Chapter 24 - The Goblet of Fire

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It had been a while since the murder of Barty and everyone was now gathering for the third task. The champions family's were aloud to come and watch the event. The Herd, minus Harry were in the stands infront of the maze while the champions came out.

"How do you think this one will turn out?" Parker asked.

Erica shrugged as Ron looked at the maze.

"Who decided that it should be a maze? We can't see." Ron pointed out.

"That's the point Ron, it's a waiting game." Hermione sighed.

"Hey Ron, there's Mum and Bill. They must've come to watch Harry as his family." Erica stated, pointing down at the two who were talking to Harry.

Ron and the girls looked over the barrier.

"That's nice of them." Ron nodded.

Erica tapped on the barrier in front of her as Dumbledore began to explain the rules of the maze. Molly turned and waved at Erica with a small smile. Erica waved back as Harry and Cedric went in first, as they got first place, then Viktor and lastly, Fleur. Before Dumbledore even got to three, Filch had already pulled the cannon. The last task started now. All contestants had been in the maze for some time when red sparks went up in the air, one of the contestants was in danger. A few minutes later Fleur was removed from the maze and was taken to the side to be healed for something.

"I thought this was just a maze?" Ron questioned, "Why would Fleur be hurt?"

"It's a challenge, there's obviously dangerous obstacles in their." Erica reminded him.

Parker blinked a few times and crossed her arms, "I'm not.. Feeling to good about this challenge. I have a bad feeling."

"I've passed my psychic abilities on." Erica joked, trying to reduce some tension.

Soon enough, Viktor Krum was brought out. It was just Harry and Cedric left in the maze. That's when they saw a faint light blue glow come from the maze. Was that what they were supposed to reach? Are they racing to come out?

Parker then saw someone out the corner of her eye, "No, no. Why is he here?"

Lucius. Lucius was here, standing at the corner of the maze. It had been another ten minutes of nothing when Harry appeared, a cup falling to the, as he held onto Cedric. Everyone began cheering, the music began playing.

"Harry.. He's crying." Parker muttered.

That's when Fleur screamed, some other people had realised what had happened.

"He's dead!" Erica yelled, almost crying herself.

Ron quickly pulled Erica into a hug, covering her eyes from Cedric's body. Dumbledore had tried pulling Harry off of Cedric, but it was no use. Erica began crying, hugging her brother, what else what you do when you see one of your friends dead in front of you? That's when Amos ran over.

"That's my son! That's my boy!" Amos cried, running over to his son's body.

Everyone. Literally everyone. Whether they were from Hogwarts, Beauxbatons or Drumstrang, were all equally upset.

Harry began yelling to Dumbledore, "He's back! Voldemorts bad!"

That's when Moody lead Harry away, seemingly to his office.


"How are you feeling?" Parker asked Erica while they walked into the Great Hall.

"Not the best to be honest. A good friend of mine died last night and the most evil Wizard of all time is back." Erica sighed sitting next to Ron, looking at Cho,"I feel bad for her though."

"Although we don't get along, I do feel bad for her aswell." Parker sighed, crossing her arms.

"I'm sure you are all aware of the great loss we faced last night." Dumbledore began.

"You can see he's upset." Hermione whispered.

"Cedric Diggory was as you all know, exceptionally hard working, fair minded, and most importantly, a fierce friend." Dumbledore stood up from his seat.

The hall was silent as Dumbledore gave his speech, no small chatter like usual.

"He was murdered by the one who goes by Lord Voldemort." Dumbledore stated.

Everyone stayed silent in either respect or fear of the Dark Lord.

"The Ministry of Magic does not wish for me to tell you this. But it would be an insult to his memory." Dumbledore continued, "Although we all come from different places and speak different languages.. Our hearts beat as one."

The hall bowed their heads, giving the Cedric a minute of silence.

After the minute was up, Dumbledore spoke again, "There shall be no end of the year feast in the hall. Classes are cancelled for the day. You can all take the rest of the day to spend time with your friends. I shall see you all next term."

The hall then dispersed into their friend groups.

"I feel so bad for Amos." Ron crossed his arms while the Herd walked out to the courtyard.

"I just feel bad in general." Erica stated, walking with her hands behind her head.

"I'm sorry you had to see Cedric.. die, Harry." Parker sighed, "It's a horrible thing."

Harry nodded before walking over to the twins and handing him the prize money. He spoke with them for a few minutes before returning. Soon enough, everyone gathered in the courtyard, Viktor had given Hermione his number and Ron had gotten kissed by Fleur.

"Promise you'll write this summer? All of you?" Hermione asked the Herd.

"I'll make sure we both do." Erica assured her, looking at Ron.

"Harry, Parker?" Hermione asked.

"Oh yeah, every week." Parker nodded with a small smile while they walked, seeing the two schools leave.

"Don't worry, I'll sneak out my letters." Harry told her, leaning on the wall.

"Everything's going to change now, isn't it?" Parker asked.

"What do you mean by that?" Erica asked, tilting her head.

"Now that Mr Voldy's back." Parker sighed, "Everything's going to change."

Harry nodded slowly, "Yeah, it will. But us five? We can handle it."

"Let's hope Cedric was a one off and let's hope the ministry believes us." Erica sighed, looking off into the water.

"We can only hope." Ron nodded.

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