Chapter 10: Wondering/Escape... Start!

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Charles felt like he had a headache immediately after was what supposedly some kind of flashback. He held his head with both of his hands in pain.


"Charles, are you alright?" Henry put his hands on Charles's shoulders concerned.

"Why do you care..?"

"Because I... I..." Henry was feeling scared and embarrassed, he could never lie to Charles, but at the same time, he knew Charles would probably never like him back.

Charles was getting more and more confused, Their supposed to be enemies right? Why did Henry look so red? Why could he barely get a sentence out? Henry wasn't acting like he hated Charles, and Charles couldn't understand why.

Henry brought Charles closer to him, and for a moment, the two didn't realize that their lips were getting closer and closer and-

"No!" Charles realized what was happening and pushed Henry away from him and onto the ground. When Henry got up, he realized what happened as well and became as red as a tomato.

"I-I... Why would-I... What!? You-You almost..." Charles was in absolute shock. 'What has gotten into me!?' Was what both the boys were wondering.

Charles just slowly backed away from Henry. Things were silent for what felt like forever.

"I need to go!"


Charles left the room and Rory, the guard outside the room, locked the door to prevent Henry from getting out. Rupert was outside as well, he had been waiting for Charles.

"You alright Charles? You look pretty red."

"I-I'm fine Rupert, Thanks for your concern though."

"...How did the QnA go? Other than the argument between Mason and Mr.Miller."

"Uhh... Fine." Rupert was a little sus of Charles.



"If you say so. Let's head back over to Galeforce."


Charles and Rupert began to make their way back to the outside of the wall where Galeforce was waiting in the jeep.

"You both are back. How did things go?"

"Not so well. Mason and Mr.Miller got into an argument." Rupert answered.

"Oh... Well, let's hope that they managed to talk things out."

"Yea..." Charles answered, still in deep thought about what happened.

"Charlie, what's wrong?"

Rupert and Galeforce were facing Charles. Charles realized he wouldn't be able to hide what happened forever. Charles was Galeforce's adopted son, They've been living as a family ever since Charles was just a toddler. Galeforce would know if something was up with Charles. Charles just didn't know how to explain what happened.

"...I honestly don't know how to explain. I'm still trying to process everything that happened."

Charles and Rupert got into the jeep.

"Can you try to explain the basic details?"

"Well... Umm..."

"It's alright if you don't wanna tell me just yet. Take your time."

"Thank you, dad-General! I mean General!"

Rupert and Galeforce chuckled a bit.

"Welp, we should get going." The three drove away as Charles slowly began to wander back into thought about those flashbacks, Henry, and more.


Charles had left the room, leaving Henry there. He sighed. What did he think was going to happen!? Charles would magically fall in love with him and they would get married and live happily ever after!? No! This wasn't a love story!


But Henry wished it was...

Henry couldn't let Charle's words get him down. He remembered what Ellie said. He had a clan to get back to and lead, and even if Charles hated Henry, Henry would do almost everything within his power to keep Charles safe, because he still loved Charles.

But there was one question. How could Henry escape?

Henry felt a vibration on top of his head and heard a noise going "Ring ring! Ring ring!" over and over.

Henry took off his top hat and grabbed a box with a phone on top that was on his head. He clearly remembers that not being there before...

Henry turned off the phone and saw a note, it read...

"Ello there Henry!

You may not know me, but I know a lot about you.

I mean you are a well-known criminal after all!

Anyways, I wanna help you escape!

Inside this box are 3 items you can use to escape, outside the box should be a phone you can use to call anyone in the Toppat clan!

At least one of these things should work! If they don't I'll provide you with more options!

Good luck escaping Henry!

Sincerely, Your fellow Toppat friend, Pink Blossoms!"

There was a smiling face with a hand making the peace sign next to the name, the face was drawn to look like this Pink Blossoms supposedly. Blue eyes, blond hair, and a pink top hat with a heart on it.

Henry felt like he had seen this person before. But he didn't know where, he'd just have to look into it later.

Henry dialed Reginald's number on the phone and waited for a response.

".... . .-.. .-.. --- ..--.."

"It's me! Henry!"

".... . -. .-. -.-- -.-.-- ..--.. / .-- .... . .-. . / .- .-. . / -.-- --- ..- -.-.-- ..--.."

"I'm in a complex called the wall. I think I'm in one of the cells with maximum security!"

"-.. --- -. .----. - / .-- --- .-. .-. -.-- / .... . -. .-. -.-- -.-.-- / .-- . / . ... -.-. .- .--. . -.. / - .... . .-. . / -... . ..-. --- .-. . -.-.-- / -- . / .- -. -.. / - .... . / --- - .... . .-. / - --- .--. .--. .- - ... / .-- .. .-.. .-.. / --. . - / -.-- --- ..- / --- ..- - -.-.--"

"Thanks Ellie-"

".... . -. .-. -.-- ..--.. / . ...- . .-. -.-- - .... .. -. --. / .- .-.. .-. .. --. .... - ..--.."

"I got to go! I hear someone coming!"

".-- .- .. - -.-.--"

Henry hung up. He opened the box to find three items. He had to act, and fast!

[Options for reader loading... Please be patient...]


[Jumpty Dumpty]

[Magic Pencil, but pink!]


1,025 WORDS!? HOLY CHEESECAKES!? I-I guess chapter 8.2 has three parts now! Welp! I hope you enjoyed it!

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