Chapter 7

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Sparrow sits in his and Grey's bedroom, clutching Grey's pillow to his chest.

-Everything is okay, baby,- Grey measures him from their melded minds.

Sparrow relaxed, -Alpha...-

-Yes, my sweet beautiful Omega?-

-please win.-

-I will. You are the only thing I could ever lose.- Sparrow let out a soft growl, which turns into a whine of sadness. -Oh Sparrow, that sound is physically painful knowing that it is coming from your lips.-

Sparrow frowns, -it is because I miss my Alpha.-

-Play pretend with me, baby. It will help. I am coming up to our room, and as soon as I see you, I pull you into my arms.- Grey says, creating a mental picture for his worried husband.

Sparrow smiled, -I greet you with open arms. I inhaled your wonderful scent before we start cuddling."

-I rub your little baby dump as I whisper sweet nothing into your ear,- Grey's smile is prominent in his head voice.

-I will let out soft moans as you pet my baby bump and kiss my neck.-

-Is that what my Omega wants?-

Sparrow nods, -yes, it's what I want.- I rub your back as I kiss you gently.- Sparrow moaned softly. -Hmm, I lay you down on our bed. I carefully climb over you and begin kissing you more deeply.-

Sparrow moans grew louder, -Alpha...I feel so warm and wet.-

-Oh God, baby I...- Grey stops abruptly.

Sparrow sat up -Alpha?- Sparrow doesn't get a response. There is nothing but silence. Sparrow got up and ran outside, -Alpha! Alpha your starting to scare me!- He whines softly again. The same boy from before comes out of the woods. He's covered in blood and the scent of Grey. Sparrow flinched as the boy came over and put his finger under Sparrow's chin. "He lost the fight for power. This pack belongs to me now, but don't worry you and your baby will join your husband soon."

Sparrow slaps the boy's hand away, "don't touch me!"

"I'll rip that fucking baby out of you in your sleep if you do that again!"

Sparrow barred his teeth "try me!" A hard swift kick to the stomach is his reply. Sparrow gasped, holding his belly in his hands. The boy kicks him again while he's down. Sparrow gasps for breath as the boy continues his adult. Luckily, Sparrow doesn't stay conscious for long. When he wakes up, Sparrow is in his room, locked in a small dog crate. Sparrow breaks out of his cage and hobbles to the bathroom.

Sparrow gasped, "ahh!" He falls to the floor, "mommy is sorry little one, please forgive me." Another wave of pain rushes over him. Sparrow cried out louder. This time the boy Brennan leaves Sparrow with his healer. Katherine gives Sparrow something for the pain so that he can rest for a while. Sparrow fell asleep only to wakes up a few hours later. Katherine sat beside him, checking his vitals. Sparrow yawns, "morning."

Katherine smiles, "good evening Mr. Ridley."

Sparrow smiles back, "how is my pup?"

"You are in early labor."

Sparrow's eyes widen, "what!" Katherine nods.

Sparrow was shaking, "and the pup is she okay with coming out early..."

Katherine smiles at her sadly, "there is a 20% chance of survival."

Sparrow looked at Katherine, "can you do everything in your power to save the pup?"

"Of course, I will."

Sparrow gave a soft smile and started rubbing his belly, "I'll name you Penelope Carly Ridley."

Sparrow gave a soft smile and started rubbing his belly, "I'll name you Penelope Carly Ridley."

"That is a beautiful name. You should rest more. Active labor will take a lot out of you," Katherine encouraged. Sparrow settles back into the bed. He wraps his arms around his stomach protectively. As Sparrow sleeps, he about his Alpha whispering sweet nothings into his ear as he rubs his belly.

"My sweet little Omega..."

"Alpha...." Sparrow whines. He's awoken from his dreams with a kiss. Sparrow gasps and touches his lips. Then he begins to cry.

"No, no, baby. Shh, I'm here, I've got you," A hand rubs his belly.

Sparrow leans into the hand as the pup kicks lightly, -Grey.-


-My Alpha, am I still dreaming, or have I finally crossed over?-

-Neither, I'm here,- Grey pulls Sparrow onto his lap. -I love you.-

-I love you too, my Alpha.-

Grey nuzzles him, -we're getting out of here baby.-

Sparrow kissed his neck, -where will we go?-

-Hmm, I found a cabin in another state. You and I will raise our little girl there,- Grey kisses Sparrow's jaw.

-Alpha please take me away.-

-Yes Omega,- Grey picks him up and quietly runs into the thick woods. Sparrow holds him, whining as he felt the pup move. Grey runs faster, then jumps onto the back of a pickup. Sparrow snuggles up to Grey and falls asleep. A few hours later, the pickup truck crosses the border to Ohio.

