Chapter 9 - Why do I even talk?

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"Merlin, he has hundreds of paintings." Parker looked at them all.

"They all have names on them, they're the previous headmasters." Hermione stated, looking at them all as well.

"You think Dumbledore will get a painting when he.. You know?" Ron asked.

"I mean, if everyone else does then he will." Harry said, continuing to look around.

"Look, a phoenix!" Parker smiled and ran up to it, careful not to scare it.

"Woah." Erica gasped, looking at it.

All of a sudden it burst into flames, leaving a pile of ashes behind.

"You killed it!" Ron pushed Erica.

"Phoenix's do that when they're old, Ron." Parker told him, looking at the new baby phoenix waking up from the ashes.

"See, I might kill you one day but I wouldn't kill that bird." Erica joked, nudging Ron.

Ron rolled his eyes.

"Children." Dumbledore said from above them.

"Yes Professor." They all said, turning to face him.

Before Dumbledore could speak, Hagrid came bursting through the door.

"Professor Dumbledore, Sir. Wait, listen. Professor Dumbledore, Sir. It wasn't Harry or his friends. I'd be prepared to swear infront of the Ministry of Magic be-" Hagrid was cut off.

"Hagrid!" Dumbledore called to him,"I know it wasn't them."

"Oh, I'll just.. Er, wait outside then." Hagrid muttered before he left.

"Well, that confirms that we're innocent." Erica shrugged.

"I must ask you five something though.. Is there anything you'd wish to tell me?" Dumbledore asked.

"I mean, we can tell you that Justin and Nick are petrified if that's what you want to hear." Erica stated.

"I know that Miss Weasley." Dumbledore nodded, "If there is nothing. You shall go, back to your common rooms and get a good night's rest."

"Will do, sir." Ron said, walking towards the door.

"Goodnight Professor." They all waved before they left.

"I think we're good. Definitely not suspicious at all." Parker shook her head.

"As long as none of us get petrified, we'll be good." Erica stated,"Everyone be very careful."

"We will. Night guys." The trio waved to them.

"Night. See you in the morning." Parker waved.

"Goodnight!" Erica called to them, walking down the steps.


The Herd were all out in the garden when Neville ran up to them all.

"Hi there Neville, what is it?" Erica asked, looking up from her sketchpad.

Neville nodded before he looked at the trio. "Harry, I don't know who did it but you better come! Come on!"

And with that, Neville ran off.

"Is he okay?" Parker asked slowly.

"We'll have to find out." Ron told her, gathering his stuff.

"Let's go." Hermione jumped up before the five of them ran after Neville.

"Wait for us Hermione." Erica called after her, starting to run.

Once they got to the Griffindor common room, they went up to the doors to find the room a mess.

"It had to be a Griffindor, no one else knows our password other than you two." Hermione gestured to Parker and Erica.

"Unless someone used the secret passages but I don't know who else knows where those are." Erica told him.

"Who would do this?" Parker asked.

"Did you have anything valuable?" Hermione questioned, not sure if he did.

"I uh.. They found Tom Riddle's diary." Harry looked at them all.

"They found what?" Erica asked him.

"You haven't told them?" Hermione asked Harry, by 'them' she means Erica and Parker.

"Would you believe me if I said yes?" Harry questioned, fiddling with his fingers.

"Tom Riddle.. That's.. He who must not be named, actual name. You have his diary?" Parker looked at Harry.

"Well, I found it and started writing in it. It wrote back! Now someone else has it." Harry told them, putting some of his stuff back in its place.

Ron went to say something but they could hear Oliver shouting from downstairs, "Harry, we've got a match!"

"Coming Oliver!" Harry shouted back,"See you soon."

"Bye Harry." Hermione sighed.

"Come on, we've got to go." Parker walked out of the common room.

"I'm surprised they're keeping quidditch on with all of this." Erica stated, jumping down the steps.

"Although it is Hufflepuff playing against Griffindor, they might be terrified to be near Harry." Parker pointed out.

"Not everyone, just a few, Justin doesn't count." Erica sighed, walking with the other three.

"I've got to run to the toilets. I'll catch up with you guys." Hermione told them before she ran off.

"Be careful!" Erica yelled before heading to the stands with Parker and Ron.

After about ten minutes, still no game. Still no Hermione.

Until Harry ran up to the trio, "McGonagall has cancelled the game. She wants us to see something."

"Ok, do you think Hermione already went back?" Ron asked Parker.

"She was inside, maybe McGonagall got to her first." Parker shrugged, "Lets go."

