Chapter 15 - Rat Man

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"A beautiful day." Hermione said while they walked outside.

"Gorgeous." Ron said before adding,"Unless you've been ripped to pieces."

"Wait, ripped to pieces? What did I miss?" Erica questioned.

"Ron lost his rat." Harry summed it up.

"But Ron thinks that Crookshanks killed him." Parker added.

"When did the supposed murder happened?" Erica asked, knowing how stubborn both people could be.

"Last night." Both Hermione and Ron said at the same time.

"If the animals slept at different locations, how would Crookshanks get in silently and murder Scabbers silently. Animals make noises when they die." Erica questioned, trying to solve this.

"Because her bloody cat chased Scabbers out of the common room. Crookshanks came back but Scabbers didn't." Ron explained.

"Was there evidence, such as blood left at the scene?" Erica asked.

"It was done out of the common room." Harry sighed.

"Was the cat bloody though?" Erica pushed further.

"No, Crookshanks wasn't bloody." Hermione shook her head.

"By order of the court, I say Crookshanks is innocent." Erica declared.

"Of course you'd take her side!" Ron groaned.

"If you can't give me evidence I can't say he's guilty." Erica crossed her arms,"No arguing with the judge."

"Oh god, look who's here." Parker pointed ahead of them to show Draco and his two friends.

"He hasn't been overly annoying to me recently, I think he learned his lesson with Buckbeak and the sheets." Erica stated.

"Well, I feel like you're all going to even more pissed." Parker sighed, "Draco got father to sentence Buckbeak to death."

Erica froze as stared Draco down, her eyes like daggers.

"I've already given him a slap." Parker sighed.

Hermione jumped forward and ran up to Draco, wand at the ready.

"You! You foul, loathsome, evil, little cockroach!" She pointed her wand at Dracos neck.

"He's not worth it!" Ron told Hermione.

Hermione lowered her wand and turned away before turning back around and punching him square in the face. Draco groaned and fell back against the massive rock.

"Go, I know you want to." Parker whispered to Erica.

Erica walked over and helped Draco up before kicking him in the No-no spot. Draco then fell to the ground, scowlding at the others before his friends dragged him away.

Ron slowly backed away further from his sister,"You wouldn't expect it but she's really scary."

"That felt good." Hermione smiled.

"Come on, we need to go see Hagrid." Parker sighed before they ran down the steps.

"Hagrid!" Erica called out as they approached his door.

Hagrid opened the door, the Herd could see he was upset while he let them in. They all went in and sat down but Erica was staring out of the window.

"Why can't we just set him free?" Parker asked Erica while she looked at Buckbeak through the window.

"Well, it's against the law. The ministry has declared that he must die..." Hermione told her sadly.

"He did nothing bloody wrong." Parker sighed.

"Does Lucius care? It doesn't even effect him that much." Ron stated, leaning back in his chair.

"Oh, Ron." Hagrid lifted up Scabbers, "I found him out here last night."

"You were right." Parker nudged Erica.

"I'm right ninety five percent of the time." Erica stated before looking at Ron,"Now Ron, what do we say?"

"I'll tell Crookshanks thanks for not killing Scabbers." Ron told them.

"I think I deserve an apology!" Hermiome said.

That's when a rock, flew past Parker and Ericas head and hit a vase full of seeds.

Erica was frozen before remarking,"This isn't like me, usually I get h-"

That's when a second rock flew in and actually hit her.

Parker looked out the window and seen Dumbledore, the Minister and the Executioner coming down the path.

"Guys, they're here." Parker informed them.

"Run!" Harry yelled, pulling Ron out of the small back door.

Parker grabbed Hermione and Erica and pulled them out the back door. Once outside, they snuck past the three of them before running down to the pumpkin patch. Erica swore she saw Hermione in the woods before they ran up the steps to where they watched as the three men entered Hagrid's hut. They then saw the executioner bring up the axe before bringing it down. All they heard was the slice until Scabbers but Ron's finger, causing him to drop him.

