20 • 二十

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- Jeon Jungkook's POV -

The next day - to celebrate the official start of our one week holiday - I woke up and changed my dressing myself, since I didn't want to wake Minseo, and made my way over to my laptop. That's right, today I'm gonna work my ass off.

Okay, so the evidence we have so far:
- Jongin's autopsy report: He had a slashed neck and ㄹㅁ on his wrist, and died between 9:30 and 11:30 P.M. on the 25th February.
- The text on his phone that said "This is for having a crush on my girl." Which he received at 10:46 P.M. on that night.
- A witness report saying they saw a shady looking man, about 1.75m tall and clad in all black, from their home at that time.
- Yugyeom's autopsy report: It was pretty much the same as Jongin's, but Yugyeom's time of death was between 10:45 P.M. and 12:45 A.M. on the 26th/27th February.

"Did Yugyeom get a text?" I mumbled to myself, clicking onto the folder that contained Yugyeom's text messages. I checked the latest one:

[Unknown]: This is for saying my girl should marry another man.

It was received at 11:03 P.M on the 26th. I then checked the text that Jongin received, but they were from different numbers... Does this mean the killer isn't working alone? Could there be killers? Clicking away, I looked at the two photos of Jongin and Yugyeom's wrist, but the marks were pretty much exactly the same, meaning they were most likely killed by the same person.

So the killer is being smart and using different numbers so they can't be tracked! Damn, I hate it when they're clever!

I then decided to re-check the CCTV footage on the 25th February at 10:45pm around the alleyway that Jongin was found in. As I thought, none of the cameras were pointing anywhere near it! But as the time hit 10:46, in the corner of the screen, I spotted half a person's body. I paused, zooming in on the footage, and I could just make out their face.

Kim Jongin.

Zooming out again, I could see that he stopped to look at his phone, and then a couple seconds after that he was violently pulled back, out of the view of the camera. But I did see something silver-looking flash in front of Jongin's face before he disappeared out of view.

It was someone holding a knife to his neck. But I couldn't see their darn face!

I replayed the small clip in slow motion, staring intently at the spot in the corner of the screen.
"Who the hell are you..?" I mumbled to myself.
"My name is Lee Minseo and you're currently in my house." I jumped out of my skin hearing her unexpected voice, and turned around clutching my t-shirt where my heart was. I didn't touch my dressing though.

"Oh god, you scared me!" I laughed, and she laughed too. Her beautiful smile was something I hadn't seen in a while, and boy was I glad to see it again.
"Did you have breakfast?" Minseo asked me. "And what about your dressing!? I need to cha-"
"I did it myself." I cut her off, putting my laptop down and standing up. "I didn't want to wake you up. And no, I haven't eaten."

"Well then Mr 'I can look after myself'" She smirked. "Shall we go out for breakfast?"
"Sounds like a plan." I replied, happy that she seemed to be back to normal. We got changed, and I wore a black t-shirt with black jeans and my black beanie (see the theme I'm going for here?) along with a pair of brown Nike Airs.

(A/N): I know this picture's quite old but this is what he wore so let's just roll with it.

"Hey Minseo!" I yelled. "You nearly ready in there!?"
"Yeah, hold on!" She replied, and moments later she walked out the door with a smile on her face. Her hair was tied back in a high ponytail, and she wore a plain white top with dark blue jeans and white trainers. She wore the bracelet I got her, and that ring she got yesterday on her left middle finger.

(A/N): This is not Minseo but it's what she's wearing!

"You look beautiful." I told her, and she blushed, looking away.
"Geez, I feel like I'm back in high school." She smiled. "Blushing over this hot guy who'd throw compliments at me whenever he saw me."
"Ahh but at first this hot guy used to be too shy to say a thing," I replied. "So when he finally plucked up the courage to speak to this beautiful girl, he decided to always tell her what he thought."

