31 • 三十一

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- Lee Minseo's POV -

Then he leant in..... And kissed me.

Right on the lips. I felt my heart flutter in shock for a mere second as my eyes were opened wide, before he released from the kiss. Suddenly returning to his usual, dull self, Yoongi just shrugged then left. What the hell was that?

He just kissed me? Like, no tongue, no touching, just a plain kiss. Hell, I was expecting this punishment to be some form of rape or abuse, but, a kiss? That's the strangest thing I've ever heard of.

Do you think it's just some kind of tactic to make my try and escape again? Maybe his plan is to make me think he won't hurt me, so I try to escape again, and then he chains me up and does some creepy kink shit. I don't know....

Or maybe, he wasn't lying when he sent me those texts saying he loves me.

But, this is a strange way to show that you love someone. Kidnapping them? That violates their rights. Yet he (sort of) treats me with respect. He hasn't tried anything, besides a kiss, but that's nothing really. But he killed people! He's a killer! How can this guy care so much for one person, yet not give a single fuck about anyone else?

AAAAHHHH!!! What's going on!

Thoughts like those ran through my mind all throughout the time I spent having a shower. When I came out the bathroom, a towel wrapped around my body and hair, I noticed that Yoongi was no where to be seen. Taking this opportunity, I got changed into some clean clothes, hanging up my wet towels to dry. I left my hair to naturally dry since I couldn't find a hair dryer, and I set off in an adventure around the large mansion.

As I wandered around the place I bumped into a few of the people working here. They sent me warm smiles, which I gladly returned, before continuing to explore. I got to the ground floor, finding myself faced with a back door that lead out into the garden.

"Excuse me," I saw someone walking past so I stopped them. "Am I allowed in the garden?"
"Erm.. I think so..." She replied in a friendly manner. This girl looked very young, around 15 years old, and she was carrying a cloth in her rough, dry hands. "We're not allowed outside, so I don't really know." She smiled at me, and I sent her a smile back. Suddenly her eyes moved to behind me and widened as she swiftly lowered her head, as if she'd just realised she had made a mistake.
"What's wrong?" I asked, turning around.

There stood Yoongi, hands in his pockets, stood tall and facing the two of us.
"Oh, it's just Yoon-" I turned back around to the little girl, but she was nowhere to be seen. She'd vanished,  just like that. "What the fuck?" I mumbled.

"She ran off." Yoongi walked up to me.
"They're scared of you?" I asked, looking around at the once busy place to now see no one.
"Apparently so." He shrugged.
"Well you do look like a bit of a scary guy." I retorted. "With the glare and your ghostly pale skin." I prodded his arm.

"You're one to talk!" He retorted. "You're paler than me and then you locked yourself in that fucking house for days on end!"
"Well I had reason to." I huffed, "Arse hole," I shoved his arm, causing him to take a step back.

"Hey! Did you just shove me!" He yelled, taken aback. I laughed at the expression he was pulling on his face. "Do you wanna die!?" He scoffed, but partly laughing too, and I started running towards the living room. He started chasing me which made me laugh like crazy. I've never seen him run around like this before; he was always the 'cool guy' that could never be arsed to do anything.

Suddenly, the TV switched on in the living room, and me and Yoongi focused our attention to it to see that it was the news.
"This just in," the news lady began. "Detectives have just found the place where kidnapper Min Yoongi had recently hidden Lee Minseo.  Although Miss Minseo wasn't found, there is proof at the scene that the girl had been residing here." Then clips of the deteriorating building came on the screen, showing the room with the hospital bed in it. I saw Yoongi clench his fist in anger. It then cut back to the studio.

"Today I have a special guest with me." The news lady spoke. "His name is Oh Sehun, and he was very close with Minseo." The camera zoomed out, showing Sehun sat on the same sofa as the news lady.

"So, Sehun," she smiled. "How close are you and Minseo?"
"We were pretty much best friends," he smiled weakly in return. "We met through work a couple of years ago, and I don't think I've ever met anyone quite like her."
"Did you know her kidnapper? Min Yoongi?" She asked him.
"No, not really." He replied. "I'd heard of him before: he was best friends with Minseo's boyfriend." The news lady gasped, but then continued talking.

"Do you have any idea why he kidnapped her?" She questioned him.
"Well, I heard that Minseo was receiving texts off him, so I guess it was something to do with jealousy?" He told the lady, and she nodded in understanding. I looked at Sehun, and noticed that he had tears brimming in his eyes.

"I also heard that you were very close with one of Min Yoongi's victims, Kim Jongin."
"I was." Sehun sighed, wiping a tear from under his eye. Just seeing Sehun cry made me begin to cry. "I miss him so much, and with Minseo gone I-" he cut himself off, as I felt some tears gently fall down my cheeks.
"Thank you Sehun," the lady smiled weakly at him, and Yoongi abruptly turned off the TV.

Then angrily stormed off.

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Word Count: 1025

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