48 • 四十八

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- Lee Minseo's POV -

Ever since I've been living here my sleeping patterns haven't been the best. To say I didn't have nightmares would've been a lie, but I think I'm safe to say that they're nothing compared to the nightmares Yoongi's been getting recently. Sometimes it gets so bad that I've had to run into his room in the middle of the night to calm him down.

Last night was one of those nights. He'd received a phone call around about midnight, and went straight to sleep after it. I didn't hear much of what was said, but Yoongi definitely sounded anxious and scared.

Later on he began calling out in his sleep - which is what happens when he's having a nightmare - but it was slightly different from usual. He normally yells things like 'no, stop, go away', but what he said that night rattled my bones. Was it true? Probably not. It was only a dream, but his words still shocked me.

I ended up staying in his room for the night, sleeping next to him in order to keep him calm. I've done it before, and he claims it 'helps him remember he isn't alone', which made my heart ache.

The police are gonna catch him one day, and despite what he's done is wrong, I can't help but think that this man is innocent. When I look at him, I can't see a murderer; all I see is a lonely man who needs someone by his side.

I felt movement to the side of me, and I turned my head to face Yoongi, who only just began to stir. The sunlight was shining in through the curtains onto the bed, warming my cold feet.

"M-Minseo?" Yoongi stuttered, opening his eyes slowly. "You slept here?" He rubbed his eye gently, still adjusting to the light.
"Yeah," I smiled at him. "I thought you could use a little company after last night." He only nodded in response, leaving a small silence to linger in the air.

"They're gonna catch me sooner or later." Yoongi mumbled, rubbing his face with his hands as he sat up straight. I sat up too, looking over at him. "There's no doubt that I'll be put on death row for what I've been accused of." His comment made me shiver. He was right. He'll be sentenced to death.

"I didn't mean for any of this to happen." He sighed, clearly sounding unsettled. "All I wanted was to live in a nice place with someone that I love. I never meant for it to turn out like this." I began rubbing his back in comfort. I wanted to say that 'everything would be alright' but we both knew that it wasn't, so I kept my mouth shut.

A single tear dropped onto the bedsheets, and I realised that Yoongi was crying. It was the first time I've ever seen him like this - the phone call last night has really changed him completely - so I reached over and held him in my embrace.

"I-I'm not cry-ying because I don't want to d-die..." He mumbled, followed by a short sniffle. "It's just that- that after all this... i-it's not going to s-stop."
"What?" I asked him, whatever he's trying to tell me isn't making sense.

"They'll take y-you away-" He muttered. What is he on about? Does he mean the authorities? As in away from him?
"Sshhh~" I cut his mumbling off with a calm, soothing voice. "Please try to calm down."

I stayed with him like this for a bit, all the while thinking about what he said. First the phone call and now this? What's going on?

- Jeon Jungkook's POV -

"Okay, so this plan of yours," Minho sighed, leaning against his desk whilst me and Mingyu stood opposite him, side by side. "Do you really think it's gonna work?"
"Yes." Mingyu replied confidently.
"What about Jimin?" Jisoo asked. "How can we trust him to get the job done? Didn't you suspect him at one point?"

"That was because Jungkook was blinded by jealousy." Mingyu spoke up before I could answer, causing me to raise my eyebrows at him and send him a glance. "Rookie's mistake. He won't do it again."
"Throw me under the bus then." I muttered inaudibly, rolling my eyes.

"Didn't you say that Jimin was bad at acting?" Minho butted in, and caught us both off guard. Shit.
"We wouldn't tell him about it." I abruptly answered.
"What?" All three pairs of eyes were now on me, awaiting an explanation.

"I could just tell him that I've booked him a psychiatrist's appointment because he looks like he's suffering." I told them."Then he'd be acting sincerely."
"Then we can sneak in like super sneaky ninjas!" Mingyu exclaimed.

There was a short silence.

"I- I guess it could work." Jisoo looked up at Minho, who also nodded at her statement.



The next day came and everything was all set up. We'd booked the appointment, told Jimin and gathered reinforcements. Now all we need to do is start.

"Hey Jimin," Taehyung called from the hallway. "Are you ready to go to see the psychiatrist?"
"Yeah, hold on!" Jimin exclaimed, running in to grab his shoes from outside the door.

Since the psychiatrist would know who I am, I asked Taehyung (an amazing actor by the way) to go undercover for me. When Mr. Choi invited them in, I told Tae to place a small, hidden camera in the room. That way, we can get solid evidence that Mr. Choi has seen Yoongi.

