Chapter 42 - Weasley Wedding

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Harry was in his house, alone. His uncle, aunt and cousin had left, gone. He didn't know what to do so he just... Sat.

That was until he heard a crash from downstairs, that and muffled speech.

"What the.." Harry slowly walked downstairs.

"It was only a vase, they won't mind." Tonks shook her head, standing by the remains of said vase.

"It might've been expensive." Ron sighed.

"They won't notice."

"Hello?" Harry walked into the room,"What are you guys doing?"

"Harry, we're rescuing you." Erica pointed,"We're taking you to the Burrow."



"Okay... But everyone is here." Harry pointed to some of the Order.

"Well, Voldemorts back, trying to kill you so we have a plan." Parker nodded.

"We... Are going to disguise ourselves as you." Moody told him before he held up a flask Polyjuice potion,"This is how we're doing it."

"No- I'm not letting you all risk your lives for me." Harry shook his head.

"We've done it since first year, mate." Ron chuckled.

"And we aren't stopping now." Erica pointed.

"Parker has been an order spy by spying on the Death Eaters, the information she has is vital." Lupin nodded,"They plan to do something big... Another war."

"And they're coming after me." Harry sighed.

"Unfortunately." Parker nodded, walking to Harry and pinched a strand of his hair.

"Hey-" Harry held the back of his head.

"Sorry, it's needed." Parker hummed and handed it to Moody.

Moody swirled around the flask before passing it to Ron.

"For those that haven't had Polyjuice before... It tastes like goblin piss." He nodded.

"Have a lot of experience with that Madeye?" George looked at him, receiving a glare,"Just trying to defuse the tension.."

George took a sip, then Fred and soon, everyone in the line had drank some of the potion.

"Hey, we're identical." The older twins laughed, pointing.

"God, I thought my eyes were bad." Erica rubbed her eyes.

"You've got better eyesight than me?" Harry asked.

"I didn't think I did but God, it's awful." Erica swapped her glasses as everyone began changing into the same outfit.

"Bill don't look at me, I'm hideous." Fleur covered up her chest.

Bill closed his eyes, while trying to help Fleur change.

"Right, well, everyone will be in pairs. Harry?" Moody asked.

"Yes?" All the Harry's turned to him.

"The real Harry." Moody held his staff.

"Oh- Here." Harry walked over, pulling on a jumper.

"You'll be riding with Hagrid." Moody pointed.

"Its only fitting. I brought you here all those years ago and now I'll be the one to take you away." Hagrid smiled softly.

"Yes, yes. Very touching." Moody rolled his eyes,"Let's go."

"Woo-hoo." Erica hummed,"Who am I riding with?"

"Me." Mundungus held his hand up.

"Oh... Lovely." Erica missed slowly.

"Are we all ready?" Moody asked.

"I think so." Ron nodded.

"Let's go." Lupin clapped.


Soon enough, everyone was riding until... The Death Eaters showed up. Although they planned to stick together, each Harry and their companion had to split up.

"We have to help the others Hagrid!" The real Harry shouted, seeing the commotion.

"I'm sorry, we can't!" Hagrid shook his head

"They're our friends!"

"I know but I have to follow my orders, and that's to get you to the Burrow safely."

They eventually got to the Burrow, Molly running out to them,"Hagrid, Harry! Are you alright?"

"Yes- But everyone else- The Death Eaters-" Harry was shaking his head as he walked towards her.

"We had an ambush. Is no one else back yet?" Hagrid asked.

"No, you're the first back." Molly told them as they entered the Burrow

"I hope they're alright."

That's when Lupin appeared from nowhere, pinning Harry to the wall with his wand aimed at him.

"What creature was in the corner the first time you walked into my classroom?"

"Are you mad?!-"

"What creature?!" Lupin repeated.

"A Grindylow!"

Lupin sighed, letting him go,"Sorry, I had to make sure you weren't an imposter."

Another Harry quickly landed outside, them slowly turning back into Erica.

"Mum!" Erica quickly ran in and hugged her.

Molly quickly hugged her daughter but she was pulled away by Lupin,"What was your bogart back when I taught you at Hogwarts?"

"What- It was people, they were talking about me.."

Lupin sighed and patted her arm,"I'm sorry, we've been betrayed. I had to make sure."

"I know.." Erica shook her head.

"Where's Mundungus?" Lupin asked.

"He disappeared, I had to fly on my own. If Ced hadn't taught me how to fly.." Erica paused.

"Erica?" George spoke from the couch, his ear was gone.


"I'm holy, get it?" George chuckled softly.

"Shut up." Erica knelt beside him, grabbing his hand.

"Are you hurt?"

"Nevermind me, you're hurt."

"Nothing that can't be fixed." He sighed.

"I lost my glasses up there." Erica told him.

"You've got spare ones here."

"No- I lost Harry's glasses when I was flying. I couldn't see and I didn't like it.."

"You're safe now." He assured her.

Everyone started piling in, Fred running over to his twin and sister,"George?"

"Hey Freddie." George smiled softly.

