// Twenty-Two \\

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Have you ever walked in on some friends 'going at it?' or you accidentally assume a women is pregnant and ask "when are you due?" and it turns out she's not?

Or anything that made you feel incredibly awkward and a form of second-hand embarrassment?

If you answered yes, then you know exactly how I am feeling sitting at the dinner table with Maverick and his parents.

It currently is a cringe-worthy experience. I highly don't recommend having dinner with your in-laws if your partner doesn't get along with them.

Go alone next time.

I know I will. If there will be a next time.

It started off badly from the start with Maverick and Mathew storming in and Maureen yelling at them.

She thankfully brought out the meal for us, setting it on the table. It shut them both up for awhile.

Instantly, Mathew dished out Maureen's plate and mine. Before he could dish out food for Maverick, Maverick grabbed his plate and began to pile the food on his own plate.

His father, I noticed, got angry but resulted in squeezing his fork instead of his son's throat.

Now, Maureen and I are trying to get us all to talk, but Maverick has decided to eat in silence and pout like the five-year old he is while Mathew only is grunting his responses. This causes Maureen to scold both the men for their behavior again, and then they finally are conversing with us, yet ignoring each other still.

To make matters worse, Maureen is bringing up my mark.

"Oh! I love your mark! Mathew told me not too long ago you still weren't marked and it worried me. I'm glad you two sealed the deal." She winks at me, and I feel a blush forming on my cheeks.

Why are parents so awkward about stuff like this? Like what happens in the bedroom, stays in the bedroom.

Parents don't get this.

"Oh um well he just marked me...we um are taking things at a slower pace..." I should've went along with it since his father is frowning at my words.

"Why? You're a saint for even wanting to be with my son...why is he being considerate enough to go slow?" I cringe at how derogatory he speaks of Maverick.

Maverick's eyes closes slowly as he takes a deep breath, but it doesn't help as when he opens his eyes, they are yellow.

The demon is awake.

"Father. I suggest you shut up or get out." Maverick's voice is low and deadly.

I sort of want to laugh because like who even says that seriously?

Maverick. Maverick does.

"Um are those cookies ready, Maureen?" I try to ease the tension which seems to work a bit since Maureen nods and rushes to the kitchen. Mathew follows after her to 'help'. He just wants to get out of the room for a bit which I don't blame him.

I look over at Maverick with a frown.

"Maverick. Can you at least try to be civil?"

He growls lowly, causing my wolf to whine in respect for the Alpha and our mate. I, on the other hand, stand up from the table, glaring at him. He meets my eyes and glares back; his wolf thinks I'm challenging him.

You dumbass! Cut it out! I don't want our mate thinking we can defy him!

My wolf yells at me, out of fear. I internally roll my eyes and step out of the room. I can hear Maverick's low growl. He is not happy. My wolf keeps muttering obscenities at me, so I decide to shut her off. I just know I'll hear about it later.

"Elora, get back in here. Now!"

I turn around, giving him a flat look.

"No. I'm thanking your parents for a wonderful meal and going home. Don't bother to follow me. I'm going to let my wolf out for a run." I turn back around, heading towards the kitchen to give my thanks and bid my farewell to his parents.

As I approach the kitchen door, I can hear them talking.

His mother is the first to speak.

"I like her, Mathew. I don't want her to get hurt. I just have an icky feeling things aren't going to end well...not with this curse and all..." Her voice holds sincerity, and I can't help the slight smile on my lips as she says she likes me. The smile is instantly replaced with a frown after hearing the rest.

"Maverick needs to stop being a damn brat. Curse or not, he can stop being an egotistical bastard. Elora doesn't need to be associated with him. Afterall, if he wouldn't of challenged Alpha Alek, Millie would still be here with us-"

"Mathew! You know that Maverick blames himself enough...he doesn't need you blaming him too!" Maureen scolds her husband before I walk in with a plastered smile on my face.

Both their heads turn sharply to me, Maureen greeting me with a hesitant smile while Mathew gives me a curt nod.

