Chapter 8 - Introducing the Partners

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"Matteo, go get your sister. Your aunt and cousins are going to be here soon. Oh, and clean yourself up." Parker sighed while she picked up the toys.

"Why are they coming? You never actually told us." Matteo turned to her.

"Aunt Erica and I need to talk to you, your sister and your cousins about very important." She nodded slowly.

"Oh, I like important things." Matteo nodded before running up the stairs.

"Of course you do." Parker sighed and walked through to the living room, tidying things up.

Soon enough, Matteo arrived with Trixie and there was a knock at the door.

"Don't let the cat out." Parker pointed and opened the door.

"We won't." Trixie called to her, holding Astra.

"Good." Parker nodded, going to the front door and opened it.

"Miss me much?" Erica asked her.

"Erica." Parker smiled and hugged her before turning to the girls beside her, "Hi girls."

"Hi Aunty Parker." Cedar waved, holding her sister's hand.

"Cedar. Hi Phoenix." She smiled and opened the door fully, "Come on in."

Phoenix gave her a smile and walked in close behind her sister.

"Do you two wanna go see your cousins while I talk to your mum?" Parker closed the door.

"Mhm." Phoenix nodded, taking the lead from Cedar

Once the girls were out of earshot, Parker turned to Erica, "Have you heard from Neville?"

"He's on his way." Erica nodded,"He told me he'd pick of Blaise."

"What if they don't accept them as our boyfriends?" Parker sighed.

"I have great intuition, they'll love 'em. We just have to hope it won't be a Frank situation." Erica told her.

"I hope not." Parker shook her head, "How is Frank and you now?"

"He still hates me, I still love him. Not much has changed." Erica shrugged.

"He'll get used to you." Parker assured her, "Want something to drink?"

"Nah, I'm good." Erica stretched,"I might need some bandages though, there was an... Accident at the joke shop."

"What did you do?" Parker sighed and bent down into a drawer, getting the first aid kit.

"I didn't do it, George did it." Erica rolled up her sleeve.

"What did he do?" Parker asked.

"We were making a firework and it went wrong." Erica rolled her eyes.

"I told you to be more careful." Parker shook her head.

"I was, it's not my fault it blew up. That's what they're meant to do." Erica shrugged.

"Give me your arm." Parker held out her hand.

"Fine, fine." Erica did as she was told.

Parker sighed and began bandaging Erica's arm, tying it off and put the first aid kit away.

"See? Completely fine." Erica rolled her sleeve back up.

"For now." Parker pointed, "You'll need to freshen the bandage later."

"I have to do that for most of my body anyway." Erica reminded her.

"I know, I know. You need to be careful Er." Parker stretched.

"I am careful. Trouble finds me, not the other way around." Erica told her, sitting down.

Parker chuckled, "Want something to drink?"

"Just some water, please." Erica nodded.

Parker nodded and grabbed a glass, "How have the girls been?"

"They've been really good, especially Phoenix. She's like a younger, quieter Hermione." Erica told her.

"Another bright witch in the family." Parker hummed.

"She gets it from Percy." Erica chuckled.

Parker smiled and handed her the glass of water, "Here."

"Thanks." Erica took a sip.

"Anytime." Parker got herself a glass, "Should... Should I get one for the guys?"

"Just in case." Erica nodded.

Parker nodded and got the glasses while Trixie came up to Erica.

"Auntie Erica?" She asked.

"Yeah, Trix?" Erica raised a brow.

"Did you bring anything back from seeing the dragons?" Trixie tilted her head.

Erica smirked,"I might have."

"She has not stopped talking about dragons since you brought her something back last time." Parker told Erica.

"What did you bring?" Trixie smiled.

Erica took a shiny, green scale out of her pocket,"This. It's from the dragon that bit me last time."

"Did you kill it?" Trixie looked up at Erica.

"Nah, we released him. That was from his last shed." Erica told her,"We don't kill the dragons."

"Killing's bad." She nodded, "Can I hold it?"

"'Course you can." Erica handed it to her.

"It's shiny." Trixie hummed in awe.

"I should hope so, it's from a Common Welsh Green. Their scales are quite shiny." Erica explained.

"That's the dragon your Aunt Fleur had to fight against." Parker added.

"She got a pretty nasty burn from it." Erica nodded.

"I wanna fight a dragon." Trixie jumped.

"Woah, calm down there. Dragons are dangerous." Erica reminded her,"You can't just go and fight them."

"Yeah, but they like you so they'll like me." Trixie shrugged.

"You forget you're eleven, Trix." Parker added.

"Dragons are unpredictable. They can attack suddenly lik-" Erica was interrupted by knocking at the door.

"Who's that?" Trixie asked.

"Go to the living room hun." Parker kissed her head as Trixie gave the scale back and walked off.

"I know who it is~" Erica teased as the children walked out.

"Yeah, we know." Parker rolled her eyes and walked off to the door,

"I'm just telling them." Erica chuckled.

"Can you tell us?" Matteo crossed his arms.

Parker closed the side door, sighing before she opened the door.

"It's a surprise, you'll find out soon anyway." Erica told him.

"Fine, fine." Matteo sighed.


"We're not late, are we?" Neville asked Parker.

"Of course not, right on time." Parker smiled.

"Told you, Blaise." Neville turned to him.

