// Thirty-Two \\

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RECAP: Maverick opened up about his past. Selene and Damianos say that Maverick and his pack are the reason they are there, but we are interrupted from knowing more by Maverick's phone which is Vander calling about how the pack is under attack. We ended the chapter with all of them preparing to leave the cottage and go to the pack house.

**also, the song above is called On The Line by Night Riots - it fits well with the chapter!

The air smells of blood; a scent I am beginning to become too familiar with.

The town appears almost vacant once we cross through the woods. It's eerie, and I can't help but to shiver at the strange feeling.

As a Luna, it is said that you feel everything that happens in the pack; you are the first to notice, even before the Alpha, that something is wrong in the pack. That feeling only progresses when you reach the source of the problem.

I never fully believed it to be true, but now I do.

I feel my pack members hurting, their fear, and their willingness to fight.

I feel it all...which is why I have Damianos, Selene and Maverick all asking me if I was okay enough to keep going.

Of course I say yes, but, quite frankly, I'm feeling so weak.

"We need to make it to the pack house... that's where the pack is supposed to go if they're able to. Otherwise each pack member has a secret hideout unless they're apart of our combat group," Maverick lowly speaks as we hustle along the side of the main road.

"My old pack has similar protocol. My family and I were always to be in our old cellar until further notified," I comment, feeling slightly queasy and having the sudden urge to call my family to see if they were alright. After all this, I would make sure to call them.

I swear I do call them.

We proceed until the packhouse is in sight. Maverick has us pause as a group of our combat warriors rush up to us, all in wolf form. One begins to shift as he approaches us. I avert my eyes, so they are strictly on Maverick.

"Alpha, we can't keep holding them at the edge of our borders. They're too fast and there is too many of them. What should we do next?" The warrior's voice is low and sounds defeated.

I watch as Maverick's mouth slants and his eyes narrow on his combat leader.

"Did you go through each of the battle plans, Kyle? Did you try-I don't know-turning on the invisible fence? There was a reason I installed that thing. And it wasn't because I like to spend the pack's money." Maverick's voice is clipped, and I can tell the warrior, or Kyle, must have not thought of that as he begins to stutter out his reply as to why he didn't or couldn't.

I'm not sure, but he sounds silly trying to explain himself.

"ENOUGH! How much longer until they break through the combat team's forces?!" Maverick roars back at Kyle.

There was a pause until a howl resounds: a very faint but prominent howl.


Maverick curses under his breath until I feel myself being lifted off the ground, noticing that Selene had grabbed me and is running us towards the packhouse.

I look for Maverick but he is already shifted into his wolf. His larger, dark wolf I notice has blonde spots of fur. His real wolf is beginning to shine through the exterior one.

I make eye contact with his wolf before he runs off. His eyes are pleading, as if saying "stay in the packhouse." It's like he knows I would shift right here and help fight.

My duty is to make sure those stay safe in the packhouse, and if that meant shift and fight...then so be it.

"Elora...don't shift. We don't know if the demon is still latched onto your wolf...it could cause greater risk for you to shift anytime soon," Selene proclaims, snapping me out of my daze. "Damianos and myself are the only ones allowed to touch you as the demon cannot latch onto us. We are too pure for it to think about doing so."

I nod feebly, knowing she knows I want to. My wolf is itching to get out.

We make it into the packhouse. As Selene sets me down once in the foyer, making sure we close the door behind us and lock it, I feel the aggressive and cautious nature of my pack as they take in the sight of Selene and Damianos.

"Who are they?" someone growls, and I notice it is Joy who has said this. Her eyes narrow in on the two winged beings.

"Everyone...this is Selene and Damianos. They are sirens who were sent here to help us. They also saved my life, so please treat them with the utmost respect." My voice becomes stronger with each word I speak, and I watch as each of my pack members present bow their head at my order.

"Luna! What should we do?!"

"My son told me they're breaking through the combat wall!"

"I can't die yet! I need to be able to enjoy my last meal!"

I feel overwhelmed by all the proclamations, and I oddly confused at the last one.

"Quiet! I want everyone to lock all the doors and windows on the outside of the packhouse! Also, yes they broke through the combat wall...which is why we all need to be prepared. I want all children and those who are unable to fight in a safe room...Joy you know this packhouse better than everyone else-"

"Yes...we can take them to the basement...they'll have to lock themselves inside!" Joy answers back to me, to which I nod along.

"Good. And as for not having a good last meal...I literally had broth, and I don't plan on dying and neither should any of you! We are one of the strongest packs for a reason. Show it." I don't know where this powerful voice is coming from, but I'm loving it.

I feel like a total Luna.

Everyone briskly nods before dashing away to lock all doors, windows and anything else that the Dracs may get into.

I watch as my pack follows my orders until Liz and Chelsea run up to me.

"Where the hell were you?! We were all so worried!" Chelsea exclaims first as they both ran up to give me a hug.

"Stop! You cannot touch her... yet!" Damianos states, his deep voice booming. The girls oblige and stare wide-eyed up at him.

"Why not?" Liz asks, her eyes scanning over the sirens.

"It's a long story which I can tell you later...let's go and make sure all the windows and doors are locked."

They both reluctantly agree, and we all begin to walk towards the office windows in the back. Damianos and Selene follow suit as they begin to check all the windows and doors with us.

When we are certain all doors and windows are locked around the pack house and the children are in the basement, I make everyone else come into our big meeting hall. We all wait as we hear the approaching howls and snarls. I fear for Maverick, but I guess I would feel our mate bond disconnect if something does happen to him.

