Chapter 38 - Flaming Christmas,

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"So Dean, are you ready?" Erica asked him as they walked.

"In all honesty? No." Dean shook his head.

"Right, we'll start with the basics. What do you like about him?" Erica asked, not even knowing who 'he' was.

"Uh.. He's funny, mega funny." Dean nodded.

Erica started writing,"Go on."

"His accents cool. Not like one I've heard. He talks a lot." Dean added on.

"Uh huh." Erica nodded along as she kept writing.

"Let's say he has an... Explosive  personality." Dean nodded.

"Now I know who we're talking about." Erica realised, dragging Dean down the corridor.

"You do?" Dean asked.

Erica then stopped and pointed around the corner at Seamus who was talking to some other Gryffindors.

"How did you get it so fast?" Dean turned to Erica.

"Explosions Dean, that's what he's known for." Erica sighed before turning to face Dean.

"Maybe I shouldn't of said that." Dean sighed, looking away.

"Well, at least we're on the same page. Now, are you guys scheduled to meet up or anything today?" Erica questioned.

"We're riding home today in the same compartment?" Dean shrugged.

"Hm, maybe start by giving him a small gift?" Erica suggested, starting to think.

"Like what?" Dean asked.

"Maybe something like a flower or maybe a drawing." Erica suggested again, not sure what Seamus might like.

"I could.. Draw something?" Dean agreed, "He likes drawings."

"See? There's something we can do. What would you like to draw?" Erica asked him, handing him her sketchbook.

Dean looked down at the sketchbook, "He likes.. foxes?"

"Let's draw a fox then." Erica told him, handing him a pencil.

"It'll take time." Dean took the pencil.

"Take as long as you need, I have to go do work with the other half." Erica smiled at Dean before going after Seamus.

"Oh god." Dean muttered.

Seamus had eventually walked off from the Gryffindors when he bumped into Erica.

"You alright bud?" Erica asked Seamus.

"Yeah, sorry about that." Seamus shook his head.

"I have a few questions for you if that's alright." Erica told him.

"Uh.. Sure." Seamus crossed his arms.

Erica lead him into a secret passage way and then took out her notebook.

"So, anyone you're interested in at the moment?" Erica asked, holding her own to the paper.

"Why is this important?" Seamus raised a brow.

"Well, being a part-time matchmaker I need to know these things. Besides, I won't tell anyone." Erica shrugged.

"I might do." Seamus nodded.

"Well, are you going to give me a name or are we having a guessing game?" Erica asked, looking at him.

"Guessing game, makes it more fun, I guess." Seamus shrugged.

"Right then, what's my first hint?" Erica asked, looking up from her page.

"They're in Gryffindor." Seamus stated.

"Wow, that lowers it by so much." Erica replied sarcastically.

"It does!" Seamus sighed, "He's uh.. Rather smart."

He hadn't realised he said 'he'.

"Oh, that actually lowers it by a huge amount. They're aren't many smart Gryffindors." Erica nodded.

"They're quiet, keep to themselves. They're also just out a relationship." Seamus finished.

"It's Dean!" Erica announced, putting down her notebook.

"What?" Seamus looked up at her.

"Dean Thomas. He's smart, in Gryffindor and just out of a relationship." Erica told him.

"What?- No, it's not- No, I'm not gay." Seamus quickly shook his head.

"Bro, you said he." Erica crossed her arms.

"I said she, duh." Seamus rolled his eyes.

"Yes Seamus, forgive my ears." Erica rolled her eyes.

"You can't tell him." Seamus warned.

"I wasn't going to." Erica sighed, going to leave the passage.

"Wait!" Seamus stopped her.

Erica turned around and tilted her head,"Seamus?"

"If ye find him.. Tell him I'm looking for him, will you?" Seamus asked.

"Alrighty, I'll tell him." Erica smiled as she left and walked back to where she left Dean.

"Did you see him?" Dean asked.

"Yeah, he actually wants to see you." Erica told him.

"He does?" Dean tilted his head.

"Why would I lie about this? Come on, your lover awaits." Erica informed him.

"He's not my lover." Dean rolled his eyes before he took his drawing and walked off.

Erica giggled as she followed along. They were outside and she climbed into a nearby tree to watch. Soon enough, Erica saw them laughing and nodding, was there even.. Hand holding? Erica leaned forward and yes! They were holding hands! The bad thing was that she leaned a bit too far and the branch snapped, causing her to fall to the ground. Dean and Seamus looked at Erica as she fell.

"Erica? You alright?" Dean asked.

Erica shook her head,"I don't mean to alarm you but I think I've broken something."

"Shit." Seamus and Dean helped her up.

"I mean, it was totally worth it. I saw the hand-holding." Erica smiled at them, still obviously in pain.

"Ignore our hand holding, we've got to take you to the infirmary." Seamus sighed while they walked with her.

Once they arrived, Madame Pomfrey immediately began working on trying to fix Erica's mess. That's when Seamus ran off to get Ron.

"Were you really spying on us?" Dean asked Erica while she got her arm seen to.

Erica nodded,"As matchmaker I must see if my job is successful."

"You could've waited." Dean stated.

"You can't change my mind, it was totally worth it." Erica smirked as Madame Pomfrey walked away.

"You broke your wrist." Dean pointed at her.

"So?" Erica asked, looking at her sling,"It's better than a broken rib."

"That's true." Dean sighed.

That's when Ron ran in, Seamus following close behind.

