29 • 二十九

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- Lee Minseo's POV -

"Hey, wake up." I lazily opened my eyes to find Yoongi staring down at me. "We need to leave. Get changed." He then threw a pile of clothes at me, which consisted of a clean pair of underwear, a black baggy top, some black jeans and the black pair of converse that went missing a couple days ago. Wait, why does he have my clothes?
"These are mine." I mumbled, half asleep.
"I know." Yoongi replied. "Now hurry and get changed. I'll wait for you outside."

I swiftly changed, and knocked on the door once I was done. Yoongi opened it, allowing me to walk out, but he grabbed my hands in front of me and put me in handcuffs.
"Just in case." He mumbled.
"What are you doing!?" I yelled, suddenly becoming terrified of what he was doing. My voice echoed through the damp corridor, freaking me out just that little bit more.

"Shut up!" He whispered, and we began walking. He was in front of me, holding my hands roughly as he lead me through the twisting halls. I noticed that black was also the colour he adorned, covering his face with a black face mask and a cap.

Eventually we arrived at a door, and Yoongi opened it to reveal it was the dead of night. The crescent moon was shining high above us as he lead me over towards a posh-looking black car. Opening the passenger door for me, I climbed in as Yoongi walked round the other side and jumped in the driver's seat.
"Wear these." Yoongi handed me a matching black face mask and cap, which I'm pretty sure is to cover my face so no one recognises me. I took them off him and - slowly - put them on.

I knew it was best to just listen to him, since in the movies if you didn't do as they said they'd threaten to shoot you, and I'm not having that anytime soon. Besides, it's not like he's asking me to do anything impossible. Yet.

"Why- why are we moving?" I asked him, but he didn't reply instead he turned on the radio, but kept the volume low, and I listened in.
"A young girl aged 19 called Lee Minseo was kidnapped just over two days ago. The culprit, known as Min Yoongi, was spotted loading her into a white van at 11:32am on Friday the 10th March, and has yet to be found." I glanced at Yoongi, and he did not look happy.

"We also have suspicion to believe that Min Yoongi, aged 24, is the murderer of Kim Jongin, Kim Yugyeom and Lalisa Manoban, and has been classed as extremely dangerous. If you see him, avoid any possible confrontation and call the police immediately."
"You see?" He asked, turning off the radio, and I nodded shyly. He carried on driving in the pitch black, and I couldn't help but fall back asleep.

- Jeon Jungkook's POV -

"A witness has called in!" Minho exclaimed as me and Mingyu walked into the office on the 13th March, and my dry, half-open eyes suddenly widened in shock. I've hardly slept since I've been up all night looking everywhere for Minseo. And Yoongi. If I've had any sleep its because I've passed out in my bed at 4am in front of my laptop. Yes, I was tired, but I can't sleep knowing that Minseo's out there. Who knows what's happened to her?

"What did they say!?" Mingyu exclaimed.
"They've seen the white van." He told us. "It's been parked outside a derelict building out in the country.
"What are we waiting for!?" I yelled, grabbing everything I needed and making my way to Minho's car. The other three followed, but Minho made sure that we grabbed some gear before we left.

"Bulletproof vest?"
"Let's go!" Me, Mingyu, Jisoo and Minho then jumped into the car, and drove off to the location Minho had written down. And if you're wondering, no, Jisoo isn't wearing heels. She used to come to work wearing a skirt and heels, but ever since Lalisa died she hasn't bothered dressing up, and just came to work in her white t-shirt, black jeans and black trainers like the rest of us.

Once we arrived at the building half an hour later, we immediately noticed the van parked outside. It wasn't out in the open, but the attempts at hiding the vehicle were pretty poor. We pulled out our pistols and torches, walking over to the van. Mingyu opened it as me, Minho and Jisoo aimed our guns inside along with our torches. Nothing.
"Should we check in the building?" Mingyu asked.
"Isn't that trespassing?" Jisoo butted in.

"Not when the door's open." I pointed to the rusting metal door, which was left ajar, and the four of us made our way over. Minho went first, then I did, followed by Jisoo and then Mingyu. The place was dark - not an ounce of light shining through. There were no windows, no vents, and hardly any furniture, just a bunch of rooms in a long, twisting, dingy corridor.

At the end of the hallway there was a room with a hospital bed and a chair inside. We walked in, observing the pristine white sheets on the hospital bed whilst everything else was dark, damp and dirty.
"Someone must have been staying here." Jisoo pointed out. "You can tell the bed has just recently been used."

I walked up to the bed slowly, observing the creases in the bed. Minho also came over, but as he lifted up the pillow a very familiar scent wafted its way toward me.
"Minseo." I mumbled.
"What?" Mingyu turned around to look at me.
"Give me the pillow." I held out my arm, and Minho gave me the pillow. I smelt it, then my eyes grew wide with shock.

"Minseo slept here." I told them. "The pillow smells like her."

"So she's being kept here?" Minho took another glance around the small room, turning up his nose at the damp smell.
"Do you think Yoongi heard about the witness and left?" Jisoo asked, and the rest of us nodded.
"That means we're close." I sighed.

"Is there anyone who lives near here?" Minho asked. "Or any CCTV? We can have a look to see where Yoongi ran off to with Minseo."
"My guess is that he took a different car." Jisoo muttered, and we nodded again.

We're close. I'll find you Minseo, I promise.

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Word Count: 1105

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