Grey gathers Sparrow's in his arms, hops off of the truck, and bolts into the woods towards their cabin. Grey carries Sparrow to their new bedroom and tucks him in.

sparrow whines softly, "Alpha..."

"I'm right here," Grey whispered.

Sparrow jolts upright, "Alpha..."

Grey wraps his arm around him, "shh baby, shh."

Sparrow pulls Grey into bed, "Alpha, can we cuddle?"

Grey kisses his head, "you don't have to ask me, Omega." Sparrow smiles, pulling him closer. Grey gently rubs his back.

Sparrow kissed Grey's chest, "what should we do now since we are alone?"

Grey chuckles, "I will do anything you want."

Sparrow smiled, "more cuddles."

Grey strokes his hair, "how are you feeling?"

"They've been coming and going for the past ten minutes."

Grey strokes Sparrow's hair, "do you want some water?"

Sparrow nodded, "yes I want some water." Grey kisses his forehead then goes to the kitchen. Sparrow took off his pants and underwear. Grey walks back into the room. He holds Sparrow up and brings the glass to his lips. Sparrow drank, relaxing his muscles. Hours later the pain intended and forced he to begin pushing. Grey catches the baby in his hands.

His features change, "Sparrow... She's cold, every cold."

Sparrow whines, "what?" He goes to hold her but his voice and tears fell "No, no, no!" Grey holds a tiny mask to her face, he starts doing chest compressions with his fingers while blowing gently onto the tube. Sparrow watched with sadness in his eyes. She wasn't breathing or moving. Grey holds him, still being mindful of their daughter. Sparrow started touching his daughters face, "Penelope, Penelope wake up. Please for mommy?"

Grey held him tighter, "Sparrow..." Sparrow looks to Grey with tears on his face. "I know, I know," Grey wipes his eyes while his own began to water.

"It hurts Alpha, our beautiful daughter is gone." Grey stays silent.

"That whole pack is going to pay. Blood for blood," he says after a minute."

Sparrow looks at him, "Alpha not everyone in that pack..."

"I don't care I am so far beyond angry that I want to burn the entire world. Except you and our home," he interrupts.

Grey turns around, realization snapping him in the face, "oh my god! Oh my god, no they wouldn't do that. It isn't supposed to work like that.." Sparrow was confused. "The bond took a life for a life. I am bound to you, I can't die unless you can follow before our bond is different. We promised forever," Grey said.

"So when he killed you..."

"The elders took her instead..."

Sparrow whined and held his belly, "the last time I felt her, was when I gave her name."

Grey nods, "and you told me...Daddy is so sorry baby girl. Daddy should have protected you and mommy." Sparrow and Grey held thier daughter in thier arms and kissed her still head

"Where should we place her to rest?" Sparrow asked, his voice cracking.

Grey shook his head, "we don't have anything for a proper burial."

Sparrow whiners, "but, it's cruel to leave her alone to be eaten."

"Exactly love, "if we bury our angel as she is everything will... We need something to lay her in." Sparrow looked around until he found an old suitcase. It was no longer in use and empty. Grey glared at it in disgust.

Sparrow frowned, "I can't find anything else, Alpha."

"I know I'm not blaming you. I just can't let her go, not yet," Grey starts crying. He wipes at his eyes furiously, "god damnit..."

Sparrow holds him close "we can keep her ashes until we are fully ready to let her go."  Grey squeeze him gratefully then wipes his eyes for what seemed like the millionth time.

"No, I'll do what you want for her."

Sparrow kissed him, "I want to keep our daughter close."

"What if we cremate her, then we some soil and and a flowerpot or something. We could put her ashes into the pot, plant a flower and keep it in the house," Grey suggested.

Sparrow nodded, "that sounds lovely."

"I'll call Jackson to help, he should up in a few hours. He may be a pain in my ass, but we're still family." Grey runs his fingers through Sparrow's hair, "what do you need from me?"

Sparrow nuzzles him, "cuddles."

Grey returns the action, speaking softly, "give me one minute, okay?"

Sparrow nodded getting onto the bed. Grey carful carries the baby to the suitcase after wrapping her in a blanket. He takes care not to let Sparrow see what he's doing. Sparrow whined as he watches his mate. The sad was so sad that Grey's heart broke all over again.

Sparrow then got up and hugged his husband. Grey picks him up, "how about a bath? You still have blood on your pretty skin."