She got up before they followed Harry. When they arrived, Erica and Parker were lead to their own common rooms and almost immediately called to the infirmary.

Parker met up with Erica, "We just got in our common room, what do you think it is?"

"I have an idea but I just hope I'm wrong." Erica replied as they turned the corner into the infirmary.

"Me too." Parker sighed while they met up with Harry and Ron at a bed.


Erica and sat down as Harry and Ron stood, looking confused.

"I told you to be careful and not get petrified." Erica sighed, just looking at her.

"She can't hear you." Harry whispered to Erica.

"She was found near the library, with this." McGonagall picked up a mirror. "Does it mean anything to you four?"

Everyone shook there heads except Erica.

"I've seen a picture of it somew-" She cut herself off,"Percy has a drawing of that mirror."

"Percy?" Ron raised a brow, "Why would he have a drawing of it?"

Erica then chose to lie,"He saw the mirror in a window so I helped him draw it."

She was surprisingly good at lying under pressure.

"I suppose I'll have to talk to Percy myself." McGonagall nodded, "You may go, we'll find a way to bring her back."

"You guys go ahead, I just need to clear my head. Alone." Erica told them,"I'll be in my common room in a few minutes."

"Alright." They all nodded before leaving.

Parker waited outside of Erica's Common room for her. Erica walked back and saw Parker.

"Hey, had your time alone?" Parker asked.

"Yeah, now I'm going to see Percy." Erica told her.

"Can I ask something?" Parker asked.

"Uh, yeah?" Erica replied, now in front of her.

"Why did you lie to everyone?" Parker asked, "I grew up in a lying family, I'm a liar myself. I know when someone lies, can I ask why?"

"I didn't want to out him like that. I can't just say he had the mirror because he wanted to show it to his boyfriend when I'm the only one who knows." Erica started ranting before taking a breath.

"I thought I was right. You see Percy looking at Oliver at every quidditch game. Not to mention how much they're together." Parker shrugged. "I won't tell anyone."

"You better not, now, off to make sure Percy's ok. He might be on edge since the attacks." Erica finished, walking through a secret passage in the wall.

"Bye Erica." Parker waved before she skipped off to her common room.

Erica ran along the passage and into the Gryffindor common room. She took a corridor to where the fourth to sixth years sleep and knocked on a door.After a few seconds, Percy opened the door.

"Erica?" He whispered.

"Yeah?" Erica answered quietly.

"What are you doing here? Have you not heard of the new restrictions?" Percy asked.

"How else am I supposed to check on my brother?" Erica questioned before hearing footsteps.

Erica then darted inside and under Percy's bed as McGonagall appeared at the door. Percy quickly went back to his bed and pretended to sleep in case McGonagall game in the room.

McGonagall shook him, "Percy, there is something I need to inform you."

Percy, 'woke up' and rubbed his eyes, "Yes Professor?"

"It's Wood, he's been petrified..." McGonagall said solemnly.

Percy nodded slowly, "When did this happen? Where?"

"He was found just a few minutes ago, after Miss Granger." McGonagall told him,"You'll have to see him in the morning though."

Percy nodded, "I will. Thank you Professor."

McGonagall nodded back before leaving the room as Erica slid out from under his bed. Percy sighed and put his head in his hands. Erica wrapped her arms around him, despite knowing that he didn't really like hugs... But Percy let her hug him.

"That's not the news I was hoping for." He muttered.

"Would you like to see him... Like that?" Erica asked softly.

"I want him to know that.. That I'd be there for him. I wouldn't not want to he there." Percy shook his head.

Erica then grabbed his wrist and pulled him out of the room, down the corridor and into the main common room which was eerily quiet.

"What was he doing out? He knew about the restrictions as well." Percy asked, almost to himself.

"He probably just went to the toilet after the match cancellation, that's what Hermione did. She was found with his mirror." Erica explained, pulling Percy through the secret passage that lead to the Hufflepuff common room.

"Why would Oliver have his mirror?" Percy wondered while he looked around.

"Maybe he was... Doing his hair so he'd look extra nice for you." Erica suggested, still pulling him down the corridor.

"Erica, where are we going?" Percy asked.

"The infirmary, where else?" Erica questioned, arriving at the infirmary door.

"We'll get caught." Percy looked around, checking for teachers.

"There is a thing called hiding." Erica replied, pushing open the door to the dark infirmary.

"And there's not many spots to hide." Percy pointed out while they walked in.

"You're just tall." Erica stated, before walking past Hermione's bed and over to Oliver's.

Percy looked at Oliver with a sigh, sitting down on the chair next to him.