"Scabbers!" Ron held his finger before running after him.

"Ron!" Erica yelled before running after her brother.

Once they all caught up to Ron, they seen him next to the Whomping Willow, holding Scabbers to his chest. Then Ron fell dog as a black dog  grabbed his leg and dragged him inside the tree.

"Hey! That's my brother!" Erica shouted as the dog disappeared.

"That's the Grim Trelawney was talking about!" Hermione shouted before the tree began to swing its branches.

"Oh we're in for a fight with mother nature." Parker told them.

"Why is it alive?" Erica questioned, ducking under a branch.

"The tree's protecting whatever is inside." Parker yelped as she just narrowly missed getting hit.

"I have an idea!" Harry told them, letting himself get hit.

"Getting yourself killed? Great! I want to try!" Parker got herself hit, "Bad plan!"

"Come on Hermione, this looks fun!" Erica told her, jumping into one of the branches.

"This is a terrible idea!" Hermione shouted.

Erica then let go of her branch falling into the hollow of the tree, soon followed by Harry. Parker fell after Harry and Hermione after Parker, them all pilling ontop of each other.

"Can you guys get off me?" Erica asked them from the bottom of the pile.

They all fell to the side, Parker got up and wiped the dust and leaves off of her.

"That was.. Not fun." Parker sighed.

"I actually enjoyed it." Erica told them,"I'm not sure if my ribs hurt from the tree or everyone falling on me."

"Can you feel this?" Parker tapped Erica's sides.

"Yes, can you stop touching me? I need to find my brother." Erica announced.

"Just making sure you're not broken." Parker defended.

"Come on." Hermione and Harry walked forward and up the stairs.

Once up they saw Ron on a shabby looking bed.

"You aren't dead, that's good." Erica stated.

"It's a trap, he's the dog!" Ron pointed behind the four of them, "He's an Animagus!"

The trio turned around to see Sirius standing just a meter or two away from them.

"Oh, hi Sirius." Erica greeted him casually.

"I'm sorry?" Parker looked at Erica.

Sirius walked forward, to which Hermione stepped in front of Harry.

"If want to get Harry, you'll have to get through us." Hermione warned him.

"He doesn't want Harry." Erica told her, trying to calm the situation.

"How do you know?" Parker asked.

Harry went and tackled Sirius to the ground, pointing his wand at him.

"Put the wand down Harry!" Erica demanded,"He isn't here to hurt us."

Before Harry could do anything, Lupin ran into the room and used Expelliarmus to disarm Harry who got off of Sirius.

"Well, well Sirius. Looking rather ragged, are we? Finally the flesh reflects the madness." Lupin walked closer to Sirius.

"You'd know all about the madness inside, wouldn't you Remus?" Sirius joked, still on the ground.

Lupin lowered his hand and helped Sirius up, smiling.

"Told you he wasn't going to hurt us." Erica added, hands behind her back.

"Sirius Black is a good guy?" Parker asked.

Sirius and Lupin hugged before they said some things, they could hear, "Lets kill him!"

Erica nodded which caused Ron to shake her arm.

"He's tricked you, he's going to kill someone." Ron shouted.

"He's a werewolf! That's why he's been missing classes!" Hermione told them all, referring to Lupin.

"So? I'm with my friend so everything is ok." Erica stated, gesturing to Sirius.

"Can we just stop the talking?! Let's kill him!" Sirius told them.

"Wait-" Lupin began.

"I did my waiting! Twelve years of it! In Azkaban!" Sirius shouted.

"Can we just stop the talking?! Let's kill him!" Sirius told them.

"Wait-" Lupin began.

"I did my waiting! Twelve years of it! In Azkaban!" Sirius shouted.

Lupin looked back at the children before handing Sirius the wand.

"We just need to tell Harry why." Lupin stated.

"I know why! You betrayed my parents! You're the reason they're dead." Harry spat.

"No! It was Wormtail!" Erica retorted.

"Who's Wormtail?" Ron asked his sister.

