Chapter 46 - The Snatchers

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It was night, the girls were sleeping in the tent and Harry was sitting against a tree, lost in thought. That's when something snapped him back to reality. It was a patronus, a deer. At first he thought it was his future self like the first time until he noticed something. This wasn't a stag, it was a doe. Harry slowly got up, looking back at the tent before he followed the patronus. The doe remained ahead of him before running across a frozen lake, disappearing into the distance.

"Lumos." Harry lit up his wand while he slowly walked on the lake.

He then looked down and was shocked at what he saw. It was the Sword of Gryffindor! It was under the ice.

Harry pointed his wand at the ice, "Accio sword."

The sword moved slightly but it wasn't getting any where out of the ice.

Harry sighed, pointing his wand back down at the ice, "Diffindo."

The ice broke apart after being hit by the spell, leaving an opening for him. Harry walked off the ice and began stripping. He took off all of his clothes, only leaving his boxers, the locket and his glasses on. He then stepped into the water, realising it was quite a bit deeper than he thought as he reached out for the sword. Not to mention it was freezing, just as he was about to take the sword the locket pulled itself back, trying to get away from the sword and choking Harry in the process. He felt himself slipping away as he was dragged out by someone.

Harry was taking in as much air as he could, putting his glasses back on, "Girls?"

"Guess again, mate." Ron chuckled, looking at his friend.

"It was you." Harry shivered, getting his clothes back on.

"Can't let my best friend drown can I?" Ron asked, picking up the sword.

"Did you cast the doe as well, did you?" Harry asked.

"Doe? No, I don't know who cast that." Ron told him.

"Well it wasn't me. My patronus is a Stag and the girls are back at camp so it couldn't of been them." Harry put his jumper back on.

"Take the locket off, let's end this." Ron stated, looking down at him.

Harry nodded, putting the locket on a log, "Right then, Ron. I'll have to speak to it for it to open, when it does, don't hesitate. One.. Two.. Three."

He then began speaking in Parsletongue. That's when it opened and showed what looked like Harry and Hermione making out. Spiders also began running at Ron, all the while he was backing up, the spiders disappeared and Ron watched the fake Harry and Hermione kiss.

"Ron! Don't listen to it! Destroy it!" Harry yelled.

Ron gripped the sword tightly and charged at the locket. He swung down swifty, smashing the cursed item. Harry looked up at the locket before he walked over to Ron, sitting down next to him, breathing heavily.

Ron sighed as he looked at Harry,"I'm really sorry about what I said back then."

Harry nodded slowly, "It was the locket speaking, you didn't mean it."

"I still feel bad though, what if something bad happened while I was gone?" Ron asked, sitting down.

"I mean.. We all nearly died from a snake." Harry looked at Ron.

"Excuse me, what?" Ron questioned him.

"We went to Godrics Hollow, to look for Bathilda Bagshot. Erica nearly got killed but I got there in time. Then she blew the snake and house up." Harry explained.

"My sister nearly died.." Ron muttered as he got up,"So where's the tent?"

"That way." Harry pointed towards the tent, "Hopefully they'll wake up."

Ron nodded as he jogged up to the tent with Harry.

"Guys! Come outside!" Harry shouted them out.

"Is everything alright?" Parker asked, rubbing her eyes while the three walked out the tent.

"Guess who's back?" Ron stated.

"Ronny?" Erica asked, putting on her glasses.

"Hey." Ron smiled.

Erica immediately ran up to her brother and hugged him, not letting go.

Ron hugged Erica back, "Would I really leave you?"

"I don't know, would you?" Erica asked him.

"Of course not." Ron shook his head.

The pair stood hugging for a few more moments before Erica pushed Ron away.

"You asshole, Ronald Weasley!" Erica stared him down before turning to Parker.

Parker looked at Erica before looking at the others, not knowing why she turned to her.

"Wand." Erica stated simply, hand outstretched.

"Wand?" Parker repeated.

"My wand. Can I have it?" Erica specified.

Parker looked at Erica and Ron.

"I don't think th-" She began.

"Can I have it?" Erica asked again, cutting her off.

"I don't have it." Parker quickly shook her head.

"You had it last though." Erica reminded her, arms crossed.

"Indeed I did." Parker nodded, "I just don't want you using it on your brother."

"I wasn't going to hurt him." Erica told her, repeating a line from their days at Hogwarts,"Much."

