Chapter 50 - The Battle of Hogwarts

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Soon enough, Harry, Erica and Parker were given Gryffindor robes so they stayed close and fitted in with the others while they walked in the Great Hall.

"I'm sure you're wondering why you've been summoned at this hour. It's come to my attention that earlier this evening, Harry Potter was sighted in Hogsmeade." Snape began his speech.

The students began talking amongst themselves before they stopped as Snape began talking again.

"Should anyone, student or staff attempt to aid Mr Potter, they will be punished in a manner consistent with the severity of their transgression." Snape told them,"Futhermore, any person who has any knowledge of these events, who fails to come forward, will be treated as equally guilty.

"Now then." Snape began walking down the gap between the students, "If anyone in here has any knowledge of Mr Potter's movements this evening. I'd like them to step forward... Now."

He stopped around halfway, scanning the rows of standing students.

"You girls ready?" Harry whispered to Erica and Parker.

Erica nodded before stepping into the gap, facing Snape.

"I have no information about the events that have transpired or about the whereabouts of Harry Potter." Erica announced before asking,"So Professor, did you miss me?"

"Did you miss the traitor?" Parker asked, standing beside Erica, "That's what I am, right? I also have no information about the events or the whereabouts of Harry Potter either."

That's when Harry stepped out, beside both of the girls, "But it seems, despite your defensive strategies. You still have a little security problem, Headmaster."

Right behind them, came the The Weasleys, Fleur, Lupin, Tonks, Neville, Ron and Hermione.

"It seems quite extensive." Erica gestured to those at the back.

"How dare you stand where he stood?" Harry yelled at Snape,"Tell them how it happened that night. Tell them how you looked him in the eye, and killed him. A man who trusted you! Tell them!"

That's when Snape got out his wand, but McGonagall ran out with her wand out already, pushing the girls and Harry to the side to protect them.

"I believe in you Professor." Erica told McGonagall as she began walking forward, firing spells at Snape.

Snape began defending himself, but he only used defensive spells, blocking them so he wouldn't get hit. He did fire one at the Carrows behind him before he apparated out of the room, smashing one of the windows on the way out. Most students in the hall began cheering as Erica tossed her robes to a small Gryffindor boy saying,"You look cold."

The Gryffindor smiled and put the robe on. McGonagall then used a spell to bring light back but soon people starting screaming, holding their heads. It was Voldemort, he was speaking to them. Everyone could now hear his voice in their head.

"I know that many of you want to fight. Some of you may even think that defying is wise but this is a folly. Give me Harry Potter. Do this and none shall be harmed. Give me Harry Potter and none shall be touched. Give me Harry Potter and you shall be rewarded. You have one hour." Voldemort announced to them, his voice echoing in everyone's heads. Everyone turned and looked at Harry.

"What are you waiting for? Someone grab him!" Pansy pointed at him.

"Fuck off Pansy." Parker rolled her eyes.

That's when the members of Dumbledore's Army and the Order stood by Harry, refusing to turn him over as Filch ran in, carrying Mrs Norris.

"Students out of bed! Students out of bed! Students in the corridors!" Filch yelled as he ran.

"They are supposed to be out of bed you blithering idiot!" McGonagall told him.

"Oh, sorry mum." Filch apologized.

"As it happens Mr Filch, your arrival is most opportune. If you would, please Miss Parkinson and the rest of Slytherin house from the hall." McGonagall pointed her wand to the hall.

"Exactly where is it that I'll be leading them to, Ma?" Filch asked her.

"The dungeons would do." McGonagall nodded.

Everyone but Slytherin house and Parker clapped and cheered. Harry walked over to McGonagall as Filch started leading the Slytherins away.

"I presume you have a reason to return to Hogwarts. What is it you need?" McGonagall asked Harry.

"Time professor, as much as you can get me." Harry replied.

"Do what you have to do. I'll secure the castle." McGonagall nodded, "Potter. It's good to see you."

"It's good to see you too, professor." Harry told her before patting Neville's arm,"Hold down the fort Neville."

"Come on." Harry nodded to the Herd before they ran off.

The castle was hectic, everyone was running everywhere, even the paintings.

"Harry." Ron caught up with him.

Harry turned around as Ron, Erica, Parker and Hermione climbed up the stairs to reach him.

