Chapter 2: Cheering up

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*1 month later*

Henry was devastated, He had betrayed the love of his life. Sure it was for the best, maybe. But now he was the leader of the Toppat clan! his enemies! The people he hated the most! Henry was lost in thought on his bed when he heard a knock.

"Hello?"Henry didn't want to answer. But he kinda had too. He got up, went to the door, and opened it. It was Sven. Henry had known Sven from his bio and from previous meetings.

"Hey, Henry... umm-"

"Another meeting?" Henry interrupted.

"No! Something else actually." Sven sounded slightly concerned.

"What then?" Henry sounded rude and was trying to get this conversation done as soon as possible.

"I actually went here to check up on you. Reginald noticed you whispered something a month ago when THAT happened. You've also been pretty grumpy. Like something was wrong. So Reginald had me come up here to check on you." Henry had a hard time believing this. Reginald, the guy who he had taken his role as leader from and hurt his Right Hand Man, had someone check up on him!? No way.

"It's something very serious. Something that I won't tell anyone. Just leave. I don't want to talk." Henry looked away.

"It's alright if you don't want to talk about that serious thing. But I insist on cheering you up!"

"And how will you attempt that?"

"With... Uhh... one moment, please." Sven ran to go grab something while Henry waited. Sven soon returned with a shark plushie.

"Tada! Sharkie the shark!"

"Seriously, a shark plush?"

"Hey! A hug from a soft toy can cheer almost anyone up immediately! Sometimes Sharkie helps me when I'm down!"

"yea, sometimes, this is stupid and a waste of time-"Sven threw the shark plush at Henry who caught it. Henry was surprised at how soft it was.

"Hey! This is actually pretty soft... I feel a bit better..." Henry looked at the plush and hugged it.

"Told ya! Now it's getting late! If you want you can spend time with me and Burt! We were planning on spending some time together and having a bit of a sleepover tonight! We were gonna watch movies, read some books, make a pillow fort, have a pillow fight-"Sven was beginning to ramble on about the sleepover. So Henry had to interrupt him.

"Yea! Sounds great! Just let me change and I'll be right there."

"Got it!" Henry closed the door, changed into some pajamas, and grabbed some pillows and blankets. While he was doing so he was thinking to himself about how the Toppats seemed to be better than he first thought. Reginald had Sven go checkup on Henry, and Sven even gave Henry Sharkie to try and cheer him up. Once Henry was reading he stepped out and gave Sven back Sharkie. The two began to walk over to Burt's room while chatting. Sven was happy to see Henry smile for the first time, and Henry, without realizing it, finally managed to smile after so long.


(I hope you enjoyed this chapter!)

(After a prologue and chapter of angst and sadness I decided to give you guys a happier chapter.)

(Hope you enjoyed!)

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