"I want you to wash me," he replied. Grey smiles slightly as they walk to the bathroom.

Two months after,

Sparrow was laying in bed. He hadn't moved since burying Penelope and neither had Grey. The most they move if at all it to make food, and even then sometimes they skip meals. Someone knocks on their door, but they remain still.

"Are you guys awake?  It has been two months."

"Go away," they say feebly.

"Guy, I don't think your daughter would like her parents moping."

Grey sat up, "fuck you, Jackson! I have just enough energy left to rip off your damn head!"

Jackson chuckled, "ahh if you have the energy for that, then you can take over the role of Alpha."

Grey lays back down, "not until I come back to life."

Sparrow moves closer, nuzzling him, "Alpha."

Grey's tone softens as he turns to his husband, "Omega?"

"Alpha, we should get up I know it still hurts.."

Grey sighs, "I will do it, but only for you."

Sparrow kissed Grey's hands. Grey smiles, "shall I bathe you Omega?"

Sparrow nodded, "yes, Alpha. Can you clean me, please?" Grey shift, licking his cheek. Sparrow licked him back. Grey begins to clean coat, licking away the oil and grime. Sparrow wagged his tail. Grey nips him lovingly.

Sparrow yelps, "Alpha, would you want to try again..."

Grey backs away, "no..."

Sparrow nodded, "okay, I understand..."

Grey whines, "I am sorry Sparrow."

Sparrow nodded, "it is fine Alpha, I understand. If you think we should wait for a new pup, we will."

Grey looks down at him, "what do you want?"

Sparrow nuzzles him, "I want my Alpha to be happy. I also want to have a pup." Grey's tail wags.

Sparrow smiled, "so, Alpha, are you okay with having another pup?"

Grey's expression goes blank, "huh? Sorry, I was thinking about you little Omega."

Sparrow nuzzles him, "I am okay with it Alpha, but are you okay?"

Grey shakes his head, "I'm sorry. For some reason, you are very distracting. I don't know why."

Sparrow licks him, "okay, well can I clean you now, Alpha." He nods. Sparrow started cleaning his mate, getting all the grime and oil. Grey shivers at the sensations his tongue created. Sparrow soon pulled away. He sighed in relief.

Sparrow looks at him, "what is it?"

Grey rolls his eyes playfully, "you know what you do."

Sparrow looks at him, "I was cleaning you?"

"Yes," he agrees, "but you are you. My mate, you are different when it comes to how I see you."

Sparrow nuzzle him, "well, what do you see?"

"I see you as an incredibly intelligent and kindhearted person. In my opinion, you deserve the world. Which is much more than I could give you."

Sparrow chuckled softly. Grey licks his neck, "there's my Sparrow."

Sparrow licks him, "and there is my Grey."

He stands taller, "if you do one more thing that makes my heart skip a beat, I will make you change back and pin you down."

Sparrow gets up, "well, we are clean now."

"I didn't say I was gonna do anything to make you dirty," Grey whispers. Sparrow shivered as he felt himself get hard when Grey whispered that. Grey shifts, looking down at him. Sparrow shifted back and looked at him under his gaze. His hard-on became more visible now that he is human. Grey come closer until he had Sparrow cornered, then he kissed him. It wasn't harsh, nor hungry or desperate, but there was an urgency behind it.

Sparrow kissed him back and he moans softly. Grey responds immediately, using his hands to explore his partner's body once again.

"I think it would be impossible for to go this long without touching you again. Even if all you give me is something as little as a peck. I need my love," Grey whispers into Sparrow's ear.

Sparrow moaned, "I need your love as well, Grey."

He smiles, "do you know what you are to me, sweet boy?"

Sparrow looked at him, "I am your husband, your Omega, and your mate."

"Yes, but you forgot a few things," Grey carries him back to their bed.

Sparrow blushed, "what am I forgetting then?"

"You are my life force," Grey kisses his left shoulder. "You are my reason for living," he kissed his other shoulder. Sparrow moaned and his shoulder felt so warm.


Come on Grey! I know it's the second mating season, but you need to get some fresh air!"

Grey froze, "it's what?"

Sparrow was shaking, "shoot, I forgot about the second mating season."

Grey kisses his head, "what's wrong?"

Sparrow kissed him "nothing."

Grey frowns, "please tell me."

Sparrow nuzzles him, "second mating season."

"Are you afraid I might do something?" Grey hops off of the bad and slips on a pair of boxers and jeans.

Sparrow nodded "as much as I want another pup, I am worried. What if something happens again?"

Grey nods in understanding, "I have the same fears. We can try again in another year or two."