"So we've been thinking and it doesn't matter if we find a horcrux or not." Ron stated.

"What do you mean?" Harry asked.

"If we can't destroy it." Hermione stated.

"So, we were thinking-" Ron began.

"Ron was thinking, it was all Ron's idea, it was completely brilli-" Hermione was cut off by Erica.

"Just tell him your idea, Ronny." Erica sighed.

"You destroyed Tom Riddle's diary with a Basilisk fang, right?" Ron asked, "Well, me and Hermione think we might know where we can find one."

"Ok, take this so you can find me when you come back." Harry handed them the Marauder's Map.

"Where are you going?" Hermione asked Harry while he ran up the stairs.

"Ravenclaw common room, gotta start somewhere." Harry told them, running up the stairs, Erica following after him.

"Right. You guys are going to the Chamber, Erica's going with Harry." Parker nodded, not saying where she was going.

"Right, let's go." Ron stated, starting to run to the toilets.


Neville, Seamus, Cho, Molly, McGonagall and Flitwick walked outside.

"Let me get this straight, Professor. You're actually giving us permission to do this?" Neville asked.

"That is correct Longbottom." McGonagall nodded as they walked.

"To blow it up? Boom?!" Neville questioned.

"Boom!" McGonagall answered.

"Wicked. But how are we gonna do that?" Neville asked.

"Why don't you confer with Mr Finnigan?" McGonagall suggested,"As I recall he has a particular proclivity for pyrotechnics."

"I can bring it down." Seamus nodded with a smile.

"That's the spirit, away you go." McGonagall gave them a pat on the shoulder before they ran off with Cho.

"You do realise we can't keep out You-Know-Who indefinitely." Flitwick told McGonagall.

"That doesn't mean we can't delay him and his name is Voldemort. Filius, you might as well use it, he's going to try to kill you either way,"McGonagall assured him before raising her wand,"Piertotum Locomotor."

All the stone statues from inside the castle came marching out of Hogwarts and past Molly and McGonagall.

"Hogwarts is threatened, man the boundaries, protect us. Do your duty to our school." McGonagall ordered the statues before turning to Molly happily,"I've always wanted to use that spell."

All the professors, even some of the order began putting a protection spell around Hogwarts. It wouldn't be letting anyone in or out. Meanwhile, the quidditch stadium was burning and Neville was stood alone at the bridge to Hogwarts, hearing the incoming battle cries of the Death Eaters. A few Death Eaters ran into the spell in front of the bridge, causing them to vanish and the others remaining to stand scowling at Neville.

"Yeah! You and who's army?!" Neville asked, watching them all.

The Death Eaters stood there before Scabior took a step forward. Then they all starting screaming as they ran forward, causing Neville to run back up the bridge. All was going to plan. Neville dodged all of the spells that were being fired before he looked back and began firing at the explosions Seamus made for the bridge. The bridge was collapsing right beneath their feet until everyone on it was sunken down with it.

"Neville!" Ginny called out to her friend.

After a few seconds, they seen Neville's hand and he pulled himself, panting, "That went well."

"Thank goodness." Ginny sighed.


Erica and Harry were still climbing stairs when Erica pointed out the window,"The bridge is gone."

Harry sighed, "We just need to keep going."

"Harry! Erica!" Luna called up to them, running up the stairs.

Erica turned around while Harry kept running,"I'm a bit preoccupied at the moment Luna."

"Nevermind where you're going. You're wasting time." Luna stated.

"Later Luna, we'll talk later." Harry told her as Luna tried to get his attention.

"Harry Potter, you listen to her right now!" Erica shouted causing him to stop,"Go on, Luna."

Luna nodded, "Don't you remember what Cho said about Rowena Ravenclaw's lost diadem? There's not a person alive who's seen it. It's obvious, isn't it? We have to talk to someone who's dead."

Harry slowly walked downstairs towards the girls as they looked out the window.

"It's impressive, isn't it?" Luna asked.

Erica nodded, almost mesmerized by the force field being created.

"Come on, we don't have a lot of time." Harry told them.

"I think it's best if you talk with her alone." Luna told him as she lead the pair down a dark corridor.

"Yeah, she can be pretty shy." Erica informed him.

