// Thirty- Four\\

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RECAP: Elora blacks out, and we are presented with Maverick's POV as he discovers that Ian is a traitor. This is after he finds Elora in wolf form, already killing Anika, who turns out to be an ally with the Dracs and Ian (not his mate). The chapter ends with him telling the sirens they can stay while carrying Elora back to their house.


"I have decided to gather you all here to discuss the attack that my pack received yesterday as well as the kidnappings that have been happening in the Eclipse pack. It's time we form our alliance in battle and defeat these things once and for all," Maverick's voice booms throughout the large meeting hall.

The Alphas and Lunas of all the neighboring packs that are seated around the large banquet-style table nod their heads in agreement.

The immense power that radiates throughout the hall would have normally caused me to keep my head lowered in a bow, but now that I am a Luna of one of the strongest packs in the area, I'm able to maintain eye contact and keep my head held high.

It's empowering, to say the least.

"Is it true that your Gamma is apart of this group? Should we really be trusting you and your pack with this alliance? So far they haven't attacked my pack," an older Alpha, from a pack about an hour away, questions. His bushy eyebrows crinkle up as he asks.

A growl sounds and it shockingly doesn't come from Maverick.

It comes from me.

Maverick gives me a side glance, squeezing my thigh before speaking again. Looking back at the large banquet table, I make eye contact with the older Alpha who seems to disapprovingly shake his head at me.

"It is true. It was a heartbreaking shock to all of us...especially to me. Which is why I am personally checking every pack member of mine for their loyalty through a series of tests and questionnaires. I know for sure you can trust me, my Luna, and my Beta family," Maverick answers with such grace and firmness, I feel my mouth curl up into a smile.

The older Alpha stares quizzically at my mate before nodding his head once.

"You are a man who has always stuck to his word. We will ally with you in battle against the Dracs."

All the Alphas bow their heads, all indicating that they were to ally in war as well.

"Let us collaborate with our commanders and warriors and come back together at the end of the week to discuss our battle strategies," Luna Opal speaks, rising from the table first. She also holds a very strong voice amongst the sea of male Alphas.

Then again, she is the Alpha of her pack and has Aloha blood, so, naturally, she matches the stature and authority of the other male Alphas.

As meeting adjourns Maverick pulls me aside, leading me down to a secluded end of a hallway. His grip is oddly gentle as he leads me.

Turning to me, I watch his eyes study mine before speaking.

"Elora, I think you should continue to rest until you are completely clear of the demon. So that means no school until then-" Maverick starts but I interrupt him before he can continue.

"Maverick...you know I can't miss anymore school! I won't be able to graduate or participate in our school's musical—they need me! I'll be careful and will only get rides to and from school...please..."I plead as if I were begging my parents. Which, at times, Maverick tends to act like my parent.

"I can call the school and tell them. You can always do your schoolwork here...and as for the musical...you have an understudy for a reason..." I can tell he doesn't want to force me to stay here, but he must feel it's the best choice.

"It's my senior year, Maverick. I won't get another chance at the musical. Please."

He's trying to avoid my eyes, letting them wander all around the hallway. I grab his face so he has to look at me.

His golden gaze locks with mine. He lets out a sigh with a very faint "fine." I curl my mouth up into a victorious smile.

"Thank you." I give him a chaste kiss on the lips before turning around. I don't make it far as he tugs me back to him, making me crash back into his warm and inviting chest.

I stay in his arms for a couple minutes, relishing the warmth and comfort I feel from being in his hold.

After a few minutes of pure, silent bliss with only the faint sound of our breathing, Maverick finally says in a low whisper, " the moon goddess really blessed me with you."

My heart soars at his words, and I can only snuggle further into his chest.

"Um uh excuse me but-"

A voice shakes us from our wonderful moment, and naturally, Maverick lets out a growl in annoyance.

We both pull apart to see Vander awkwardly scratching the back of his head. He clearly hates that he had to interrupt us.

"What is it, Vander?" Maverick asks, not caring that his voice is dripping with pure irritation.

"Luna Elora's family is here to see you both. They've been worried about Elora..."


"Mom... calm down... I'm fine, honestly."

"You're obviously NOT fine if you've been missing school for almost two weeks!"

"It's literally been a week! I'm better now! I had some weird flu bug! Seriously, I'm good!"

After Vander told us my parents were here to see us, I ran to the main foyer where they were waiting. I immediately ran up to all of them, giving my parents and siblings each a huge, bone-crushing hug.