Two years later,

Grey hops onto his bed and licks Sparrow's cheek, "baby...wake up..."

Sparrow wakes up, "yeah?"

"Happy 18th birthday!" Grey nuzzles him lovingly.

Sparrow kissed him, "thank you Alpha!"

"Everyone is going to treat my wonderful mate like the King he is, starting with me." Grey shifts back and picks Sparrow up bridal style.

Sparrow squeaks softly, "how is my Alpha going to treat me more like a King than he already does?"

Grey smiles, "for the entire day, I am your servant. Not only that, but I have to say yes to anything my Omega asks me to do."

Sparrow looks down, "I want pups."

"So do I," Grey says softly.

"I mean now," Sparrow said as he moves closer.

Grey sets him down and nuzzles him, "okay love." Sparrow kissed him softly. Grey wraps his arms around his partner, kissing him back.

Sparrow moved his hips around, moaning, "Alpha, please fell me up with your pups."

*Bang, bang, bang*

Sparrow growled, "what is it?"

Jackson opens their door, "sp that's what happens when a mated pair doesn't fuck for two years. I told you that going cold turkey wasn't a good idea Grey."

"Sparrow and I didn't want to have children. I thought it would be best to avoid temperature altogether."

sparrow nuzzles him, "and it's my birthday. I want this."

Jackson nods, "happy birthday. You are about as share a birthday with your neice."

Sparrow looked at Jackson, "Matthew is about to give birth?"

He nods, "little Skylar will be here in a few hours." Sparrow nodded as Grey held him closer. "Oh, I'm sorry guys. I didn't mean to... I'm just so excited."

Sparrow smiled, "it is fine. We will join you after we are done."

Jackson laughs, "see you in five minutes then.

Sparrow felt Grey nibble his neck "ahh, make it ten minutes." Grey unbuttons his shirt and makes it fall to the floor.

"Damn Joel, you have ten minutes. Let the boy saver it," Jackson teased on his way out.

"I plan on it," Grey whispers against Sparrow's neck. Sparrow moaned softly as he came. Grey moves in front of him and gets to his knees. "The only time you've ever been this responsive is when we first got together. Do you remember that day darling, that wonderfully unexpected day?" Grey hands trail down Sparrow's hips, toying with the waistband of his soiled pants.

Sparrow nodded, "yes, I remember that beautiful day," Grey pulls his pants down, brushing his lips over his member.

"Do you want me to recreate that day, or does my sweet Omega want to be dominated by his Alpha?"

"Alpha, take me, please. Fuck me hard until I am carrying."

Grey throws Sparrow back onto their bed with a growl, "I don't think ten minutes is long enough. We're down to seven." Grey spreads Sparrow's legs and prods at his entrance with his tongue.

Sparrow kissed him, "can we continue, please? I know I will miss our newest pack member's birth, but I want to be filled."

Grey kisses him back passionately, "baby your brother isn't expecting his daughter for a while. I have time to fill you as many times as you want." He goes back down to Sparrow's hole and slips the tip of his tongue inside. Sparrow howled. Grey thrusts his tongue in and out to lubricate his partner. After a few minutes, Grey thought that Sparrow would be okay. So, he got to his knees and lined himself up. Both men moan in pleasure after they are reconnected for the first time in two years. Once the sensation settles, Grey flips them and thrusts into Sparrow from below. He continues to do this until he releases into his husband. Sparrow releases on his on chest. Grey lays him down and nuzzles him, "baby number two should be making its way to forming right about now."

Sparrow moaned softly, "ahh that is a good thing Alpha."

Grey smiles at him, "should I refrain from touching you now?"

Sparrow shook his head, "no, I love it when you touch me." Grey cleans off his chest then he rolls onto his side.

"Can I touch you now beautiful one?" He whispered softly.

Sparrow moaned softly "yes Alpha, you can." Grey moves closer wrapping his arms around him.

Still smiling he says, "you are perfect Sparrow, so full of kindness and love. You have put with me through everything and I cannot thank you enough."

"That is why I love you so much, Alpha..."

"I loved you first, Onega," Grey pulls Sparrow onto a loving kiss, setting the birthday boy on his lap. Sparrow chuckled softly. ""What? I did, I loved you first!" Grey laughs.

Sparrow kissed his neck, "but you still bullied me."

"I didn't know how you felt about me, and I didn't know that what I felt towards you was love," Grey returns his kisses.

*Baby crying*

Sparrow sat up, "is that a baby?"

"It sounds like it is coming from the house."

Sparrow went to check the rooms as he listened for the crying. The sound was coming from their daughter's flower.

