Unknown to the One Closest To Him

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Warning- Violence, Bullying, Self Harm, and Possible Triggers(and might be cussing, depending on what you consider cussing.)



I was sitting in the dreamscape, like usual, boredly watching the imbeciles of Gravity Falls when a certain brunette caught my eye. Dipper Pines, probably one of the most interesting meat sacks I had ever met. He was laying in his bed, his jade eyes droopy and clouded with sleep. Suddenly an idea popped into my head, I was going to pop into his memories and find possible blackmail material, or just to see his normal childhood, either way I found something to do.

Popping into his mind was simple as pissing off a werewolf, looking for his memory room, was another story. This kid literally had information on almost everything, math, science, history, mysteries, ect. Finally after looking in like fifty doors I found the door labeled 'Memories'. That door opened up into a hallway with other doors with a different numbers on them, basically his ages, in each of those doors where his memories his ages in the specific doors corresponded with the numbers on the doors.(a/n so in door 1 all of his memories from when he was one-years-old are in that door) Floating over to door 9, I entered and started looking around. Unlike Stan's mind Pine Tree's was organized and easy to look around, other than finding the memory door...dang egg heads and their knowledge.

After browsing around the multiple memories of nine-year-old Pine Tree one, very disturbing one caught my eye.

Dipper was sitting in his Forth Grade class reading a book advanced for his age. Other than a few other students and Mable he was alone. Mable was talking to another girl, per usual Mable was wearing a goofy sweater and skirt.

"Dipper we're going to play are you coming?" Nine-year-old Mable asked hugging her brother around the book as her friends waited at the door.

"No thanks Mable, I'm just getting to the good part of the story, I'll come play with you guys after okay?" Dipper hugged back. Nodding, Mable and her friends walked out the door leaving Dipper alone with two other boys. Dipper continued reading, when suddenly the book was slapped out of his hands and onto the floor. "Hey!" Dipper complained, before realizing who it was and looked away. Dipper had never seen a reason to have any other friends because he only needed Mable, not to mention he was rather shy and always had been.

"What loner boy? We hurt your only friend?" One of the boys scoffed with a smirk. Dipper knew that they were just saying stuff but it still hurt his feelings.

"I bet you couldn't make friends if you tried!" The other boy said causing them to laugh. "Your sister only deals with you because you're twins and she has too. Who else would want to hang out with you? In fact I bet she actually hates you!" This made Dipper break down in tears, causing the boys to start laughing harder.

I blinked a few times before floating out of the memory, and over to door 10. The first few memories were of Dipper and Mable doing random things, and Dipper getting more and more books. After a little while, I found his and Mable's first day of Fifth Grade and decided why not, and watched.

Dipper watched as Mable skipped down the halls of their school, a small smile was on his face. After reaching their class they took their seats, Dipper in the middle and Mable to his right. The teacher wanted to get to know the class and made all of the students stand up and say their name, favorite animal, and favorite thing to do. Before long it was Mabel's turn.

"I'm Mable my favorite animal is unicorns and my favorite thing to do is bedazzle my brother's and mines stuff!" Mable yelled standing up, making everyone chuckle or laugh at her antics.

Shakily Dipper stood up, and cleared his throat after Mable sat down. "I-I'm Dipper, my favorite animal is a deer, and my favorite thing to do is read." Dipper never lifted his head up, and quickly sat down once he was done.

After the introductions, a paper ball hit Dipper in the back of the head. Rubbing the back of his head Dipper unraveled the paper and read it. All over the page, in different handwriting, were word like 'Loser' 'Freak' 'Geek' 'Loner' and other not so kind words. Deciding to keep this from Mable, Dipper ripped the paper in half and shoved it into his desk to dispose of it later.

I furrowed my eyebrow and continued down to the eleventh door, this memory looked like it was in their first year of middle school, Pine Tree looked to be in a locker filled room.

Dipper pulled his blue shirt off and grabbed a white shirt with the school name imprinted on it. P.E was the only class Dipper didn't have with his sister and he dreaded it. Not only did Dipper hate being without his sister, it's a twin thing, but he was also not very athletically fit, leaving him with two disadvantages. After pulling up his shorts he heard some other boys talking.

"Dipper Pines is such a loser!" One of them said.

"Yeah, but his sister is a freak! Have you seen her? She's always prancing around and-" Anger coursed through Dipper, causing him to scream at them.

"How about you guys shut up!" Dipper snapped, causing the other boys to glare at him. "My sister isn't a freak! She's the nicest person to be born! You're just mad because you have no chance with her!" This obviously angered the more muscular boys, causing them to spring forward and start punching, and kicking the smaller boy, before leaving his bruised form on the floor to clean himself up.

I had no clue what to think, usually I would have laughed at someone getting hurt, but not by so many people at once. Deciding to see what happened the next year I flew over to the door of another memory from when he was eleven but later in the year. And what I saw would have broken my heart, if I had one.(a/n does he have a heart?)

Dipper walked into his house, Mable right behind. Mable ran into the kitchen for food, but Dipper continued up to his, he felt numb, the words that his classmates said to him rung in his head. 'Freak' 'Loser' 'Useless' 'Loner' 'Kill Your Self' and other terrible words. After making it into his and Mabel's room, Dipper set bad down and wordlessly made his way to their bathroom, where he broke down into tears.

Dipper locked the door and turned on the shower on before striping and jumped into the scorching hot shower. Dipper hadn't even realized that he hadn't turned on the cold water and whimpered, before realizing the pain, the burn, the sting felt good. It was like the pain was calming him down allowing the hurt he felt inside to be expressed on the outside. But soon he got used to the burn and could hardly feel it, but he still needed to feel the pain. Stepping out of the shower, Dipper dug around in some drawers until he found a pair of red handled scissors. Sitting and leaning against the tub, Dipper opened the scissors and carefully slid the blade across his exposed, and red wrist, leaving a line of small beads of blood. The sting slowly faded and Dipper added a few more swipes with the scissors before a knock sounded at the door.

"Dipper!" Mable called. "Mom says get out of the shower!"

"H-hold on!" Dipper yelled quickly throwing the scissors into the drawer and shut off the shower before grabbing a skin colored bandage and quickly covering the cuts. Grabbing a towel Dipper raped it around his waist and left the bathroom.

I could feel Pine Tree start to wake up so I quickly left his memories and went back to the dreamscape, the new information fresh in my mind.  

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