I saw her giggle slightly, and I walked over and intertwined her hand in mine. It felt amazing to be able to comfortably hold her hand again, after all the times she would shy away from me before.
"Let's go." She smiled, and we set off for the door, bus as we opened it, there was someone unexpected stood there.

"Jimin?" Minseo was surprised to see him, and it seemed as if sudden realisation dawned over her, as she suddenly became tense and tried to let go of my hand. However, I didn't let go. I'm not letting my hyung steal her away from me.
"Oh, uhh.. Hi Minseo, Jungkook." Jimin awkwardly spoke, looking down at our hands and then at me, but I just glared at him.

"Oh hey hyung." I played it cool. "Sorry, but me and Minseo were just about to head out. Maybe you could come back later?"
"Oh, yeah, sure." He replied. "Where are you off to?"
"To get breakfast." Minseo replied.
"Okay then, I'll text you later." Jimin waved as he walked off, and Minseo waved back.

"What was that about?" She turned to look at me.
"What?" I asked.
"You haven't fallen out with Jimin, have you?" She asked me, and I just sighed.
"That doesn't matter." I told her. "Let's just go eat breakfast."

We arrived at the nearest cafe after a long stroll around the town, and we ordered some drinks and muffins from the till. After buying them, we looked round for a table, but couldn't find any.
"Hey look! Jimin and Yoongi are sat over there, let's go sit with them!" Minseo gestured over to my hyungs, who were sat on a four-seater bench in the corner of the room.

Seriously? Is Jimin doing this on purpose!?

"Hey guys," Minseo smiled as we walked over. "Can we sit with you?"
"Sure." Yoongi replied, and we took a seat next to them, but because Minseo got there first and sat next to Yoongi, I had to sit next to Jimin. I watched as he stared at Minseo with longing in his eyes. That's not how you look at a friend.

"Damn, I can feel the tension from over here." Yoongi commented. "Do you think it's thick enough to cut with a knife?"
"Yep." Minseo sighed. "I've been wondering the same thing too."
"What?" Jimin's asked, and I began to tap my finger against the table repeatedly, taking occasional sips from my coffee.

"Hey, Minseo." Yoongi began. "I think we should wait outside a minute and let these guys talk it out." Yoongi looked at Minseo, and she nodded, the both of them standing up and making their way outside.
"We'll be back in a minute!" Minseo called, flashing me a smile.

"What are they on about?" Jimin's turned to face me, and I deadpanned him.
"Oh, so you don't have a crush on my girlfriend?" I replied sarcastically. His eyes shot open, and he wouldn't make eye contact with me. "What's all this about hyung?" I asked him. "She's been acting strange for a while, and then yesterday I heard you in her bedroom." There was a silence, and I was getting more and more annoyed with Jimin. Does he not realise what he's done!?

"I.. I didn't mean.. to-" I cut him off.
"Didn't mean to what!?" I yelled, grabbing a few people's attention. "Hurt my feelings whilst you begged my girlfriend to have sex with you? When you told her that you were the one who could give her what she wants? She's not a whore you asshole!" By this point I'd dropped the honourifics, and I saw Minseo and Yoongi rush back over.

"Well that didn't go to plan.." Yoongi mumbled to himself.
"Hey, hey. What's up?" Minseo asked me.
"And you! Why didn't you tell me that he went and begged you for sex!?"
"Huh!?" She stood there, shocked at my words, and I stood up.

"Or is it because you're covering for him? Were you really sick of having to baby me because of my injury so you went to look for sex elsewhere!?" At this point I was furious. I felt like I'd been left in the dark, abandoned. Well, not just me, Yoongi looked shook as fuck.

"I didn't-" Minseo's voice was quiet, and she was struggling to squeeze out a sentence. So it that it? She can't say anything!? So I'm right!?
"I think we should take a break." I looked into her eyes, but the tears brimming there shocked me, so I looked away. "Too much shit has happened." And with that I stormed off, leaving Minseo in tears and a shit ton of shocked strangers in my wake.

thank you for reading
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Word Count: 1606

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