// Twenty-Five \\

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I rush out of school after musical practice. We just started practice on Monday and have already gotten through reading the whole play five times, and today is Friday.

Today is Liz's 18th birthday.

Tonight was the first full moon since Maverick marked me.

Tonight was the night the demon had warned us about.

"El! What should I wear for tonight?" I shuddered upon hearing Kaia's question. She came barreling out of the school's front doors after me.


"Um I mean it is a birthday party so I wouldn't dress too formal! See you later!" I yelled back as I made my way to Ian's car, waving to her. Maverick was at an Alpha's meeting today with the other alphas in our alliance, so Ian picked me up again today.

Honestly, this whole week it felt like he was almost avoiding me. I mean, like he acknowledged my presence and was nice, but anytime some sexual tension filled the air, he made an excuse. Sometimes he would just disappear from the room.

It was aggravating because I needed a release. Also, my wolf has been freaking out non stop.

It's annoying.

"Elora... how was school?" Ian's warm voice greeted me as I slid into the passenger seat. He had been sent to pick me up from school more since Maverick has had an abundance of meetings with other Alphas, specifically those who are apart of the alliance with the Valiant Ula pack.

Clicking my seatbelt, I responded with an, "alright." I honestly didn't even pay attention in school today.

My worry and anticipation for what's to come tonight kept my thoughts clouded. The words from the demon were on repeat in my mind. Throughout musical practice I was basically a robot reciting my lines.

The only person to notice was Kaia.

Speaking of Kaia, her and Dante were good for now, but I knew she was still worrying about when the time to possibly move again would come. She put on a whole facade that she was feeling good about it.

Just like I was with everything between Maverick and I.

But it really wasn't good. Goddess, it was going to get worse. I could feel it.

I had been making notes about Maverick and the demon in my notebook. But every night as I'd read over and try to come up with a solution, nothing added up in my mind. It was like all the algebra equations that were in the notebook prior to me ripping them out; confusing and overall pointless.

The only solution I could come up with was Maverick stepping down from his Alpha position, but I knew he would never do it. It would be his last resort, but, honestly, it was beginning to look like the only choice we had.

He's too stubborn. I know the Alpha position is rightfully his, but sometimes you have to give up something for the betterment of everyone else; the betterment for yourself.

Hopefully I could convince him by tonight, or at least try to, before this demon reigns terror on us all.

And my goddess ...poor Liz. I really hope I can think of something quick, so her birthday can be simply magical.

And not magical in a sense of demonic possession.

"-likes you a lot!" Shit. Totally didn't hear what Ian said.

"Um yeah cool..." I tried to reply without him noticing I was actually zoning out and not paying attention.

He glanced at me before averting his gaze back to the road. "You totally didn't hear me, did you?" He laughed as I merely shrugged my shoulders. I couldn't lie to him.

"Um yeah I missed it. Sorry... my mind's been everywhere but reality." His face grew troubled. One thing about Ian that I learned recently he is good at reading people. He is more of an observer and listener.

"It's tonight...the full moon." How in the hell did he know that?


He pulled up to the packhouse, parking before he looked at me. "Well the moon was almost full last night so tonight would mean it's a full-"

"Not what I meant, Ian." I studied his reaction, watching as the fragment of playfulness was washed away with a serious frown.

"You're clearly marked but haven't completed the mate bond. Plus, I overheard Maverick the other night. He was talking to someone about it behind the packhouse, but I couldn't see who it was. I figured it was you."

I gave him a puzzling look. "Why did you it figure it was me? " His face contorted into a look of worry.

"Well, um the figure was definitely feminine." He tapped his chin in thought. "Now that I'm thinking about it, she was a bit taller than you. I couldn't make out anymore since I was on my way to see Anika that night."

I felt my fist clench for some reason. Who is Maverick talking to about our private matters? I mean, I'm sure it's just an old friend or something like that...but Maverick really doesn't have any friends besides Vander. I know he wouldn't really talk to Joy either. He scares the shit out of her.

An old friend.

Or perhaps an old and quite attractive friend.


"Where's Maverick?" My voice came out incredibly harsher than I intended since I noticed Ian wince slightly. I was happy he had said something to me. I needed to talk to Maverick but had been dragging my feet about it. Well...this little information from Ian fueled my fire.

"Shit...I shouldn't of said anything, but um he is in a meeting with Luna Opal and Alpha Belrose." So a meeting with someone who would get a kick out of me storming in with fury and the other being the alpha of my old pack.