Sparrow touched a petal, "Mommy's here little one." Grey comes out and carefully digs into the pot. A tiny baby screams and wales, thrashing around in his hands. Sparrow held the baby, looking at Grey whose eyes widened with shock.

"What the hell!" Sparrow kissed her head as she cooed. Grey stood frozen, "Sparrow..."

Sparrow looked at him "what is it?"

"Sweetheart, I mean this in the nicest possible way. Penelope isn't supposed to be here."

Sparrow looks at Grey, "maybe the ancestors change their mind."

"Baby to believe that she is here to stay. I do more than anything, but I don't know. Let me call someone who has experience with these sorts of things," Grey said.

Sparrow nodded, "okay."

Grey looks at his daughter for the first time in minutes, "let's go see how your Uncles are doing." Penelope starts to cry again.

Sparrow held her, "aw, Penelope. It's okay. Mommy's here and so is daddy. Do you want something to eat?"

Grey smiles, "our poor baby girl must be starving. We can get her formula when we go to the labor tent." They walk to the labor tent where Matthew is doing breathing exercises. Once the pain of contractions passes, he smiles at his brother. Sparrow gave Penelope to Grey and sat down by his brother; holding his hand.

Jackson looks from his mate to Grey, then to Sparrow, "you guys see the small baby too, right? It's not only me?"

Sparrow nodded, "yes there is a small baby."

"Joel, I think your husband finally snapped. He's kidnapped someone's baby," Jackson teased, taking Matthew's hand.

"She is ours," Grey takes Penelope from Sparrow and goes to another section of the tent.

Sparrow whined, "Alpha...."

"I'm getting her food, love."

Sparrow nodded, "okay, but I want to feed her."

Mathew chuckles, "your maternal instincts have kicked in."

Sparrow smiled, "she is my baby."

"What are you gonna do about baby number two?" Jackson asks.

Sparrow smiled, "I will love all of my children with the same love as my husband."

"Blasphemy! You are supposed to love our kids more," Grey says as he comes back in.

Sparrow smiled, "I love you as much as our children. My love is equal, but I will die for our children and you if it comes to it."

"No, I will not let that happen," Grey shakes up the bottle of formula. Sparrow smiled already reaching for his daughter. Grey hands her over and sits back down, "how are you doing Mathew?" Matthew gasped in pain.

Jackson kissed his head, "I told you this wasn't a good idea."

Matthew kissed him back, "but it is. I wanted to have your child." Jackson turned pale.

"I hope that I don't mess this up," he said quietly.

Matthew put his hand on Jackson, "you will be a great father."

Jackson took his other hand, "I am sorry for how I treated you in the past."

"And I have forgiven you." Jessica, the packs healer walks into the tent with hot water and towels.

"Let's have a baby!"

After a few more hours, Skylar's parents were able to finally meet their daughter.

Matthew smiled, "hello little Skylar."

Jack looks down at their daughter, eyes gleaming, "hi beautiful girl..." Skylar cries and Jessica takes her away to get cleaned up.

Sparrow smiled "she looks so beautiful." Jackson looks at Penelope then Grey.

-It's his birthday. Let him your gift, one day of happiness.-

-I'm not fucking cruel.-

Sparrow pulls Penelope closer to his chest after she finishes her bottle.

"Maybe it would be best if you guys went home. Mat and Skylar are going to be very tired," Jackson suggests.

Sparrow whined, "but he is a pack member, and my brother." Jackson chuckles while stroking a drowsy Mathew's head.

"From the way you were acting this morning I thought you would want to get back to making baby number two," he teases.

Grey snacks Jackson over the head, "watch it," he hissed menacingly.

Sparrow looks at Penelope, "I'm just worry though."

Grey refocuses on him, "what about babe?"

Sparrow looks up, "that this is all a dream and I'm not holding our beautiful daughter."

Grey kisses his cheek, "I wouldn't hurt you by making you dream such a lovely thing only to have you wake up."  Sparrow smiled. Once they arrived, he took Penelope back to the nursery and sat her down. Grey leans over his shoulder.

Sparrow smiled, "she looks so cute."

"Of course she does. She is her mommy's girl."

Sparrow nodded and kissed him, "should we continue or wait?"

Grey strokes his cheek, "I promised to do whatever my beautiful husband wants. However, I should warn you that I will attack your adorable face with kisses regardless."

Sparrow smiled, "I would like nothing more than that, and your children." Grey kisses his noise than his cheek.

Sparrow kissed him back softly and gently as they went back to their room so their daughter can sleep in peace.

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