Eighth Call

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"Hello, mystery caller,"

"So that's my nickname now?"

"Well it's better than Hot Stuff,"

"No it's not,"

"Yes it is,"






"Who were you sitting by in History?"

"Not saying,"

"What's the point of keeping who you are a secret from me?"

"Well I don't want you to know who I am cause it's embarrassing,"

"Why is it embarrassing?"

"Just forget it,"

"Oh...okay but I want a clue for today,"

"Ask Chloe,"

Unknown number ended call.
You wrote a message to: Chloe

Elle~Tell me

Chloe~ tell u what?

Elle~ the unknown mystery caller dude said to ask u so spill it

Chloe~ But

Elle~ Chloe...

Chloe~ Fine....He hangs out with James and Mason.

Elle~ Thank yewwwww!!!!!!!

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