"Perfect. Which meeting room?" He got out of the car at my question, leading me into the packhouse and down towards the smaller meeting room. I had been told by Joy that it was mainly used by Maverick and any of the alphas within the alliance for meetings. She said usually anyone of a lower rank wasn't allowed in unless they were asked to come in.

Good thing I'm Maverick's equal.

As I was about to forcefully push open the door, Ian grabbed my arm, tugging me back a bit. His eyes told me to act calmly. I knew he was right. I needed to gain everyone's respect, and storming into a room full of alphas would only do the opposite.

"I'll be nice...until I drag Maverick out of there and talk to him." He only snickered before patting my head and walking back the way we came. I took a deep breath before knocking on the door. I heard Maverick's voice call me in. He had to of known it was me since who else would interrupt an important alpha meeting.

As I walked in, I noticed Opal's pained face. Her eyes lit up when she saw me, but the sad frown remained on her lips. It made me wonder if the attacks and kidnappings were getting worse.

Alpha Belrose smiled slightly in my direction which was comforting. One thing about him and his Luna was that they were always kind to their pack members, regardless of rank. His daughter, on the other hand, must have not received the family gene of kindness.

Maverick was glaring at me like I do when the twins take my food.


Maybe he shouldn't be talking to his ex about our problems.

"Good afternoon, Alphas. May I please speak to my mate about something. It's urgent." I gave them a smile as I walked further into the room.

Maverick's lips curled into a slight smirk. "Well Elora, if it's so urgent why don't you just say it right now. I really can't leave this important meeting." His voice was sharp, and he prolonged the word 'important'. I sat down at the empty seat between him and Opal.

The table was round and made of a darker shade of solid wood; I really wasn't sure what kind. I noticed small carvings along the edges depicting wolves which I found incredibly beautiful.

"If you insist, Maverick." I clasped my hands in front of me, catching the small wink from Opal. She loved whenever I sassed Maverick.

"I wanted to talk to you about why you like to discuss our private affairs with people you had possibly intimately associated yourself with in the past. I think you know exactly who I'm talking about and what you may have been talking to her about. I hope that was all-" In a flash Maverick got up, grabbing me mid sentence and tugged me out of the room and into a small office space. He practically tossed me in as he slammed the door. He didn't turn around right away, but the pure anger radiating off his body as he took deep breaths scared the crap out of me.

He had been so nice, but I just had to ruin that streak, didn't I?

"Why Elora?" I crossed my arms as I leaned back on one of the bookshelves in the room.

"Why what, Maverick?" That was the wrong answer since he turned around and stalked closer to me; his eyes flashing to the bright yellow.

"You know DAMN WELL! Why would you embarrass me like that in front of my colleagues?!"

I snorted at his exclamation. I wanted to talk to him privately. He was the one who wanted me to say it in front of them all. The fault is on him.

"Why do you think I wanted to talk to you in private? You're the one who told me to announce it to everyone!" I snapped back, earning a low growl from him. At this point we were both in each other's faces.

"You could have used your better judgement!" He screamed back, eyes boring into mine. Surprisingly this didn't cause my wolf to back down. She was actually pissed at him too. She wanted me to tell him.

I don't think you should yell at him though. Talk calmly.

I didn't listen to her suggestion. "Oh you're one to talk!" I pushed on his chest, but he didn't budge. "You go and talk to Faye about our problems?! Are you also fuc-"

"THAT IS ENOUGH! Go to our house now! I'll finish this discussion with you after my meeting and once we've both cooled off!" he bellowed, causing me to shrink back a bit. It was his Alpha tone, and my wolf, like most of the wolves in this pack, heeded to it.

Before I could add in another word, he opened the door, giving me a serious look as his eyes dimmed back down to their normal color. "I don't want to hurt you again. Please...just listen to me."

I nodded, not meeting him in the eyes as he exited.

Once I was left alone in the room, I began to cry. I'm not sure where the tears were coming from, but I had a feeling it was because of everything that seemed to be piling up.

I felt alone. I felt hurt. And, I felt scared.

I never felt this kind of fear before. It wasn't necessarily a fear of the demon; it was more of a fear of being a complete failure. A failure to not only Maverick for not unleashing him, but to my family, my friends, my pack, and to myself.

Don't get me wrong, I'm petrified of the demon, but the failure of just not doing everything I wanted to do was eating my alive.

And after this fight with Maverick, I wasn't so sure if I'd be able to do what I had been wanting to do for weeks now; unleash Maverick from this nightmare.

As I continued to wallow in my woes, a knock sounded. I lifted my head up from my hands, quickly wiping away my tears as Duke stepped in. His hair was slightly messy and his hands were dirty, indicating he had just been playing outside.