Harry nodded before he walked down the corridor until he finally found her, "You're the grey lady, the ghost of Ravenclaw tower."

"I do not answer to that name." She told him, about to leave the room.

"No, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. It's Helena, isn't it? Rowena Ravenclaw's daughter." Harry stated.

"Are you a friend of Luna's or Erica's?" Helena asked him, floating closer.

"Both." Harry nodded, "They thought you might be able to help me."

"You seek my mother's diadem." Helena spoke, a shift in her voice.

"Yes." Harry answered, "That's right."

"Those two are kind, unlike so many of the others but they were wrong. I cannot help you." Helena stated, flying through Harry and out the room.

"Wait, please!" Harry ran after Helena, "I want to destroy it. It's what you want too, isn't it? You want to destroy it."

Helena paused looking at Harry.

"That's what you want, isn't it Helena? You want it destroyed?" Harry asked her.

"Another sought to destory it many years ago, a strange boy with a strange name." Helena still backed up slowly.

"Tom Riddle." Harry nodded.

"But he lied." Helena added.

"He's lied to many people." Harry told her.

"I know what he's done." Helena flew at Harry, "I know who he is. He defiled it, with dark magic!"

She then began to fly off again, going into a corridor. Harry was speechless for a few seconds before he walked forward to her.

"I can destroy it, once in for all but only if you tell me where he hid it." Harry assured her,"You do know where he hid it, don't you, Helena. You just have to tell me, please."

Helena was silent before she turned around and floated closer to Harry, circling him.

"It's strange, you remind me of him a bit. It's here in castle, in the place where everything is hidden." Helena informed him,"If have to ask, you'll never know. If you know, you need only ask."

"Thank you." Harry nodded before he ran back to Luna and Erica.


Ron and Hermione were stood at the entrance to the chamber and Ron approached it and whispered something reminiscent of parseltongue. The chamber then began to open, the snakes on the chamber clicking open.

"Harry talks in his sleep, have you noticed?" Ron asked her.

"No, of course not." Hermione shook her head as the chamber opened.

The two slowly walked in, looking around. Ron then walked up the the Basilisk skeleton and took a fang from the open mouth.

"You do it." Ron held it up.

Hermione pulled the cup out of her bag as Ron gave her the fang.

"I can't." Hermione told him, looking at the fang.

"Yes you can." Ron nodded, placing the cup on the ground.

Ron kneeled down with Hermione as she looked at Ron before raising the Fang above her head and straight through the cup. That's when water came flying from the sides and infront of them, they quickly got up and began running back before it quickly soaked them. After the water seemed to calm, the pair turned to each other and proceeded to make out with each other in the chamber. Soon enough, they parted and laughed about what they just did before they quickly left to go find the others.


Draco was sat in the boys dormitory. He wasn't too pleased about this however, he wanted to go out there and prove himself.

That's when Parker apparated into the dormitory, "Draco?"

Draco looked up at her,"What are you doing here?"

"Breaking everyone out, duh." Parker pulled Draco up from the bed, "What's been happening with everyone?"

By everyone, she meant the Death Eaters, back at the Manor.

"They are, let's just say, very excited about this." Draco told her.

"I can tell." Parker nodded, "Are you alright?"

"Physically? Yes. Mentally? Probably not." Draco answered her.

That answer sounded like something Erica would tell her.

"Harry still has your wand." Parker sighed, "Who's have you been using?"

"Mum, she gave me her's." Draco informed her.

Parker nodded, "Is she alright?"

Narcissa just wanted what was best for Draco and Parker so she just followed orders in hope that they'll be okay.

"I don't know much, I just know she's out there." Draco told her.

"She'll be okay. I know she will." Parker rubbed his arm, "Right then, let's let our house fight for their home, shall we?"

"I doubt anyone else will try but I'm bringing Goyle and Blaise." Draco stated, walking into the other room.

"Don't do anything too rash, yeah?" Parker asked him, getting out her wand while she walked to the door.

"I won't." Draco assured her.

Parker looked at Draco, nodding before she stepped back and pointed her wand at the door, "Bombarda Maxima!"

That's when the door to the common room went to rubble, the explosion had caused the door to fly off and an opening was revealed.

"Go on, hurry before Filch comes back." She told the Slytherins.