"What happened?"

"Just a scratch, besides, now I'm holy."

"Of all the jokes you could've said... You picked holy?" He chuckled.

"Why not?"

Fred sighed and shook his head.

"Is everyone back now?" Arthur asked.

"I think so." Harry nodded slowly.

Mostly everyone was back, just Mundungus, Madeye and Parker. Everyone else was back, some wounds but not too bad.

"Where's Parker?" Erica asked slowly.

"She was riding with Moody, I believe." Hagrid looked around.

Parker then walked in, closing the door behind her.

"Parker? Where's Moody?" Tonks asked her.

"Dead... A Death Eater swiped him right off the broom." Parker sighed.

Erica got up from where she was kneeling and walked over to Parker, pulling he into a hug.

Parker hugged back,"I don't even know who it was."

"It'll be okay."

"Is everyone else okay?" Parker asked.

"George lost an ear, but I think he'll be okay." Ron nodded.

Parker nodded slowly.

"I think it's best if you kids get some sleep." Molly sighed.

"But I want to make sure he's oksy." Erica shook her head.

"Don't worry dear, he will be." Molly assured her.

"Are you sure?"

"Positive. Besides, the wedding is tomorrow."

Erica sighed and squeezed George's hand again before heading upstairs.


The next day everyone was getting ready into their best clothes. The Herd were inside, talking.

Erica was tapping the counter with her hands. She trusted her intuition, which is why she was nervous for today.

"Have any of you seen Fleur's dress yet?" Hermione asked.

"No, her and mum picked it out." Ron shrugged.

"How's Bill feeling about it?" Parker titled her head to lean on Erica.

"I haven't spoke to him yet today." Erica sighed,"But last I heard, he was excited."

"I'm glad he's found love." Harry chuckled.

"Me too." Hermione nodded,"It's a nice change of pace."

"Maybe tonight will be good." Harry nodded.

"A nice night for once?" Ron smiled.

"Hopefully." Parker looked out the window, "And... The Minister's here with- Percy."

"Percy?" Erica turned to look out of the window.

"Think he's here for the wedding?" Hermione wondered.

"If he is, he didn't let anyone know." Ron shook his head.

The Minister, Rufus Scrimgeour, and Percy then walked in. Percy was looking around, everything had changed from the last time he was here due to the fire.

"Percy." Erica got up quickly.

Percy looked at Erica, going to say something but he looked away.

"I'm here to present Albus Dumbledore's will, you five are mentioned." The Minister spoke.

"He mentioned... Us?" Ron blinked.

"Yes, all of you." Percy nodded slowly, putting the cloth on the table and opening it up to reveal five objects.

"And this is for us?" Hermione looked at the things.

"Firstly... Harry Potter? The golden snitch you caught on your first match." Scrimgeour handed it to him.

Harry nodded slowly, looking down at the snitch in his hands.

"For Hermione Granger... The book 'Tales of the Beedle the Bard."

Hermione smiled, carefully taking the book.

"For Ronald Weasley, the deluminator."

"What's this do then?" Ron tilted his head as he examined the tool.

"Open it." He nodded.

Ron raised a brow and clicked the deluminator, the light being sapped from the lamp. He clicked it again, the light going back towards the lamp.

"Cool." Ron smiled, putting it in his pocket.

"For Parker Lestrange, a pheonix feather."

Parker took the feather, she knew from the colours it was one of Fawkes.

"That's pretty." Erica smiled softly.

"And lastly... Erica Weasley. For yourself he left, a vial of memory."

"Who's memory?" Erica asked,"His memory?"

"All it says is 'memory'." Percy argued, pointing at the will.

"I was just asking a question." Erica mumbled.

"The will also wished for you all to share the Sword of Gryffindor but as of right now it's missing." The Minister sighed.

"Missing?" Harry raised a brow.

"It's a mystery. I'll be off now." Scrimgeour got up, Percy after him.

"Wait- Percy, could I just have a minute of your time?" Erica asked

"What's there to talk about?" Percy crossed his arms.

"There's a lot, actually." Erica fiddled with her hands.

"I'm a busy man." Percy nodded to the Minister,"Make it quick."

"Uh- Right. The house burned down, I broke my wrist, I've got a sort of boyfriend and I really miss you." Erica pointed,"And it's Bill's wedding today."

"Good on Bill." Percy shrugged.

"Can't you stay?"

"I've got things to do Erica." He began to walk to the door,"... I miss you too. And I'm glad you have a boyfriend- Sort of." He sighed and left.

Erica watched him leave,"He's lying."

"Are you sure?" Harry sighed.

"If he really missed me, he wouldn't be leaving me again."Erica rubbed her eyes.

Parker sighed before she hugged Erica.

Erica didn't hug back,"This is Bill's special day. I'm not letting anyone ruin it, especially not him."

"I know." Parker nodded.

"I'm going to go check on him, make sure he's feeling good."

"Okay, we'll see you soon." Parker pulled away.

Erica smiled at her and skipped upstairs. Inside Bill's room, a small tune from the radio was playing.

