Chapter 50 - 19 Years Later...

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Erica stepped onto the platform, looking around for the others. Her two daughters were at her side, and her stepson was lagging behind.

"This is really it?" Cedar looked at her mother.

"It is." Erica smiled,"Are you excited?"

"So excited." Cedar smiled.

"It's nothing special, Ced." Frank rolled his eyes.

"How about you try and look for Auntie Parker." Erica patted Cedar's shoulder.

"Phoenix has better eyesight than me." Cedar nudged her little sister.

Phoenix was holding Erica's hand but she looked up and squinted before pointing forward.

"Aha!" Cedar clapped and ran to get her cousins.

"Ced, don't run off." Erica chuckled as she followed her.

"Sorry- I know we said we'd meet before hand but Trixie forgot her plushie." Parker sighed, Trixie running over to Cedar and hugged her.

"It's fine, you're on time." Erica assured her,"I mean, you're here before Draco."

"We're always here before Draco." Parker pointed out.

"Auntie Erica, I have a question." Trixie pulled away from her cousin.

"What is it, Trix?" Erica turned to her.

"Theo said Hufflepuff is a bad house. Is it?" Trixie looked up at Erica.

"Don't snitch." Matteo nudged Trixie.

"Matteo, I'm so offended. I was a Hufflepuff." Erica crossed her arms,"Of course it's not a bad house."

"So I'm not going to need to panic?" Trixie asked.

"No, you won't need to panic." Erica patted her head,"Besides, we'd all still live you regardless of your house."

"Just like I said." Parker assured her.

"Now, where is everyone else?" Erica looked around.

"There's Harry and Ginny." Parker pointed, their three kids following behind.

"About time." Erica nodded to them.

"We're right on time." Ginny checked her watch.

"You wouldn't let them be late, would you?"

"Course I wouldn't." Ginny smiled.

"She is not fun to be around in the morning." Harry shook his head.

"You're telling me." James hummed.

"I lived with her, I know." Erica shook her head.

"I am not that bad." Ginny pointed.

"You're scary, Gin." Ron walked up behind her with Hermione and their kids.

"One of us needs to be." Ginny crossed her arms.

"I'm very scary." Ron gasped.

"Ron, you're not the scary one." Erica shook her head.

"He likes to imagine he is." Hermione nodded.

"You let him believe?"

"As much as he wants." Hermione chuckled.

"He's not even the scary twin." Erica shrugged.

"You're scary, Auntie." Lily nodded.

"Only when I need to be." She hummed.

"I'm going to meet my friends." Frank sighed.

"You do that." Cedar nodded.

Frank hesitated,"Bye Erica."

"Have fun at school, Frank." Erica gave him a small smile.

Frank turned away, joining James as they walked off.

"A ray of sunshine, that one." Ron sighed.

"Leave him alone." Trixie nudged himm

"Right, right." Ron raised his hands.

"He's a teenager."

"She speaks more truth than you." Ginny joked.

The train whistle then blew, it was time for them to go.

"Okay, come here." Parker opened her arms.

Trixie smiled and hugged her mother,"I'm gonna miss you!"

"I'll miss you more. If you need me, you send me an owl, okay?" Parker kissed her head.

"Of course." Trixie nodded.

"I love you." Parker sighed.

"I love you too."

"Theo." Parker opened her arms again.

"Love you, mum." Theo gave her a hug.

"That's my boy." Parker hugged her son.

"You all look after each other, okay?" Erica looked between them.

"We will." Cedar nodded.

"Good girl." Erica patted her head.

"We have to go." Albus nudged his cousins.

"Right, bye mum." Matteo waved, starting to lead them off.

"Bye Theo." Parker smiled, waving to her son as the miniature Herd got on the Hogwarts Express.

"Do you guys remember when this was us? Going into our first year?" Harry turned to them.

"God, don't even remind me." Hermione chuckled.

"Why not? That was a great day." Erica smiled.

"I met all of you." Hermione joked with a smile.

"And now look at us, the grown-ups." Erica sighed.

"I hope they have better years than we did." Parker nodded.

"They will." Ron assured her,"No evil dark lords."

"No evil anything."

"Holy shit we made it." Draco cursed as he, Astoria and Scorpius ran up.

"You're late, Draco." Erica hummed.

"Tell me about it." Astoria hummed,"We woke up late."

"At least you made it." Harry told her.

"Bye everyone." Scorpius waved quickly.

"Bye Scorpius." Erica waved,"I love that boy."

"More than me?" Draco hummed.

"Draco, is that even a question?" Erica turned to him.

"Yeah... Nevermind." Draco sighed.

"I love Astoria though." Erica shrugged.

"Trust me, we know." Ron sighed.

"We all love you, Astoria." Parker smiled.

"And I appreciate it." Astoria chuckled.

"I think we should all go for coffee." Parker told them.

"Right now?" Erica asked.

"Why not?" Hermione shrugged.

Erica checked her watch,"Yeah, I've got time before work. You wanna go, Nix?"

"If you want." Phoenix nodded slowly.

"We can go home at any time." Erica rubbed her back.

"Okay." Phoenix sighed.

"Do you have any place in mind?" Harry asked.

"Just the little coffee shop on North Ave?" Ron suggested.

"Oh, I love it there." Hermione smiled.

"Sorted then." Astoria nodded.

"Well, shall we?" Erica hummed.

"We shall." Parker smiled.

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