"You can get it when you've calmed down and not want to hurt Ron." Parker told her.

"Why are you back?" Hermione asked Ron.

"Well, I wanted to come back as soon as I left but I couldn't find you." Ron explained, chucking the locket somewhere in the distance.

"Yeah, how did you find us?" Harry asked.

"With this." Ron held up his deluminator,"It doesn't just turn on lights, I don't actually know how it works but on Christmas morning I was sleeping in this pub to hide away from some Snatchers and I heard it."

"It?" Parker raised a brow.

"A voice. Your voice Erica, coming out of it." Ron stated.

"And what exactly did I say?" Erica questioned, not really buying it.

"My name. Just my name. Like a whisper. So I took it, clicked it and this tiny ball of light appeared. And I knew, sure enough, it floating towards me, the ball of light. Right to my chest and went straight through me, right here." Ron pointed to his heart, "I knew it was going to take me to where I needed to go. So I just apparated and came to this hillside, it was dark and I had no idea where I was. I just hoped that one of you would show yourself and you did."

"See? Almost drowning has it's perks." Harry shrugged.

"You what?!" Hermione questioned him.

"It's fine, I'm fine! Ron saved me." Harry stated.

Erica sighed,"This is what happens when I sleep. My friend nearly dies in a freaking lake."

"I'm fine." Harry assured her.

"So, the Herds back together?" Parker asked.

"Seems so." Ron nodded.

"Right. Then I have somewhere we might need to go." Parker walked back into the tent with the others.

"Huh? Where are we going?" Erica asked her.

"The Lovegood Household. We all keep seeing this symbol, right?" Parker drew triangle with a circle and line in it, showing it to everyone.

"You think they'll know something?" Hermione tilted her head.

"At Bill and Fleurs wedding, Xenophilius Lovegood had a necklace that had this symbol on it. Maybe we can tell us more about it." Parker explained.

"Oh yeah, he was there." Erica remembered,"It feels like so long ago that we've seen anyone who was at the wedding, it'll be fun."

"We can head there just now then." Harry told them.

"Is everyone ready?" Erica looked around.

"Ready." They all nodded before they apparated to the Lovegood House.

When they arrived, the house seemed untouched, almost. Did they leave? The answer to their question, was no. Because Xenophilius opened the door and looked at the Herd.

"What is it? Who are you? What do you want?" Xenophilius questioned him.

"Hi Xenophilius, we just wanted to talk with you." Erica answered him.

Xenophilius just looked at them before Harry spoke up.

"Hi, It's Harry Potter, we met a few months ago. Could we come in?" Harry asked.

Xenophilius nodded and let them inside. They all say down in the living room which was full of strange objects. He had then given them all something to drink.

"Where's Luna?" Parker asked.

"They took her, they didn't like what I wrote about them." Xenophilius told them quietly.

"If I ever find them I swear to god..." Erica muttered under her breath.

"So.. How can I help you?" Xenophilius asked.

"It's about what you wore at the wedding, a symbol." Harry answered.

"You mean this?" Xenophilius held up his necklace.

"Yes." Harry nodded, holding the necklace slightly, "Exactly this."

"What we wondered is, what is it?" Parker asked.

"What is it? Well, it's the sign of the Deathly Hallows." Xenophilius responded with a sort of smile.

"The what?" Everyone asked.

"The Deathly Hallows." Xenophilius repeated before getting up and getting some paper.

"I assume you're all familiar with the tale of the three brothers." Xenophilius added.

"Yes." They all answered, minus Harry, who's response was, "No."

Xenophilius shrugged before he drew a line, then a circle and then a triangle on the paper,"The elder wand, the most powerful wand ever made. The resurrection stone. The cloak of invisiblity. Together they make the Deathly Hallows. Together they make one Master of Death."

The Herd all shared a look, knowing about these objects.

"That mark was on the grave in Godric's Hollow." Hermione stated.

Parker cleared her throat, "Mr Lovegood, does the Perival family have anything to do with the Dealthy Hallows?"

At the mention of them, Xenophilius seemed more on edge,"Ignotas, brothers Cadmus and Antioch are said to be the original masters of the Hallows and seem to be the inspiration for the story. Oh, your tea's gone cold, I'll be right back."

He then quickly walked away, holding the tea pot.

"That wasn't suspicious in the slightest." Erica sighed, looking to where he went.