Maverick walks in a few seconds after I had given the twins a hug.

He has a wide smile upon seeing my parents, all smile back except my mother who then begins to express her reasonable worries about me to him and I.

She apparently has received calls that I was missing from school for a week and is worried since she hasn't really heard from me in awhile. I feel guilt wash over me as she expresses her concerns, tearing up a bit as she did so.

"Why couldn't you or someone-" she looks at Maverick as she says 'someone', "-let me know! Do you know how sick to our stomachs your father and I been! You haven't been calling us as much either! I understand that you have your mate but-"

"Mom...I know and I am soo sorry. Myself or Maverick should've let you know but our pack has been dealing with issues with...Dracs—"

My mother looks as though she's going to pass out as I mention the word 'Dracs.' My father frowns at the mention, clearly worried.

My siblings, on the other hand, appear unfazed and begin whispering to each other, "what are those?"

"Those are the things that have been kidnapping all those children and young women in the Eclipse pack?! Debra, my dear friend, who's cousin is in the pack, has been telling her about it. Their neighbor's children were taken and I know—"

"Are you okay? Your pack? We just came to check to make sure you were doing well." My father cuts off my mother rambling. His eyes hold an expression only a father can have for his children.

"Yes," I half-lie. I'm sorta physically okay, but mentally...I'm far from it.

"Can I see your house? I want to see if it's as big as I've heard from kids at my school!" Esmeri randomly asks, her eyes more on my mate than me.

She batts her eyelashes, and I lowly growl causing her to jump back a bit, alarmed. While the rest of my family looks at me wide-eyed.

I immediately cough to try to cover it up, but I know they all heard it.

Ignoring it, Maverick smiles and nods.

"Yes, of course! You know you are all always welcome to come over whenever you wish to! I should've made sure to keep in more contact with my Luna's family...I sincerely apologize."

Maverick acts just as he had when he first met my family and me. It isn't fake, but definitely a polite 'act' just to keep on my parent's good side, which I'm grateful for.

We walk out of the back door, down the trail that leads to our house. I watch as Esmeri and Elias's eyes widen, taking in the scenery and the large house coming into view.

"You have so much space to run!" Elias exclaims, already picking up his speed towards the house. Esmeri lingers back and walks with me, which is surprising since I literally growled at her minutes before.

Maverick is deep in a conversation with both my parents as Esmeri tugs on my arm. I look down to see her frowning.

"I'm sorry if I upset you earlier... I-I didn't mean to..." she looks down sheepishly, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear. I rub her shoulder, causing her to look back up at me.

"I'm sorry I growled at you like that. I honestly don't know what got into me. I would like to blame my wolf, but I feel like that it was partly my fault—"

"Have you guys...you know...mated? I heard some older girls talk about how if you don't do the 'thing' with your mate within a span of a month, your hormones go haywire or something...I don't know if that's true or not," she responds with a shrug.

We continue to walk as I tap my chin, wondering if that's the reason why I've been so on edge lately.

Well, at least part of the reason.

"That makes sense..."

She only shrugs before tugging my arm along to meet back up with the others.

When we finally reach the door, Maverick uses his key to unlock it.

Beforehand, it was always open, but after the Drac invasion, everyone has been required to lock their front doors, including us.

Once inside, we all chat about normal, daily things, and, for once, things seem okay. I feel at ease, which is something I haven't felt for awhile now. 

After a few hours, my parent's, after being reassured Maverick and I are fine and will keep them more in the loop, decide they need to get going home.

I give them all a hug, as does Maverick. I see my father say something in his ear which earns a nod of respect from Maverick.

Once we wave them goodbye and close the door, within an instant, I'm pressed up against the door. Maverick's lips hover near my mark before he closes the gap. He kisses it softly before bringing his head up and kissing my hungry lips.

I pull away briefly, earning a groan from him.

"Elora... I don't have the patience for any teasing right now." His voice is low, dripping with lustful agony.

"I just want to know what my dad said to you before they left. I could only pick up pieces of it."

I trace a finger across his jaw, feeling the short stubble of hair on his skin.


I pout my lip. "Please."

He lets out a sigh. "He told me that we should mate right now."

"Maverick..." I groan out, slightly irritated.

"Fine." He lets another huff. He darts his eyes to the ground. "He reminded me that you're still a young woman who has a mind of her own and not just my mate."

I smirk. "That sounds more like it."

His eyes find mine again; they're pleading.

"Can we continue now?"

