Chapter Eight

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The night breeze ran across my face, dancing across my features. The air was huge with silence. I pressed my back against the cool abandoned concreted building. I shut my eyes taking in a breathe through my nose, wrapping my hands tighter around my katanas. I launched myself at the guard from behind watching his body crumple to the floor drowning himself in his own blood. I sent my katana flying as I watched it implant itself into the chest of yet another guard.
Not wasting time I carried on inside, staying to the shadows.
"We don't have long, she could be on to us." a deep voice bellowed around the room and down the hall. I followed the voice aware of my surroundings. I stopped peering through the door, pleased to find HYDRA agents scattered around a table discussing 'business' thinking that an abandoned factory would be a great place to be hidden and not overheard.

I casually walked in using my powers to make the table flip over flattening 5 different agents. I swung my arm around watching the chairs and everyone else on them topple over greeting the hard cold floor. I heard a click watching as two agents had there guns pointed at me. I laughed
"Nice to see you too. But please loves, save me some energy and put the guns down." neither of them flinched.
"Fine have it your way." I shrugged watching there confused expression as nothing happened. But soon with a gust of wind I blew there guns out of there hands watching there bodies turn to a purple flame.
"NightHaze how are you?" I turned to see a man whipping blood from his nose.
Target Sighted
His bald head shone in the star light poking through the holes in the roof. He wore a pleasant black suit, I watched as he slyly bought a hand to his back pocket, landing on a gun.
He was one of the men in charge, he knew exactly what I was after and where I could find 'it.' He had the rightful information for what I have been searching for, and he new it! I flew forward in a bolt of lightning sending a kick to his head, before he could wince his body fell to the floor unconscious. I slung him over my shoulder with ease, in having to do this many times before. I disappeared into the night ready to get answers...


His body stirred, his eyes slowly opened adjusting to an ancient, worn out building.
"Can I just say, your hopeless with first impressions." He muttered, attempting to unfree himself from the chair.
I let out a low chuckle
"I don't like to muck around."
"I see." His eyes searched the building for an escape.
"There is no way to escape me." My face deepened as my boots clicked against at the concrete as I walked towards him.
"There's a thing called trying." He replied glaring into my dark eyes.
"But why bother." I whispered, he winced as I grabbed his chin in my cold hands.
"You'll never get what you want from me, never." He spat through gritted teeth.
"Oh but I will, and I will make sure if it." My evil smirk tugged at my lips as I stood up towering over him.
"Why were you having a meeting in an abandoned factory, doesn't sound like HYDRA, Does it?"
"I thought it was obvious? So people like you don't over hear us." He glared at me, if looks could kill.
"Just making sure. But what could be so secretive?" I folded my arms over my chest.
"Why would I tell you?" He leant forward in his chair awaiting an answer.
"Tell me and it won't hurt a bit, or disagree and go through hell." My voice lingered around the walls, hanging on to every word.
"I will never give in to you, NEVER." The world paused as in a blink I threw the knife skimming past him, just missing.
"Everyone always spoke so highly of you, about how powerful and skilled you were but I see they were wrong." He gestured towards the knife implanted in the wall behind him.
"Oh please, don't get to full of yourself. If I want answers you have to be alive. That was just, a warning." His body stiffened as the words rolled of my tongue.
"Now tell me, where is he? and what is he planning?" I questioned bluntly.
"Oh darling, they say your a monster, to not underestimate you, to be aware of you. But your a lot worse. Your a dead girl walking." He words lingered in the night air, seeping into my skin like venom.
"Please they killed me years ago, now I walk this earth in the shadows!" My jaw clenched as my knuckles turned a ghostly pale.
"What goes around comes around and trust me this world has a lot in store for you. You just wait!" He raged
"Threatening me are we? I searched his eyes for weakness but he kept it well hidden.
"You seek revenge, but then what? What next? You've killed everyone who ever loved you!" He dismissed my earlier question, as the words hit me yet I knew they weren't true.
"Evil lurks in everyone of us. They put me through so much, I lost my life that day, my purpose!" My voice raised.
"You say that yet it was your own fault, you threw away your life and purpose. You bought the evil out in yourself, you feed it every day, it grows inside you till one day it takes over leaving you with nothing!" His voice was dark showing no emotion. I felt my eyes turn purple as I watch his body crumple as purple ice empaled itself into his legs. He screamed in pain as the ground started to pool in blood.
"You can't fix the broken, I'm far beyond repair so why bother in trying to fix myself. I'm numb, I don't feel anything anymore. EMOTION IS WEAKNESS." I fumed as the temperature hit sky high. Flames grew up the sides of the building, hurling around the room. The air was thick with smoke. As the man before me spluttered up blood, fighting for air.
"Hail HYDRA." he gasped as the ice hit his chest, the body hit the floor turning to flame. The rage inside me boiled. I had kept it locked up for to long, now it was out of my grasp.
The building started to crumple around me as the flames grew. I knew the police would be here soon, so would HYDRA agents searching for one of there missing leaders, and Avengers looking for there most wanted.

All after me, yet no clue.
I dropped the rose.
Flying into the starry night sky.
There was no way home.
No escaping it anymore
I didn't belong anywhere
Yet lurking in the darkness
Anywhere but here
I was NightHaze
A deadly assassin
The purple infinity stone
I'm most wanted, on the top of everyone's lists
I escaped from avengers tower with ease
Always that one step a head
And for what?
One simple word
Sweet, sweet revenge......


Hey, hope you liked it. And trust me there's heaps in store for the next chapter so make sure u keep reading!!!!
Be your own superhero

Gem xxx

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