"What did you bloody do this time?" Ron groaned.

"I maybe fell out of a tree and broke my wrist." Erica admitted, looking at her brother.

"Why were you even in a tree in the first place?" Ron asked.

"I was being a matchmaker." Erica stated,"I had to the couple succeed."

"I'm sure you would've seen if you succeeded later." Ron rolled his eyes.

Erica shrugged,"Dean tried to convince me otherwise too but it was worth it."

"What are you going to tell mum?" Ron asked.

"That I fell out of a tree?" Erica told him, almost as a question.

Ron sighed, "She'll be mad."

"She's always mad when I hurt myself but then she realises I'm just clumsy and gives up." Erica chuckled.

"Let's hope so. Is it okay though?" Ron raised a brow.

"I mean, it doesn't hurt." Erica looked at her sling.

"So you'll be okay for going home?" Ron questioned her.

Erica nodded as Madame Pomfrey walked back in.

"How long does the sling need to be on for?" Ron asked Madame Pomfrey.

"Well, she'll be healed in around four weeks." Madame Pomfrey informed them.

"It should be fine for you coming back then." Ron told Erica.

Erica smiled and got up. All four of them left the infirmary, Erica and Ron splitting off to join the Herd.

"What the heck happened?" Hermione ran up to Erica.

Ron sighed,"She fell out of a tree."

"How'd you manage that?" Parker asked.

"I was watching the two people I set up and I thought I saw hand-holding. I leaned over the branch and I was right but the branch decided to snap and now I'm here." Erica explained to her friends.

"Remind me never to tell you who my crush is." Parker shook her head.

"Come on. We're going to miss the train." Harry told them.

Eventually the Herd made it to the train and were on route home. Well, to the Burrow, the Herd decided to spend Christmas there that year. Harry, Arthur, Tonks and Lupin were in the living room. Molly, Ginny, Ron and the twins were in the kitchen while Erica and Parker stood at the front door.

"I have a bad feeling." Parker shook her head.

"For once, I think we're both right." Erica sighed, leaning against the door.

"Harry's telling everyone that Snape made an unbreakable vow with someone." Parker glanced to the living room.

"Well, is it true?" Erica asked her.

Parker looked back outside, "I wasn't there for it. I can't confirm or deny, all I know is that Snape has to keep a close eye on Draco and I."

Erica stood there, deep in thought for a moment as the door opened, causing her to nearly fall over. Out came, Lupin and Tonks.

"Hi girls." Lupin nodded.

"Oh, hello." Erica smiled at them, catching herself on the door frame.

"You alright?" Tonks asked while they stood behind them.

"Yeah, we're just watching." Parker shrugged.

"I'd recommend coming inside, it looks like it's going to rain." Tonks pointed at the clouds in the distance.

Parker tilted her head at the clouds, they didn't look like normal clouds. They were moving too fast.

Erica walked inside,"I'm going to get some water."

"Alright." Parker nodded while she continued to look outside.

A few minutes later, Erica walked back with a glass of water.

"Anything peculiar?" Erica asked her friend.

Parker pointed to the clouds, "They don't particularly look.. normal."

"I mean, it's not very windy out here so I couldn't tell you why they're so fast." Erica shrugged, slightly on edge.

That's when a fireball flew over the house and made a ring of fire around it. And one of the clouds moved down into the ring to reveal, Bellatrix. Everyone got their wands out while Harry ran past them all and after Bellatrix.

"Harry!" Erica called after him as she ran.

Parker quickly joined after her, she couldn't let her mother hurt them.

"I killed Sirius Black! I killed Sirius Black! You coming to get me?!" Bellatrix taunted, mostly Harry while they all ran.

Eventually they ended up in the middle of the cornfield, looking all around for the Death Eaters. Fenrir Greyback appeared infront of Erica, Harry used Stupefy but he blocked it.

"I don't care what they ordered, you still listen to me. Back, off!" Parker told Fenrir before he apparated away.

They could still hear all of the Death Eaters moving around in the cornfield. They then started coming at them all from different angles, Tonks and Lupin joining the teens while they fought the Death Eaters. Erica turned around and gasped at what she saw. The Burrow was on fire!

"My family's in that house!" Erica yelled, running back.

The others quickly ran after Erica. When they got there, the whole place was destroyed, it was burning to the ground. To Erica's relief, nobody was still in the house.

"Everyone out?" Arthur asked while he hugged Molly.

Molly nodded, looking at the house she raised her family in. Parker looked to the ground while Ron hugged Ginny and Parker. This was her fault, maybe if she had went back to the Manor, she could've stopped it.

"T-this is fine. We can fix this." Erica stuttered, walking over to the twins.

Fred and George nodded.

"Of course we can fix this. Don't worry." Fred rubbed her arm.

Erica sighed, leaning against George.

"We'll help rebuild it with mum and dad when you're back at school. It'll be finished by the time term ends." George assured her.

Erica nodded as she fell asleep on his shoulder.

"Where are we going to go?" Ginny asked.

"You guys can stay with us and the Order." Lupin offered them.

"We don't want to be a hassle, Remus." Molly shook her head.

"It really isn't a big deal, besides, you were all there for me and now it's my turn to repay the favour." Lupin assured them.

"It would just be until you get the house rebuilt. We'd be glad to help." Tonks added.

"You two don't know how much this means to us." Arthur told them, the gratefulness in his eyes.

"It's no problem." Lupin nodded.

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