// Twenty \\

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The memory of his teeth sinking into my skin, creating a wave of heat and a new found love lulls my mind and seeps into my dreams that night.

In my dream, Maverick appears before me. His hair is shining blindly in the afternoon sunlight, and his eyes are a prominent golden hue. It is as if he is the sun god himself, emitting rays of light with every step he takes.

It's as though he is Apollo.

His eyes linger down to my new mark, which in the dream I'm seemingly showcasing. The mark looks like an image of the sun with how the teeth marks closed up.

"My mark looks beautiful on you, baby."

His voice is low as he bends down to kiss down my neck, ending at the mark.

I feel myself internally swoon as he calls me 'baby'.




I immediately try shoving him off me, but his grasp on my shoulders is too strong. He pokes his head up with a lethal smile, his eyes now that ghastly piercing yellow, making me shudder with fright.

"You don't listen. You and your precious Maverick don't listen."

His voice is much lower than before. It is the same voice from my previous dream with the demonic wolf.

It is his demon.

"Please. Stop this! Let go of him!" I scream out at the impostor who's still clutching onto me. He's digging his nails into my shoulders and making me scream out more in pain.

"Oh, sweetheart. He's not the only one I have a grasp over. You'll find out on the next full moon. Soon enough...baby..."

His icky voice trails off as his figure seems to dissipate into the light surrounding us. My body falls to the ground, shaking.

The next full moon.

"Elora! Wake up!"

My eyes snap open to see Maverick stroking my face with a worried expression. He is now shirtless, and the moonlight bounces off his beautifully carved body. My wolf purrs at our mate's beauty, but I still am shaking in fright.

I wrap my arms around him, trying to calm my erratic heartbeat. He responds immediately by hugging me back, enveloping me in the warmth in which I've grown to love.

"What was your nightmare about, babe?" he whispers in my ear, his voice much like his hug: warm and full of love.

Quietly, I ask, "when is the next full moon?"

He pulls back instantly, giving me a worried expression. "Why?"

"Just answer me, Maverick. When is it?" My voice is laced with worry. Worry for what is yet to come.

"In a week. It should be the day of Liz's birthday party. Elora, please tell me why?" He then casts his gaze downward and says, "What did it say?"

"I—I think we will—will find out that you're not the only one under his—his control..."

I begin to hyperventilate, my body shaking with force. It is as if someone has thrown me into the cold lake while the wind is harshly blowing. I feel every chill to the maximum. I feel every fear; even those that are always buried deep down.

I feel everything in that moment.

Maverick panics by calling the pack doctor and his beta as I convulse in a strange manner. My eyes roll back, yet my conscious mind can still hear everything.

The sirens, the voices, the cries.

Most importantly...I feel a new presence. I feel it latch onto my being.

I feel it.

|| Maverick ||

"Vander! Get Dr. Kelvin. Bring your wife, too. She's good at calming others down."

"Yes, Alpha. On it."

My mind stirs as I grab her convulsing body, ignoring the voice in my head that says to leave her. My irrational mind takes over as well as my true wolf. He is whining at our mate's strange state.

The next full moon.

I know the thing is bringing Elora into this dark realm. I knew this would happen.

And it's all my fault.

It's always my damn fault!

The front door swings open as I have made my way down the stairs with Elora still shaking in my arms. Her eyes are now rolling back into her skull, and I can hear her teeth grinding together. I can also hear her breathing in and out in divergent patterns.

"Alpha Maverick...please set her down on the living room floor. We must let the convulsions stop on their own. I can give her a tranquilizer if they continue and are more harsh. Does she have a history of seizures, Alpha?"

I shake my head.

"Not that I am aware of. She had a nightmare and then this happened."

I decide to not tell him anymore. Very few know of the demon that possesses me. Most think it is just a folktale; a mere children's story.

If only that were the case.

"Okay. It appears they are lessening. I'll wait here until they have stopped and then we can give her pain medication to subdue any pain or aching she may experience. If this happens again, I suggest having her put on a medication for seizures, Alpha."

I nod solemnly, watching as her body stops. She goes limp, and I begin panicking again until I see her chest moving, indicating she is breathing.

My wolf and I both sigh in relief.

"Alright. Here is the tranquilizer just in case it happens again, but only use it if it gets too long and worsens. Have her check in with me tomorrow, Alpha."

Dr. Kelvin gets up and walks towards the front door. Just as he is exiting, Vander and his wife, Joy, come rushing in.

Both are sporting their pajamas. If this was a normal night, I would be laughing at how they are matching their nightwear. Both are sporting black and red checkered pajama bottoms with matching black shirts.

I just know Joy is the one who bought them.

"How is she, Alpha?" Vander speaks first, out of breath as he asked the question. His eyes trailed over my mate's body which appeared to be sleeping in a strange fashion.

