// Seven \\

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"Class please turn your textbooks to page 234. When you have finished reading the first section, go over the discussion questions to the person next to you," my biology teacher, Mrs. Angelo, states with a bored expression.

Her short, red hair and thick, black glasses makes her appear as though she is Ms. Frizzle from the "Magic School Bus," but let's just say she has the complete opposite personality from her.

She looks to be fun and quirky, but her monotonous voice and dull—practically not there—personality makes me want to plug my ears or slam my head into a brick wall.

The latter of the two only occurs when she feels like being a bitch.

After I read the assigned section, I turn over towards Jamaal sitting beside me.

Jamaal has been a friend of mine since the beginning of high school after we were paired up for our Freshman year science course. He's both funny and incredibly smart, so I enjoy working with him on assignments and classroom projects.

"Jamaal. Do you want to go over the discussion questions with me?" I ask quietly, noticing he's already writing them down on his paper. He quickly glances at me and proceeds on writing, completely ignoring my question.

What. The. Hell?

What has gotten into him? Did I say something wrong? I literally asked him nicely if he wanted to go over the discussion questions with me.

"Um...did I say something wrong?" He's the only other person I really talk to in this school besides Kaia.

He looks around the classroom, as if he's scanning the room for a certain person. Then, he leans closer towards me, with a serious expression written across his face.

"I'm not allowed to talk to you since I haven't found my mate."

What did he say??

"Um excuse me...but what? Since when has that changed? Is there like this new golden rule or some shit?" I accidentally say that last part a little too loud. I glance up towards the front of the classroom seeing that Mrs. Angelo is giving me a stern look, narrowing her eyes into slits.

I mouth 'sorry,' before turning my attention back onto Jamaal.

He looks around the room again, with a scared expression before looking at me again.

"Your mate threatened every non-mated male that if we even talk or look at you, he would kill us. I'm just trying to stay alive. I'm sorry if I came across rude before." He then goes right back to his work, leaving me sitting there with a dumbfounded expression.

What the actual hell? Maverick threatened...THREATENED to kill any unmated males if they'd even talk to me. Oh boy...I am going to have a serious word with this man.

Who the hell does he think he is?

Well, he is an Alpha and your mate. Alphas are always a hundred times more protective when it comes to their mates.

I roll my eyes at my wolf's explanation. Like I didn't know that already.

Before I can ask Jamaal any more questions, I see out of the corner of my eye Maverick outside the classroom door. His eyes are shining brightly; he is angry. Even though his face appears neutral, I know he wants to murder someone just from his eyes.

I glance over to my side. That someone is Jamaal.

"Crap...crap...crap..." Jamaal mutters beside me.

We only have five minutes before the end of class, but I guess Maverick can't wait that long. He struts into the classroom, whispering something to Mrs. Angelo. I swear this is the first time I've ever seen her smile.

The thought makes me want to punch her.

"Of course, Alpha Quinn." She looks over towards Jamaal. "Mr. Stevens! Alpha Quinn here would like to speak with you," she says sweetly, making everyone turn their heads towards him.

I'm pretty sure everyone knows exactly why he wants to talk to Jamaal because I can hear a couple guys wish him 'good luck'. I only sit there biting my lip nervously while clenching my fists underneath the desk.

I am not going to let Maverick hurt my friend.

Jamaal didn't do anything wrong!

As I watch them exit the classroom, I take a deep breath and raise my hand. Mrs. Angelo sees my hand and I swear she rolls her eyes in annoyance.

The bitch.

"Yes, Miss Waters?" She asks, annoyed.

"Um may I use the restroom. I'm afraid I can't hold it much longer," I ask. She nods with a wave of her hand.

I get up with my things and run outside the classroom. One I'm outside the door, I begin to look for Maverick and Jamaal, but I can't find them anywhere.

I'm going to have to give more control to my wolf-side.

Using my wolf senses, I'm able to trace Maverick's scent down a fairly deserted hallway where the old locker rooms were before the school decided to get new ones.

A chill runs down my spine. I'm pretty sure these ones are known to be 'haunted'.

Just then I hear Jamaal's whimpering.

"Please Alpha Quinn...I swear she asked me a question related to the assigned schoolwork."

"I don't care if she asked you! What were my rules?"

Jamaal barely gets out, "no talk-talking or looking at her." It sounds like he's gasping for air, and that's when I decide enough is enough.

I can't bear to listen anymore, and I know if I don't go by them and stop Maverick, he will seriously hurt Jamaal.

I run further down the hall and turn the corner to find Maverick holding Jamaal up against a wall. His eyes are glowing yellow again while Jamaal's are beginning to fill with tears.

I run over to them, crossing my arms in a very "Luna-like" manner. I can remember seeing the Luna from my old pack do this to the Alpha whenever she wanted something done and what not. I will always admire her; Luna Belrose.