Bringing my mouth closer to his, I breathe, "continue with what?"

"Elora!" With that exclamation, he seizes my mouth with his, the kiss full of passion and intensity as his body flushes up onto mine.

The sweet action turns much more lustful; thirsty for the other's taste. Everytime we kiss, it's like we can't get enough of each other.

His hands travel up my sides, tangling up into my hair as the kiss deepens. As if he isn't already close enough, he crushes his body up onto mine more.

I can feel his muscles flexing, tightening more and more as we continue to kiss.

Eventually, he pulls me up, allowing me to wrap my legs around his muscular torso. I feel us move, noting that he is slowly walking us up the stairs.

Throughout the whole 'journey' to the bedroom, we continue our passionate make-out.

Once in the bedroom, Maverick lays me down onto the bed before slowly helping take off my pants. He goes so slow, never breaking eye contact with me.

Immense heat shoots through me like a bolt of lightening. He then helps take off my shoes and socks, the action strangely intimate. He pauses before nearly ripping off his shirt. I pout a bit because it seems to go too fast, and I want to relish more in watching him take it off all sexy-like.

My eyes slowly close. For some reason I'm incredibly tired.


I look dreamily up at him, his golden eyes shining.


He cups my cheek, giving me a soft kiss. "Are you too tired?"

I start to nod until my wolf speaks up for the first time in what seems like forever.

You better say no. I want the 'D', Elora.

She comes crawling back to say that? I mentally thank her for her unnecessary order before shaking my head, but I know my eyes are closing more.

"We can continue this tomorrow, babe. You've had a long couple days..." He kisses my cheek before laying down next to me. He somehow has already taken his pants off and is left in his boxers as his bare legs entangle with mine.

After further snuggling into his warm chest, I finally am able to fall asleep.


An ear piercing scream wakes me up.


Snapping my eyes open, I realize the scream has come from me. I close my mouth, but before I can close it all the way, I let out another scream: this time, it's more of a howling in pain.

"Babe, what is it?" Maverick's voice resounds in my ears, but the bedroom is too dark to see him.

He must realize this as the bedside lamp flickers on.

His beautiful eyebrows furrow, clearly worried about me. I lick my lips as I take in each and every perfect curvature of his jaw and cheekbones.

God he is so sexy.

And all MINE!

My breath hitches as he comes closer.

"Babe, seriously. Are you okay? Was it a bad dream? The demon?" I cut off his rambling by pulling him closer and kissing him. His eyes widen before delving further into the kiss.

I push him down onto the bed, straddling him as we continue kissing. I hear him groan in pleasure, and I'm liking the way he clenches onto my sides. I let my inner animal come out as I pull  my shirt over my head, unclipping my bra immediately afterwards.


"Shh." I shush him by putting my finger against his mouth. I watch his eyes glow a bit before we continue to kiss. I feel him try to shift me so I would be under him, but my wolf doesn't want him to be in control tonight.

She needs to be.

I keep my stance, letting our tongues slip in and out of each other's mouths. It's like our tongues are apart of some magical dance that move in synch when connected.

His hands slide up my thighs while mine slide up his chest. Heat is coursing through every part of my body as he continues his venture up my backside with his glorious touch.

I break away from his mouth as I leave gentle kisses around his jaw. His hands leave my back and are brought up to either side of my head, pulling my lips back onto his once more.

I feel my body being shifted; Maverick is switching positions so he's on top.

I pull away from his lips, aggravated that he's slowing the pace down and taking more control. "Maverick—"

His fingers trail down my face as he whispers, "I want this to be special, Elora. For you and for me."

I kiss him passionately before saying, "I love you."

"And I love you, Elora."

We continue the 'dance of lovers' throughout the rest of the night. Once we are fully satisfied, we both slump next to each other. Maverick pulls me closer to his warm body, and before I'm fully asleep, I hear him murmur, "you continue to amaze me. I love you."

"And I love you, Maverick."

If only this could last forever...


Hey yall!

Here is an update for my continuously loving readers and friends! (that's you ;) )

My schedule has just been jammed pack recently, so I apologize for not getting this up sooner!

Also want to note that she screamed because she was in heat! This will be clarified more in the next chapter.

I will be making this book 40 chapters (I think I originally said it would be 35, but I just have so much more content to explain and write that it'll take a few more chapters !)

What are you predictions? Put them here -->

How are you liking the story so far?

What can I improve on so I can make this even better?

Thank you all!

Much Love <3

~Madelyn Joy

**edited 2/3/22**

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