I'm about to respond when her eyes flutter open, and she sucks in a deep breath of air.

I immediately bend down more, stroking her face lightly as she looks up at me. Her gorgeous, blue eyes study me then bounce over to Vander and Joy who are standing beside us confusedly.

"Wha-what happened? And why are Vander and Joy wearing matching pajamas? Am I still in my nightmare?"

With all the emotions and things that happened just minutes before, I begin to laugh. Joy's face falls into a frown as Vander laughs along as well.

"I told you, dear that these pajamas are ugly! Even our Luna thinks they're something from a nightmare," he says, causing Joy to give him a slap across his shoulder. Elora and I snicker a bit as she politely excuses herself and storms out of the house.

Vander has a smirk on his face.

"Van, you know she hates your guts right now."

He nods, still smirking. "Yeah, but it usually results in some hot and passionate-"

"TMI, Vander. TMI," Elora states, cutting off Vander. He lets out a laugh before saying 'goodnight' and leaving my mate and I alone.

We stare at each other wordlessly, communicating through our eyes and with our feelings.

Now that I have marked her, she can sense my feelings and thoughts, and I can sense her's as well. Although, my connection to her thoughts isn't as strong since she hasn't marked me yet.

For other werewolves, it's usually the male that marks the female, but with the Alpha and Luna, they both must mark each other to fully be declared as complete; as two souls who have conjoined together.

"Your thoughts are all over the place, Mav, but I'm sensing a lot of guilt. Why?"

"I caused all this. I shouldn't have marked you."

We are still sitting on the ground, my hand encasing her small, dainty one.  She glances down at our touching hands before looking back up at me.

"I wanted you to, Maverick. We are going to get through this...together. I don't want you to feel guilty." Her voice is soft as she leans closer to me, her eyes seemingly whispering to kiss her.

I draw her in, kissing her softly. I try to focus on her, pushing aside the self-deprecating thoughts and feelings of guilt. I focus on her warm touch and plump lips.

I may be focusing a little too much on her physical aspects since my wolf is stirring with lust. She pulled away too soon, giggling at my lust-driven eyes. But as she pulled back, I noticed her wolf must be at the surface since her eyes were also a darker blue.

I pulled her up with me, and placed an arm around her back and under her knees, and carried her back up the stairs bridal-style. This caused her to giggle and thrash about slightly, saying she can 'walk herself'.

"Once we actually mate, you'll be wishing I carried you around all the time, babe." This cased her to go silent, and her cheeks flushed a bright red. Even in the moonlight her blush was so visible.

I laughed as I laid back down in the bed. "But, you need all the rest you can get. Plus, it is a school night." I winked, giving her a kiss on the forehead. She groaned at the mention of school.

"Ugh don't remind me. I'm only going since they'll have the cast list up." Her eyes began to close as I snuggled next to her, pulling her closer to my chest.

"Do you think you got the part you wanted?" I asked, yawning afterwards as I felt my eyes droop.

"I'm not sure. My audition went well enough, but Kenzie tends to get the lead roles. I'd honestly would be fine with any part. Plus, you may not want me as the lead. She and the phantom kiss..." I saw her mouth twitch into a slight smirk.

"You're right. Guess I'd have to fill in for the phantom at that part," I said before giving her a light peck, and letting sleep overcome me. "Goodnight, my love."

She snuggled closer to me before we both fell asleep.

If only good things would last. But based on my experiences...they never do. I just hoped that whatever happens, Elora makes it out because I know I won't.


hey dudes!

So in honor of my second boyfriend's birthday, Brendon Urie of course, (don't tell James - my actual BF) lol...I thought uploading a new chapter was necessary! Who knows...you may get a second one later today ;)

Thank you again to all those who are reading and giving this book a chance! I swear more action and some 'wink wink' stuff will happen (wink wink meaning smut).

Question time!!!

- what do you predict is going to happen when the full moon and Liz's birthday comes?

- would yall like to meet this demon? got any crazy theories? so far, we've only seen the demon in wolf form or in the form of Maverick...what do you think it looks like?

-do you think Elora is gonna get the part? I mean, her audition went hella well...but then again, Kenzie always gets the lead. hmmmm

You have anyone who always seemed to get the lead/ or the solo etc? I can remember a couple people, specifically one, who seemed to always get the first pick, the best solo, etc...it was annoying af but that's life i guess lol

Okay don't forget y'all to tap that ass...just kidding, tap the star (aka vote) and comment PLEASE! it gives me joy seeing you guys comment and interact with the text...like I seriously get super excited...my fellow authors understand what I mean  haha

Alrighty folks!

Thank you!!

Much Love (as always) <3

~Madelyn Joy

PS This is unedited, so there's probs mistakes lol

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