Only a few Slytherins actually left, which Parker wasn't too happy about. She then sighed before running off to find the Herd. Erica and Harry had finally gotten to the Room of Requirement and began looking for the diadem. They'd been looking for barely five minutes and Erica had already knocked over at least twelve different objects.

"If you keep knocking stuff over then we might not find the diadem." Harry sighed, "Be careful."

"You mean that?" Erica asked, pointing at a silver tiara with blue gems on it.

Harry gave her a look before he lifted it up slightly, dropping it when he heard Draco.

"Well, well. Why are you here Potter?" Draco asked, his wand pointed at him with Goyle and Blaise at his side.

"Fancy seeing you here cousin." Erica smiled, titling her head.

Draco glanced at Erica, nodding ever so slightly. Parker had told him about them all being related, not that they had told their parents of course.

"I could ask you the same thing." Harry answered Draco's question.

"You have something of mine. I'd like it back." Draco gestured to his wand.

"What's wrong with the one you have?" Erica asked him, leaning against a box.

"It's my mother's. It's powerful, but it's.. not the same. Doesn't quite, understand me. Know what I mean?" Draco shrugged.

"Why didn't you tell her? Bellatrix. You knew it was me but you didn't say anything." Harry questioned him.

Draco didn't say anything, because Goyle was whispering in his ear.

"Go on Draco. Don't be a prat, do it." Goyle whispered.

"Expelliarmus!" Hermione fired at Goyle as she, Ron and Parker ran in.

"I think we should be going now." Erica walked backwards towards the diadem.

"Avada Kadava!" Goyle fired at Erica and Hermione.

"Stupefy!" Parker quickly blocked it but in blocking it she accidently fired the diadem up to the top of a stack.

Ron shouted, "That's my sister and girlfriend you numpties!"

He ran after the three of them. Harry started climbing to the top of the stack to reach it, swatting away bats and throwing items until.

"Got it!" Harry exclaimed, holding up the diadem.

Harry then jumped down, hearing Ron screaming again.

"Goyle set the bloody place on fire!" Ron screamed, grabbing Hermione's hand and pulled her.

Parker grabbed Erica and pulled her away before Harry ran after them. Once they had got to a safe spot, the fire was closing in but Ron grabbed brooms and threw them to the Herd. They all began flying to the entrance as Erica turned and spotted Goyle fall into the fire, Draco and Blaise still at the top of a stack. That's when she started flying back towards the fire.

"You're not going back for them, are you?" Ron asked.

"We're not leaving them to die." Parker told him before she flew back with Erica.

Ron sighed,"If we die for them Erica, I'm going to kill you."

That's when the rest of the Herd started flying back as well. Parker and Erica flew to get Draco and Blaise, missing a time before they grabbed onto their wrists and pulled them on the broom.

"I told you nothing too rash." Parker told Draco while they all began to fly out, Hermione leading the way.

"This was Goyle's idea." Draco explained as they all crashed through the door.

They all fell off the brooms, falling to the ground.

"Harry!" Hermione threw the fang to him.

Harry caught it and stabbed the diadem, backing away for a bit as he felt Voldemort weaken. Erica got up to see if she was alright but she slipped on the diadem, kicking it into the room as it collapsed. Harry then fell backwards into a pillar, he was having another vision.

After a while he looked up at his friends,"It's the snake, she's the last one. It's the last horcrux."

"I could've bloody killed the snake the whole time?" Parker groaned, "Where are they?"

Ron kneeled closer to Harry,"Look inside him Harry, find out where he is. If you find him, we can find the snake and we can end this."

Harry closed his eyes once again, trying to find out where Voldemort was. Opening his eyes once again, he nodded.

"I know where he is." He stated, quickly getting up.

"Well? Where is he?" Erica asked him.

"Just follow me." Harry began running, the Herd running after him.

They encountered a few Death Eaters but they quickly defeated them. Once outside, they ran into a giant, then spiders. Then they seen Fenrir Greyback killing Lavender Brown. To which Hermione fired him away, but Lavender was gone. Then they ran to the front of the school, dementors were coming but before they could face them, Aberforth used his patronus to get them away. Finally, the Herd got down to the docks, where Voldemort was. Erica looked over at him, not sure what to do.

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