"I told him to stay away from anything suspicious." He moved some hair out of Olivers eyes.

Erica didn't want to say anything in case she ruined it so she just sat on the chair across from Percy.

"How many more people do you think this will happen to?" Percy looked up at Erica.

"Well, it's going after muggle-borns. Oliver was probably in the wrong place at the wrong time as it wouldn't normally go after him since he's half-blood. It's going to keep coming... Do you know anything that can petrify someone?" Erica went on before asking her brother.

"A statue curse?" Percy shrugged, "This is no statue curse.. So no."

"Animals? Creatures?" Erica questioned, trying to get his thinking gears turning.

Percy looked out the window while he tried to think. Erica looked at Oliver sadly, she just wanted to know what happened to him and everybody else.

"..The Basilisk." Percy muttered.

"Hm?" Erica's head perked up.

"The Basilisk. When you look into a Basilik's eyes, you either get instant death or, if you look at it's eyes indirectly, petrified." Percy informed her.

"Percy! You're a genius!" Erica ran over and hugged him again.

"I would say I am myself, thank you." Percy hugged Erica back.

"I'll remember to tell Ron that it was your idea." Erica told him as more footsteps were heard.

Erica ducked under Oliver's bed. Percy panicked before he got under Hermione's bed. Erica adjusted her position so she could see, it was McGonagall, Dumbledore, Pomfrey and Snape.

"First our students get petrified and now one's missing, Ginny Weasley." McGonagall whispered.

Percy looked at Erica from under the bed and mouthed 'Ginny?'

Lockhart soon came along, "Don't stop. What did I miss?"

Erica looked at Percy and mouthed,'Yep, do you think he's going to try and save her?

"Ginny Weasley has been taken by the creature." McGonagall explained.

'Lockhart? You never know." Percy mouthed back.

"Oh.." Lockhart muttered.

"If I do remember, Gilderory. You said you knew the way to get into the Chamber." Snape looked at Lockhart.

"You get him Snape, make him a fool." Erica whispered, fortunately unheard by the teachers.

Lockhart looked screwed, and he knew it.

"Then it's settled. We'll leave you to deal with the monster. Your skills after all are legend." McGonagall nodded.

"Very well. I'll be in my office.. Getting ready." Lockhart told them before he ran off.

The teachers then left and Erica left her hiding spot.

"Erica, you can't go after the Basilisk!" Percy shouted, leaving his hiding spot.

"I'll be careful, I promise." Erica smiled, running out of the infirmary.

"I'm taking your room if you don't come back!" Percy called out to her.

Erica heard him as she ran to Slytherin and laughed before running into her secret passage. When Erica got to the Slytherin common room, she seen an already awake Parker on the couch writing.

"Bitch, get up! I have to save my sister!" Erica yelled, running up to her.

Parker quickly closed her book and placed it to the side,"You've got to stop scaring me. And what do you mean? What about Ginny?"

She got up and put her jumper on.

"The monster took her and it petrified." Erica informed her breathlessly,"Come on, we have to go get the boys."

"The monster from the Chamber?" Parker raised a brow.

Erica nodded before walking over to the entrance to the common room,"Vamonos!"

Parker rolled her eyes with a small smile before she followed after Erica. Erica then ran ahead and into Gryffindor common room for a second time, rushing into the boys room. Ron and Harry were already up, they were getting their robes on. Did they hear what happened?

"So you heard what happened with Ginny?" Erica asked them, standing in the doorway.

"We were there, invisibility cloak. We need to go tell Lockhart what we know." Harry nodded.

"You know what the monster is, right?" Erica double-checked with them.

"..No?" Ron said slowly.

"The Basilik?" Parker guessed.

"Yeah!" Erica confirmed her answer.

"That's another thing that Erica got right and Percy d-" Ron began before getting interuptted.

"Percy told me!" Erica added.

"Alright, so Lockharts office?" Parker asked.

Erica nodded running ahead again and kicking in Lockhart's door.

"Sir, you'll never guess what we-" Ron began but they soon saw that Lockhart was.. Packing?

"Oh, this is not on!" Erica shouted, taking Lockhart's shoulder,"You are coming with us to save my baby sister!"

"I have an important meeting!" Lockhart told them.

"Thats a lie. You're a fraud, you've been taking credit for what other wizards have did. I've looked it up." Parker crossed her arms.

"Is there anything you can do?" Harry asked, not sure if there was.

"I am skilled in memory charms." Lockhart admitted.

Ron sighed,"It'll have to do. Erica, grab him."

Parker took Lockharts wand while Erica grabbed him before they all went down to the third floor girls bathroom.

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