Erica knocked on the door,"Are you decent?"

"Come on in, Er." Bill hummed.

Erica smiled and walked in, closing the door behind her,"You excited?"

"I'm more nervous than anything." Bill admitted.

"You'll do great."

"I'm just... I'm hoping everything goes to plan tonight.'

"It will." Erica assured him, hugging Bill.

Bill hugged back,"I can't believe I'm getting married."

"Me either, but I'm so happy for you."

"Thanks Er." Bill slowly pulled away.

"I love you." Erica smiled softly.

"I love you too Erica." Bill hummed.

Erica smiled at Bill before leaving, heading back downstairs.


Later on at night, Bill and Fleur were dancing on the dance floor of the tent, everyone laughing and clapping.

"It really has gone well." Erica smiled at Parker.

"They're happy." Parker hummed.

"I'm glad."

"Think that'll be us one day?"

"I hope so." Erica nodded.

"With Neville?" Parker smirked.

"And Blaise?" Erica raised a brow.

Parker shook her head with a chuckle.

"Aw, c'mon, you like him." Erica hummed.

"And you like Neville?"

"Is it that obvious?"

"You called him your boyfriend." Parker laughed as she got up from her seat.

"What? I wanted Percy to listen to me." Erica crossed her arms.

"Mhm... You want a drink?"

"Oh- Yes please."

Parker walked over towards the drink table, seeing Luna and her father having a dance.

"Hello Luna." Parker smiled.

"Parker, hello." Luna grinned as she twirled.

"This is your father?" Parker turned to him.

"Yes, I am." Xenophilius hummed,"My name is Xenophilius."

"It's lovely to meet you, I'm Parker." She put out her hand.

Xenophilius smiled, shaking her hand.

"I'm one of Luna's friends, although I usually hang out with that group over there." Parker nodded towards the Herd.

"Ah, I see." Xenophilius smiled, fiddling with a gold necklace around his neck.

Parker glanced down to his necklace, it was a symbol of the Deathly Hallows.

"Come daddy, Parker doesn't want to speak to us anymore." Luna hummed, taking his arm.

"Enjoy your time." Xenophilius hummed.

"Thanks sir." Parker grabbed the drinks and walked back over to Erica.

"Oh, you're back." Erica turned to her.

"I talked to Luna and her father." Parker nodded, handing her the drink.

"Oh, they're lovely." Erica smiled.

"Hey what-"

A large blue light then appeared in the middle of the tent, a patronus that took the form of a Lynx, Kingsley speaking through it.

"The Ministry has been overrun. The minister is dead, they're coming- They're coming!"

Dark shadows began circling, flying through the tent and screams rang out.

"Erica!" Parker grabbed her arm, pulling her out the tent.

"What's going on?" Erica shook her head.

"They found Harry." Parker looked around for their friends.

"I don't- Where is everyone?"

"There." Parker pointed towards the trio.

"Ron!" Erica yelled at him.

Ron quickly turned around and hugged Erica.

Erica grabbed onto him tightly,"It was so perfect- What happened..?"

"We need to go-" Harry let out a breath.

"There's a muggle café not far from here." Ron slowly pulled away from his sister.

"We should be safe there." Hermione agreed,"Hold on."

Everyone held each others hands as they apparated to a café in London, just outside of it. They quickly hurried off the road, nearly getting hit by a bus, as they sped walked to the cafe.

The Herd sat down, grabbing a menu to make them not look suspicious.

"I hope everyone's okay back home.." Ron sighed.

"Me too.." Erica nodded slowly.

"Coffee?" A waitress walked over with a pot of coffee.

"Oh- Uh, yes." Harry nodded.

The waitress hummed and put some in their mugs. Erica looked at her cup, tapping it gently with a spoon. Parker shifted, she had a bad feeling about this café.

"Is it just me... Or are we being watched?" Hermione asked slowly.

"Maybe we should go." Ron suggested.

Erica nodded slowly and the group began to get up.

That's when spells came their way, sparks flying. Ron fired a spell back as he turned before flipping a table to shield them.

"Go!" Parker shouted at the waitress.

The waitress nodded, quickly running out the door. The duel finished soon after, the Death Eaters were knocked out.

"Jesus Christ." Parker panted as she walked over.

"Who the hell are these guys?" Erica nudged one with her foot.

"This is... Rowle, he's quite the master in Charms." Parker pointed,"That one is Dolphov. He tortures muggles and non Voldemort followers."

"They're ugly." Erica shrugged.

"Maybe we should.." Hermione raised her wand at them,"Obliviate."

"Good idea." Ron nodded.

Hermione then turned and gasped.

"What?" Harry blinked.

"The girls, Ginny and I, we baked you a cake for your birthday!" Hermione sighed,"We were going to give you it after the wedding."

"It's not a big deal." Harry assured them.

"It is!" Erica pointed.

"We're sorry." Parker handed him a cupcake that was behind the counter.

"It's okay, honest."

"Take the cupcake."

"Okay, okay." Harry chuckled as he took it.

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