"Thank you both again for the delicious dinner. I enjoyed finally meeting you, Mrs. Quinn-I mean Maureen. And Mathew, it was nice seeing you again. I have some things I need to attend to so I'm afraid I can't stay for dessert."

I give Maureen a hug as she bids me farewell, telling me she will send Maverick home with some dessert to go. Mathew smiles and waves as I head out of the front door.

I walk swiftly to the edge of their wooded land, hiding behind a tree before stripping and shifting. My wolf takes my bag and clothes in her mouth as she begins to run through the woods. She knows the way back home, but she wants to take a longer way, to admire our beautiful pack lands.

The ground is a bit dry due to the fall coming near an end and winter slowly approaching. Leaves crinkle underneath her paws as she bolts around the trees and limbs. The wind is stoic, so the usual chill from the wind is lessened, which my wolf enjoys.

As we near the woods behind our home, the sound and smell of another wolf catches my wolf's attention. She freezes in her spot and begins to heed for the bigger black wolf. She knows it is her mate from the sweet scent, and, so, after paying respects to our Alpha, she trots towards the beast happily.

The beast radiates power and ....guilt?

He lowers his head as she nears, apologizing for earlier. My wolf easily forgives as she licks his face and nuzzles her head into his fur. Maverick's wolf yips in ecstasy and our wolves begin to tumble and play with one another.

They lay near each other for awhile before Maverick's wolf gets up and runs away towards the house. My wolf follows, and positions herself behind a bush to shift back into my form.

The sound of crackling bones and ligaments tearing and reforming can be heard until my naked body lays where my wolf was just standing. I quickly grab my clothes and shoes and place them on. 

Grabbing my bag as well,  I walk in the direction Maverick's wolf went. I could hear the faint rustling of leaves as I got further up the path to the back entrance of the house. Turning to my left, I saw Maverick--of course--sauntering over to me. He bore a guilty smile as I simply glared at him.

Which was difficult since my greek god was now right in front of me.

"Elora, babe, I'm sorry for earlier. My father and I are not on good terms, but I shouldn't of let that affect our evening with them. Could you forgive me?" He tugged on my hand, rubbing his thumb on the back of my hand, slowly. I lowered my gaze to the adorable gesture. I felt my lips turn upward, but I immediately shut down the smile, pushing it into a frown.

Pulling away from him, I gave him a look that says it all. He would need to try harder than that. I'm no pushover.

I began to make my way further up on the path, until the sound of Maverick shuffling to get beside me resounded. He enveloped me from behind, hugging me while nuzzling his nose into the crook of my neck. I could feel him kissing and licking the mark he gave me.

At that I felt my legs give out as I let out a moan. He, then, turned me around and scooped me up into his arms, making me wrap my legs around his torso. He continued his nibbling and sucking on ad near the area of my mark until I tilted his head up to kiss him firmly on the lips.

I grind my lower half into him more, relishing in the fact that he was getting hard.

He pulled away to say, "continue to do that, babe, and I won't hesitate to take you right here."

"At least carry me up to the bedroom..." I said, trailing off as I bit my lip. Once again, I probably looked like an idiot, but somehow it turned him on more as he ran--yes, he ran---with me still clung around him towards and into the house. His eyes held determination, yet still asking for my permission.

I gave him a sultry smile as he lays me gently onto his satin sheets.

"Are you sure?"

I pulled him into a passionate kiss before whispering, "take me."



So, first off, THANK YOU to those who are reading, voting and commenting!

Seriously, like THANK YOU and I LOVE Y'ALL!! <3

Okay, question time!!

- Y'all want the smut? If yes, how smutty?

- What do you all think of Maverick's father?

- Can you take a guess what might happen in the next chapter? (hint...who haven't we seen in awhile?)

-bad boys or good boys? (I would say bad boys cuz like ugh man *swoons*, but I have myself a very good (and quite dorky) boy so I'll go with good boys. James is too sweet sometimes I swear *wipes tear away while smiling* ...seriously though I love him.

Okayyyy, so to those who have finals right now...good luck and you will do AMAZING!! You got this! To those who don't or are done, luckkyyyyy

Have a great rest of y'all's weeks!

Much love <3

~Madelyn Joy

**This is unedited**

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