"Let's get out of here. I'm not drinking anymore of that stuff, hot or cold." Ron grabbed his bag.

The Herd nodded and began walking until they ended up beside Xenophilius on their way to the door.

"Thank you, sir." Hermione nodded.

"You forgot the water, for the tea." Ron informed Xenophilius.

"D-did I?" Xenophilius asked before chuckling and walking to the stove,"Oh, how silly of me."

"It's no matter, we really should be going anyway." Parker nodded.

"No, you can't!" Xenophilius snapped before running over and blocking the door with his body.

"Mr Lovegood?" Erica asked, taking a few steps forward.

"You're my only hope." Xenophilius muttered as he looked at Harry, "They took my Luna, but it's you, they really want."

"So it wa-" Harry began but Xenophilius stopped him.

"Voldemort." Xenophilius finished.

That's when they all heard a screeching, and Death Eaters began flying in and out of the house.

"Quickly!" Parker held her hand out while they all fell to the floor.

They slowly crawled to each other as the house collapsed a few seconds after they disapparated away. Luckily, Parker disapparated them all out of there quick enough before they could get hurt.

"Seriously? Is there no one we can trust?" Ron groaned.

"Probably not." Erica sighed, leaning against a tree.

"They've taken Luna because they know she's important to me." Harry sighed.

"Well, we'll save her. I know we will." Hermione assured them.

"I'll do the enchantments." Parker sighed before she walked over to some trees.

"I'm going on a walk, I'll be back in a few minutes." Erica told them, walking in the opposite direction.

Once Erica was gone, Parker went up to the trees and began to put the enchantments up.

That's when a familiar face peeked around the tree,"'Ello there Darling. It's been a while, hasn't it?"

Parker froze up slightly, turning to look at the familiar face, "Scabior."

"Still following them around, I see." Scabior stated, gesturing to the tent.

Parker looked back at the tent before looking back at Scabior.

"Indeed but this.. Isn't the group I was originally with. I lost them." She lied.

"Unlucky that is, now, time to act." Scabior winked as two other snatchers appeared beside him.

"No!" Parker coughed, trying to get the others attention so they could run, "Give me more time with these people."

"No can do, your mother's orders." Scabior stated, stepping closer.

Parker took a step back, "Scabior, please."

"This is how it has to be." Scabior crossed his arms, more snatchers appearing.

"Then your way to be, is awfully terrible." Parker tilted her head, "Bombarda!"

She fired a spell at the dirt so it would explode in their faces before she ran to the tent.

"Get out and run!" Parker then fired a spell at Harry's face to mess it up, so they wouldn't recognise him.

The Herd did as they were told and ran, the snatchers not far behind. They all started slinging spells at each other. Soon enough, a snatcher got Ron, chains surrounding his ankles, causing him to fall to the ground. Meanwhile the others continued running. That's when a snatcher appartated and grabbed onto Hermione, aiming his wand at her.

"Don't touch her!" Ron yelled, trying to get to Hermione.

The snatcher holding him then hit Ron in the back, causing him to fall down again.

"Your boyfriend will get much worse than that if he doesn't behave." Scabior warned Hermione.

Scabior grabbed Parker's arm so she couldn't run either. Fenrir Greyback grabbed Harry, looking at him while the snatchers came closer to everyone.

"What happened to you, ugly?" Scabior asked, referring to Harry but Fenrir turned his head to look at him too.

"No, not you." Scabior pointed to Harry with his free hand, "What's your name?"

"Dudley. Vernon Dudley." Harry answered.

"Weiry name that." Scabior muttered looking around before turning to two snatchers,"You two, loot that tent and meet back up at the Manor."

"You're meant to take them to the Ministry." Parker looked up at Scabior, they couldn't be taken to the Manor.

"Too bad so sad. Bellatrix wants them for the Dark Lord." Scabior told her, disapparating with them all.

Five minutes later Erica ran back to the tent,"Sorry guys, I fell asleep. What did I miss?"

The tent was empty, it looked like it had been ransacked.

"What the?" Erica muttered, looking around.

Once Erica looked around, she found a note.

"A note? Now I'm confused." Erica stated, picking it up.

'Snatchers taken us to the Manor. -P' Was all it said.

"Don't worry my friends, being a detective has allowed me to become a master of deception." Erica announced to herself, disapparating just outside the Manor where servants were walking back and forth.

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