My frown was immediately replaced with a smile.

His face held concern as he inched over by me. "Are you crying because you and Uncle Maverick fought?" I bent down and hugged him, which he returned with an equally warm hug back. I felt bad he had to hear all that, but, then again, I'm sure the whole packhouse heard it.

"Sort of. I'm just sad about some things. But I'm feeling much better now you're here." He gave me a toothy grin back. Seriously, I love this kid.

"Okay good because mommy and Lizzy need your help!" He tugged at my hand, leading me out of the room and down the hall. As he led me up the stairs, I could hear a few feminine voices; one sounding incredibly stressed.

As we neared the voices, I identified them as Chelsea, Liz, and Joy. Chelsea and Joy sounded extremely excited while Liz sounded quite anxious.

"We are inviting some eligible and hot bachelors...I'm sure you'll find your mate!" Chelsea exclaimed as I walked in. Liz was standing on a step stool as Joy was doing some last minute alterations to her dress. It was a longer red dress with a beaded halter and satin like flowly skirt that reached her ankles. It was gorgeous on her.

Chelsea saw me since she was facing the way of the door where I had walked in. She gave me a face as if saying, "please help". I smiled before coming behind Liz, so my reflection was also in the long mirror.

"Wow...Liz you are absolutely breathtaking, and this dress looks stunning on you." Her mouth formed a small smile at my compliments.

"Thanks...Joy was able to alter it since I ordered it online a size too big. You should have seen it before she worked her magic." Joy waved off her sincere compliments as a blush crept up on her cheeks.

"It was nothing, hun. Now move around a bit and let me know how that feels." We watched as Liz twirled around, a small smile lighting up her face.

"It's wonderful! Thank you, Joy!" Liz exclaimed, but the excitement seemed fake. She actually appeared to be upset about something.

I gave Joy and Chels a look, hoping they would get the hint to leave so I could talk to Liz alone. They must have gotten it because Joy announced she had to finish making her cheesy potatoes and Chels offered to help.

Once it was just Liz and I, I watched as Liz hopped off the stool and sat down on it.

"What's wrong, Liz? And don't say it's nothing." I crouched down next to her, placing an encouraging hand on her shoulder.

She looked up at me, her pretty brown eyes filling with tears.

"Well you know the beta of Eclipse? Reese?" I nodded with a smile.

"Yeah! He's such a nice guy! Why?"

Her face fell at my comment. "Well, I met him when him and Luna Opal came over here last week. We got talking, and I really like him."

"That's good... so why are you upset?" I asked, rubbing her arm.

"Well... I actually really like him and I have a feeling he's not going to be my mate. I technically turn eighteen at seven, which is when my party starts. I just hate catching feelings for someone but then they end up not being the person I'm destined for..." I saw her lip quiver before a few tears fell.

Hugging her, I said, "Liz, you never know. And whoever you are with, I'm sure will be absolutely perfect for you. Don't worry okay?"

She pulled back and nodded. "I guess you're right. I'm just overreacting."

"I mean I was nervous too. I didn't know who my mate was for three weeks, so don't be alarmed if you don't meet your mate tonight, okay?" She smiled at my comment.

"Really? You had to wait three whole weeks?! I mean, then again, Chels still hasn't found hers and it's been months. I just hate waiting. I have no patience!" We both laughed at her comment.

"I actually wasn't really fond of the idea of having a mate, so I guess it wasn't too hard for me." I shrugged, getting up while placing my hand out for her to grab. "Come on, let's fix up your makeup and get you down for the party!"

After helping her with her makeup and fluffing up her curls a bit, we headed down to the back yard where the party was to be held. People were slowly creeping in as we helped place the food out on the tables.

Apparently, Chelsea and Liz's parents are highly liked within the pack and by surrounding packs, so the guest list was fairly large. The girls had a good chance of finding their mates.

After finishing helping them set up, I made my way to the house. I hoped Maverick wasn't waiting for me since I was supposed to go straight home. But, as a Luna, it's my duty to assist pack members, and as a friend, it's my duty to be there for them.

As I walked in, I was met with the image of Faye pushed up against my Maverick. Her manicured nails were stroking his face, and her eyes were darkened with apparent lust.

I saw red after that.


I updated! Whoop whoop!

So, question time y'all!

-who do you think Liz's mate might be? Or Chelsea's?
-why is maverick being such a butthole again?
-why is Opal sad?
-and wtf is Faye doing all up on Elora's man?? 😤

Hope you all are having a great week!! ❤️

Much love <3
~Madelyn Joy

**this is unedited!!**

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