"Maverick. You're going to kill him if you don't stop!"

Jamaal's face is getting red as the pressure from my mate's hands increases around his neck. Maverick tears his gaze from Jamaal and looks over at me. His eyes lessen in intensity. I feel my wolf cower in fear, but I'm not going to do that. I stare at him straight in his eyes, reminding my wolf that we are his equal.

"Elora," he says sickeningly sweet. Too sweet for my liking. "I gave orders for all the unmated males, and he broke that order. He must be punished for disobeying an Alpha's orders."

I hold my ground, giving him my best disapproving look. "Maverick. He wasn't doing anything wrong. Let go of him now."

Maverick takes a quick look at Jamaal who's gasping for air. He reluctantly lets go of his neck, letting Jamaal slide to the floor. Instantly, I run over to Jamaal's limp figure on the ground to see if he is okay. Maverick grabs and pulls me away from him, letting out a low growl. Jamaal slowly gets up from the ground, giving us a small nod while rubbing his neck; he walks away from us.

It is just Maverick and I left in the empty hallway.

There is an eerie silence before I speak up.

"Maverick, why would you set those ridiculous orders? Jamaal did nothing wrong. I kept asking him about the assignment before he decided to respond." I take in a breath before continuing. "I'm so disgusted at how you acted. Now I lost a friend thanks to your immature actions. Are you happy, Alpha?"

I begin to walk away from him until he pulls my arm and back into his arms, turning me around to face him. He strokes my cheek, his eyes turning darker.

"Elora, babe, I had to do that to protect you. Once you go into heat, they will not be able to stay away from you unless threatened. Which, if we aren't fully mated in three weeks, your heat will come."

I assume he is trying to apologize for his behavior, but I'm not goin g to give in until I hear those two words explicitly.

"Mhmmm...yeah, it still was unnacceptable how you treated my friend, Jamaal." At the mention of his name, his eyes shift to the eerie yellow again.

Crap. Now you pissed him off again. Great job.

My wolf scolds me as the sweat on the back of my neck forms.

"Don't ever say another man's name like that!" he grits out at me. I glance around to see if anyone is down here, but it's still just as vacant as it was before.

"Mav-" I begin but before I can finish, Maverick's lips are on mine. He tugs my face closer to his in a demanding way. I kiss him back, feeling our mate bond warming up from the physical interaction. He places his other hand around my waist, going lower and lower until I stop kissing him back and attempt to push him away. Attempt, is the key word.

He trails kisses down my neck, nearing the possible spot of where his mark will be. Now I have to stop him.

We are in my school!

"Maverick..." I try to say in an authorative manner, but due to his amazing kissing skills, it comes out more breathy than I was intending.

He pulls away from my neck to look at me with a devilish grin. His eyes are that dark again.

"Say my name again."

Even though I really want to and see what he does, I can't. We're in school, and I'm still pissed for how he acted earlier.

I shake my head, placing my hands on his shoulders and giving him a push away. This catches him off-guard as he stumbles a bit with a confused look.

"We are in my school right now. Plus, I'm already ten minutes late for my calculus class," I state, realizing how nerdy and lame I'm sounding .

My hot-ass mate was just kissing me, and I stopped him because I'm missing class. Well, it's actually my favorite class... oh my god, I am such a nerd.

Thanks a lot, nerd. Things were just getting heated!

"Shut up!" I internally snap at my wolf. I look up at Maverick again. His eyes are back to their normal and beautiful golden color.

"Right...I'm sorry, Elora. You're just so beautiful, and how you used your Luna voice on my earlier was such a turn-on. When you decide you are ready to complete the mate bond, I'm not letting you out of the bedroom for awhile." His voice is deep as he says this.

He, then, lightly holds my hand and walks me to my class. He squeezes me hand as we make our way to my calculus class. His demeanor is polar opposite of what is was just moments ago. He's being sweet and gentle, and I'm feeling very confused with how I should be feeling and acting towards him.

As I'm about to walk in the class, he gives me a quick kiss on the lips. "I'll be waiting in the parking lot for you." I nod with a smile before turning to head into the classroom.

Everyone is staring at me with either a shocked or jealous expression. Even my teacher, Mr. Omar, gives me a subtle wink before going back to his teaching.

Throughout the whole class, I can't focus on the integrals being taught. I can only think of Maverick's strange mood changes.

I grab out my journal, and jot down some notes.

I need to get to the bottom of this.


Hey everyone!

Sorry for not updating for a bit! My first round of exams are coming up next week, so I've been studying a lot more whenever I have the time. This results in less time for me to write and update.

Anyways, thank you to my continuous readers! Please comment and vote!

Much love <3

~Madelyn Joy

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