"Peter Pettigrew! And he's in this room! Right now! Come out, come out Peter! Come play!" Sirius called out for him.

"But you killed him." Hermione stated.

"No! He cut off his finger and transformed. He transformed into a rat!" Sirius yelled.

Parker tilted her head before she looked towards Scabbers. Sirius grabbed Scabbers and threw him on the piano. He then started running around, darting out of the way from the spells being fired at him. Soon enough, Lupin and Sirius hit him with a spell while he jumped through the door, causing him to turn into a fully grown man.

"Well Ron, you've been sleeping in a bed with him for three years." Erica pointed out, looking at the man.

"Come on, Peter." Sirius and Lupin grabbed him and pulled him back into the room.

The students, minus Ron on the bed, moved back a few steps.

"You sold James and Lily to Voldemort, didn't you?!" Lupin asked.

"I didn't mean to." Peter wailed,"The Dark Lord... You have no idea the weapons he possesses. Sirius, what would you have done? What would you have done?"

"I would've died!" Sirius snapped at Peter,"I would've died rather than betray my friends!"

Harry stood in the doorway of the room while Peter ran up to him.

"Harry! Harry, James wouldn't of wanted me killed!" He grabbed onto Harry, "Your dad would spare me! He would show me merc-AH!"

Lupin and Sirius pulled Peter off Harry and threw the cowardly man into the middle of the room.

"You should've realized Peter. If the Dark Lord didn't kill you then we would!" Sirius yelled, both him and Remus pointing their wands at him,"Together."

"No!" Parker shouted.

"This is the man.." Lupin began.

"We know what he is." Harry nodded, "But we'll take him to the castle."

That's when Professor Snape burst in, he quickly disarmed Sirius and kept his wand pointed at him.

"Oh, vengeance is sweet. How I hoped to be the one who captured you." Snape walked closer to Sirius.

"Severus." Lupin started before stepping back as Snape pointed his wand at him before turning back to Sirius.

"I told Dumbledore that you were helping an old friend get in and around the castle and now, here's the proof." Snape stated, keeping his eyes locked on Sirius.

"Brilliant, Snape. Once again, you're keen and penetrating mind to the task and as usual, come to the wrong conclusion. Now if you'll excuse us! Remus and I have some unfinished business to attend to." Sirius walked closer to Snape.

That's when Snape put his wand right up to Sirius' neck,"Give me a reason, I beg you"

"Severus, don't be a fool." Lupin warned him.

"He can't help it, it's habit by now." Sirius began.

"Sirius be quiet-" Lupin started again.

"Oh, quiet yourself Remus!" Sirius yelled.

"There's you two, arguing like an old married couple." Snape sneered.

"Why don't you run along and play with your chemistry set?" Sirius joked.

"Sirius, don't poke the angry." Erica muttered.

"I could do it you know." Snape dug his wand into Sirius' neck, "Buy why deny the dementors? They're so longing to see you.. Do I detect a flicker of fear? The dementors kiss. I can only imagine what that looks like."

"Severus please." Lupin pleaded, trying not to agitate Snape.

Harry sneakily pinched Hermione's wand as the encounter went on.

"After you." Snape gestured to the door.

Harry walked up to Snape, pointing his wand at Sirius before pointing it at Snape, throwing him back.

"You just attacked a teacher!" Hermione shouted.

"He'll be fine." Erica shrugged it off,"Is everyone else ok?"

"Fine." They all nodded.

"Ron most definitely isn't." Parker crouched down and looked at his leg that was bleeding.

"Oh yeah, we kind of ignored that." Erica stated before poking it.

"Ow! What the heck?" Ron pushed Erica away.

"Right, I'm no doctor but I think it's broken." Erica told them,"Thanks Padfoot."

"I was going after Peter." Sirius shrugged.

Parker then looked over at Sirius, tilting her head at him slightly. Just like she always did when she looked at Sirius.

"Well, you missed. Now it's going to take ages to get back to the castle with P-" Erica began until she felt a wand pressed against her back.

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