"Elora...I feel them...." Liz shakily whispers in my ear.

"We all can, Liz. They're literally surrounding our pack lands."

She shakes her head slowly. "No. There's one in the packhouse....no... two."

My stomach clenches in anxiousness. I forgot Liz has that extra sense.

"Where? Where do you sense them, Liz?!" I try to keep the panic out of my voice as I whisper to her.

"In the living space." Her voice is low;  low enough so the others can't hear.

"I need to go," I turn over towards Selene and Damianos. They surprisingly nod along.

"We will come with you."

I begin to weave through my pack members, all staring at me as I try to exit the room.

I turn to them. "I'm called to do something right now. Whatever happens...stay here and fight. Now when I leave this room...lock the doors. Do not open it for anyone...even if it sounds like a pack member, myself, or Alpha Maverick. I will let someone know with a cell if it is me. Got it?"

They all agree before Selene, Damianos and I slip out the doors. I hear the click of the locks as we begin walking towards the living space, or the large living room of the packhouse.

Just a few days ago Chelsea, Liz and I were having a spa day in there, and now I would be fighting Dracs.

"Elora...let us fight when we approach them. You cannot shift!" Selene softly speaks as we slowly creep up on the living space. I realize that neither of them make a sound as we walk, while I seem to hit every creak in the floorboards.

"Alright," I respond, but I mentally am going against their wishes. I will shift if I need to. If it meant the safety of the pack, I will do anything and everything.

"You aren't going to listen to us, are you?" Damianos now speaks, his tone bearing a hint of annoyance.

I only shrug as we near the living space, stopping so we are right next to the entryway. I press my back to the wall, trying to hear them.

"You should know where they all hide in these situations!" a female voice whispers in an angry tone.

There's a huff before a man speaks.

"I'm usually in charge of combat duties! It was hard enough to peel away from the combat team. I even lied to them about the fence! If it wasn't for me, we wouldn't have made it through!" He practically growls at the female, and that's when I figure out who the voice belongs to. My heart aches once I realized.

"Who the hell is there?! Show yourself!"


I give Damianos and Selene a look to as if saying, "stay." They nod their heads once and hide further in the shadows. I know they will come out once I need help.

Taking a deep breath, I step into the light.

I glare at the duo, my heart still aching from the betrayal of one of my pack members and supposed friends.

"Elora...I thought you were dead," he growls, slowly walking towards me in a predatory fashion. I notice his eyes are still a deep chocolate brown, not red like his female companion's.

"I thought we were friends. Why would you turn your back on your pack like this...Ian?"

My voice is strong, thankfully not mirroring what I really am feeling. We even have shared some good moments of friendship... was it all a lie?

He lowly laughs, inches from my face.

"You look like shit. What happened? Maverick's demon get to you, too? I honestly was hoping he'd drop dead soon, but he just won't. Shame." My eyes trail from him to the girl behind him.

"Why aren't you turned like Anika? Too good to be a Drac?"

He growls, grabbing my shoulders as he bends down towards my ear.

"Tell me where the kids are, and I won't tear your throat open... yet." I refuse to appear scared of his demand. Instead, I only smirk.

"You think I'm going to tell you? Also, you really shouldn't of touched me..." I growl back, feeling my wolf moving to the forefront in my conscious. I tell her to wait to shift though.

"Babe...do you really think the Luna of this pack is going to abide to your demands?" Anika remarks, rolling her eyes as she walks closer to us. At this point, Ian's hands shift from my shoulders to the collar of my shirt. He tugs on it more, giving me his best predatory glare.

It has no effect on me.

"What the hell did you mean by I shouldn't have touched you?" Ian snarls, ignoring Anika's statement entirely. I inwardly laugh since he seemed so 'in love' with her literally a few days ago, and now it seems he  could care less about her.

"You should listen to your mate, Ian."

He glances back at Anika, and they both begin to laugh.

"She's not my mate. She's my accomplice—"

"You're the leader of the Dracs?!" I exclaim, shocked at what I supposedly discovered.

"No. Neither of us are. We answer to-"

"Ian! Shut up!" Anika yells at him, causing him to shut his mouth.

He then shoves me to the ground, with seemingly little effort. It takes me a moment to sit up, but just as I do, he kicks me with a lot of force, causing me to clutch my side in pain.

"Aw... is the precious Luna hurt?" Ian circles around me, and I know I'm about to shift as my wolf and I become extremely and abnormally angry.

"I dare you to kick me again, Gamma!"

"Don't! Call! Me! Gamma!" With each word he kicks me harder, and I let him. It doesn't hurt me anymore.

Just as he's about to kick me again, I stand up and let my body shift, relishing in the cracking and bending of my bones.

I'm going to tear Ian limb from limb. I'm thinking of possibly only slashing Anika's throat since she isn't a backstabber like Ian.

Let's kill them!

My wolf's voice sounds strange; her voice being too low and lethal. To be honest, it sounds an awful like Maverick's... demon.

"Elora! No!!"

That's all I hear before I begin my blind killing spree.

Hey hey hey!!

So, how many of you guessed that Ian was a traitor? I've had it planned this whole time tbh... heh heh heh

Anyways, put your predictions here as to who is the leader of the Dracs and what may happen next!  —>

Also, tap the star if you enjoyed this chapter and want the next one up faster ;) I'd greatly appreciate it!!

Thank you so much !!!

Much love <3
~Madelyn Joy

*edited: 12/22/21*

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