"I have bad time management, okay?" Blaise held up his hands.

Parker chuckled, "Come on in guys."

"Thanks." Neville nodded, stepping inside.

"Just keep going straight, you'll find Erica." Parker hummed before she turned to Blaise, "You okay?"

"I'm fine." Blaise nodded, his suit wasn't buttoned properly and his tie was squint.

"Are you nervous?" Parker tilted her head, buttoning his suit up.

"No?" Blaise answered.

"Then what's all this not getting dressed properly?" Parker chuckled and fixed his tie.

"My clock was wrong and I wasn't ready when Neville showed up at my door." Blaise sighed.

"I've told you to get that fixed." She pointed, stepping back.

"Neville said he'd do it when I told him." Blaise told her.

"It's best he does. Now c'mon." Parker gestured for him to come inside.

Blaise nodded and stepped inside the cottage. Parker hummed and walked through to the kitchen. Erica was sat with Neville and Blaise stood by and the children looking relatively confused.

"Here's your waters." Parker handed them to the boys.

"Why are Uncle Blaise and Uncle Neville here?" Matteo blurted out.

"Well, your mother and I have something to tell you." Erica began.

"What?" Matteo looked at them all.

"We are not single anymore." Erica told him.

The children all looked at each other before back at their mothers.

"Isn't it obvious?" Phoenix asked the other children.

"You knew?" Parker raised a brow.

"I've seen how you guys act around each other, especially mum. She gets very happy." Phoenix nodded.

"And that's the main thing."  Neville nodded slowly.

"She writes letters, too but she's too scared to send them." Phoenix informed him.

"I do not!" Erica crossed her arms.

"You do?" Neville turned to her.

"I just said I don't." Erica pointed out.

"She does." Trixie nodded, "Phoenix showed me."

"That's not all I saw." Phoenix muttered.

"Honey, what have we said about going in my room?" Erica asked her, thoroughly embarrassed.

"I do it all the time with my mum." Matteo shrugged.

"You do what?" Parker crossed her arms.

"Please. Tell me you did not read me journal." Erica turned to her daughter.

Phoenix looked at her mother and shrugged.

"I really hope you didn't." Erica sighed.

"She did." Cedar muttered.

Phoenix quickly nudged her sister in the ribs.

Erica looked at the pair,"Oh, you're going to be the death of me."

"So.. Auntie Erica is dating Uncle Neville and mum's dating Uncle Blaise?" Trixie asked.

"That's pretty much it." Erica nodded.

Trixie smiled, "I'm happy with that."

"Definitely." Blaise nodded, "..How about I make you all something?"

"You can cook?" Erica raised a brow.

"Of course I can cook." Blaise nodded, "My mother showed me how to make these really good strawberry puffs."

"Well, it's not my stove." Erica turned to Parker.

"You know where everything is. Go at it." Parker nodded.

Erica gave Blaise a look before standing up,"Good luck."

"Why does he need luck?" Neville asked slowly.

"Blaise can't cook for crap." Erica made sure to watch her language in front of the children.

"Let him believe." Parker tapped Erica's arm, "Go get a movie sorted with the kids."

Erica nodded,"Come on, young ones."

The children all followed Erica and Neville to the living room, sitting down.

"What do you guys want to watch?" Erica bent down.

"I wanna watch a horror." Matteo shrugged.

"Any objections?" Erica raised a brow.

"I'm fine with anything." Neville nodded.

"Right then." Erica nodded, browsing the shelves for a horror,"Any horror in particular?"

"Any." Matteo nodded.

Erica looked around before pulling out a DVD box labeled,'The Thing',"This'll do just fine.

"It isn't scary, is it?" Neville whispered to Erica.

"Depends." Erica shrugged, putting the film it.

"Have you watched it?" Neville asked.

"Of course, it's my favorite." Erica told him.

Neville nodded and sat back on the couch. Erica waited a few moments before pressing play and sitting with the others. Just after a few minutes, they heard a bang from the kitchen.

"And right on cue." Erica smirked.

"Merlin's sake Blaise!" Parker yelped.

"Has he destroyed your kitchen?" Erica called through to her.

"No!" Blaise shouted.

"Are you sure?" Erica teased him.

"Just... Wait!" Blaise panicked.

".. What's going on?" Neville asked.

"Blaise is wrecking the kitchen, it's fine. He can handle it." Erica informed her partner.

After a while of watching the movie, Blaise came through with a tray.

"Imperfect Strawberry Puffs." He held them out to everyone.

"How's the kitchen?" Erica smirked, taking one.

"Parkers cleaning it up." Blaise sighed as the kids took one.

Erica couldn't help but laugh at Blaise even though she ate whatever he made. Sure, it was a bit... Overcooked but she enjoyed it.

"I can still taste the strawberry." Trixie nodded.

"But... Maybe let mum cook from now on." Matteo shrugged.

"It was... Nice?" Neville smiled.

"Yeah, I agree with the children here. Parker's really good at cooking." Erica nodded.

"Thank you!" Parker called from the kitchen.

"So... Do you want to watch the film, Blaise?" Erica asked him.

"That would be nice." Blaise sighed and sat down.

"You're helping Parker clean up whatever mess you've left after." Erica reminded him.

"I will." Blaise nodded.

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