingers. I sighed, picking her up with ease and carrying over to the door. I heard a couple whines come from her, like "it's too earlyyy~" and "so coldddd~" but that only made me smile more.

It's as if she's purposely being cute this morning.

"We're at the door." I told her, letting her feet touch the cold, wooden floor. She rubbed her right eye slowly, and gave me a warm smile.
"Stay safe." She smiled.
"I love you~" I smiled in return, planting a quick kiss on her forehead.
"Love you too~" she replied, and after putting on my coat and shoes I made my way outside, only walking off when I heard the clink of the key lock the door.

Making my way down the - not so busy - streets, I felt a strange sense of being watched, but dismissed the thought.
"Hey Mingyu!" I yelled to the man across the street who turned his head in my direction. He waved, and I crossed over to walk with him. "Ready for work today?"
"Yeah." He replied. "But I'll be inside the lab all day helping out with the fingerprints, so you won't see me much."

We made our way to the station, bowing at some of the other staff as we entered. Sauntering into Minho's office, we all took our seats and began discussing what we found out. Jisoo was already there when we arrived.

"So, what's going on today?" Minho asked us.
"I'm looking for fingerprints on Jongin's stuff." Mingyu stated.
"I'm gonna get Yugyeom's autopsy results back." Jisoo told us.
"I'm looking through the security cameras around Jongin's estimated time of death." I replied.
"Good, good." Minho replied. "I've had a witness call in, so I'm going to visit them in a bit. Let's get to it then!"

I picked up my laptop and made my way over to the security department. Lee Jinki, better known as Onew, is the head of the security department and in charge of all the surveillance cameras around the town and stuff. I also heard he and Minho are good friends, and are both in a friend group called SHINee together.

"Good morning Mr. Lee." I bowed to my elder. "Is it possible if I could see what the surveillance cameras recorded around the town between 9:30 and 11:30 PM on Saturday the 25th February?" I asked. "For the case regarding the murder of Kim Jongin."
"Of course." He smiled. "You can download the files onto your laptop from over there." He pointed to another - much larger - computer.
"Thank you." I bowed again, before making my way over to the computer.

After downloading the files onto my laptop I made my way back out of the security department, and met Jisoo in the corridor.
"Hi." I smiled.
"Hiya, do you want a coffee?" She asked. "I'm just on my way to get myself one."
"Yes please." I replied, bowing my head.

I sat down in a room with a large table surrounded by chairs, but it had no people in it. Taking my seat near the large glass window, I began to type away on my laptop, flicking through the surveillance recordings. Moments later Jisoo walked in and sat opposite me, placing the piping hot latte down on the table.
"Thank you." I told her.

"So, how are things?" She asked me, a pen and paper in front of her. I paused the video.
"Yeah, I'm good." I replied. "You?"
"Yeah." She sighed. "Hey, sorry to be nosy and all, but are you Minseo's boyfriend?"
"Y-yeah," I looked at her. "How did you know?"
"She works with my friend Lalisa," Jisoo explained, "And I think you were mentioned somewhere along the line."
"Oh," I sighed.

"Isn't it a nice day outside." Jisoo leant her head in her hand with her elbow on the table. "There's not a cloud in the sky." I glanced out the large window up over the tops of the buildings at the clear blue sky, but something caught my attention - something black on one of the roofs. I looked closer, but only realised what it was when it was too late.

The loud smashing of glass followed by a sharp, excruciating pain in my left shoulder confirmed my thoughts.

It was a gun. Aimed at me.

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Word Count: 1274

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