The two of them walked out the door, borrowing Jin's car and made their way off to the psychiatrist's. Shortly after, Minho pulled up in his car, with Jisoo in the passenger seat and Mingyu in the back. I hopped in, and we drove on our way.

"Taehyung's placed the camera in the room!" Mingyu exclaimed, staring at his laptop and looking at the image projected onto it.

"Okay then," Taehyung sighed. "I'll wait outside for you, don't be too long." He smiled at Jimin, who wearily smiled back and watched as Taehyung made his way out of the room. Mingyu then closed his laptop.

"If this is real then we shouldn't pry." He told me, and I nodded in agreement. Behind our car was another, containing the likes of Minseok, Moonbyul and 2 others who I don't know too well.

Upon arriving at the building, all 8 of us got out of the cars and walked in. The two officers I didn't know waited outside to keep watch, and the rest of us walked up to the front desk. I noticed Taehyung sat on the waiting seats; he gave me a thumbs up as I walked past and I returned the gesture with a curt nod, seeing as I was working and I'm meant to keep a cool composure.

The receptionist looked shocked to see so many officers in one place, and asked us if everything was okay. In response Minho held up his badge, claiming that he had reason to believe that a member of staff here was in contact with the criminal Min Yoongi.

The woman, who looked surprised, let us through, giving us the key to enter Choi Jinho's room. The loud clank of the key was heard from inside, and when we opened the door both Mr. Choi and Jimin were staring at us.

"Mr. Park," Minho began. "Please could you stand outside for a moment?" Jimin nodded, looking anxious, and sent me a worried look. I couldn't reply, but sent him a gaze which said I'd give him an explanation later.

Mr. Choi stood up out of his seat.
"What is all of this nonsense?" He asked, looking slightly scared.
"We have reason to believe that you have been in contact with the criminal Min Yoongi." Jisoo spoke up. The man's eyes widened for a second, but then his cool composure took over.

"I don't know what you're on about." He huffed, and began walking over to his seat. As if on instinct, the six of us rapidly pulled out our pistols, aiming them at the man.
"Don't move." Moonbyul ordered, causing the man to hold up his hands in defence.

"Woah woah woah..." Mr. Choi muttered. "I'm going to sit down at my seat so we can have a discussion." He continued to move with his hands in the air and then sat down on his chair, only then did the six of us lower our weapons. Minho took a seat opposite him, Moonbyul and Minseok waited outside to keep on guard and the three of us remaining scattered ourselves around the room: Mingyu by the window, Jisoo behind Mr. Choi and me by the camera.

"So tell me Mr. Choi," Minho began. "Have you seen Min Yoongi in the past 72 hours?" He received no reply. "Mr. Choi? I thought you wanted to have a conversation."
"As to why I was being accused of such false lies." He replied.
"I was only asking you a question."
"To which you have no evidence."

"Actually-" Mingyu piped up, but soon became quiet after Minho gave him a death stare. "We have required satellite videos of you entering and leaving a threshold suspected of housing Min Yoongi. Now can you tell us if you have seen him?"

"He leaked satellite videos?" The man spoke to himself in disbelief. "What went wrong?"
"Excuse me?" I piped up, all four of us now looking confusedly at the man. He came to sudden realisation, and coughed.

"I- um, yes. I saw him." He mumbled.
"And where was this?" Minho pursued.
"In the army general's mansion." He simply stated, but we knew exactly what he meant.

Mr. Choi looked as if he was in a very uncomfortable position, all caused by one statement. Who 'leaked satellite videos'? and why is that so terrifying?

Suddenly the man's computer screen switched on, going static for a few seconds. All five of us jumped out of our skin, and us four officers immediately pulled our guns back out, rushing over to the screen. I brought the camera with me, pointing it at the screen.
"What's that!?" Minho demanded.
"I-I don't know!" The psychiatrist exclaimed.

It then switched to what looked like more satellite videos, on the same day as the clip of Choi Jinho. It showed the mansion, but more importantly the back garden, and a figure stood there, walking out.

"Oh my god-" I mumbled. "It's Minseo!" We all watched with wide eyes as Minseo suddenly stopped and turned to face the building. She stayed like that for a while, until another figure came running out from inside the building and dragged her back inside.

"Is that who I think it is..." Mingyu mumbled.
"Yep." Minho replied.

"It's him. Min Yoongi."

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Word Count: 1832

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