Chapter one

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Today was just like any other. Sparrow woke up at sunrise, picked berries. Then he checked and reset his father's traps for fish, deer, and or squirrels before finally going off to school. He returns around four in the afternoon it takes an hour to walk into town and an hour to walk back. His class with the rest of the yellow pack members didn't start until 5:30 PM.

"Oh, there you are sweetie. The Alpha is here to speak with you," says his mother Standing on the front porch of their cabin.

sparrow stood frozen, "okay Mom."

She smiles at him, "take a moment to compose yourself. Just don't Ryan waiting too much longer."

Sparrow smiled, "I am okay."

"Ah there you are Sparrow," Ryan steps out of his home. In a few quick strides, he stood in front of the boy. Not in a threatening manner but being the Alpha he was though kind still very intimidating.

Sparrow bowed his head as a show of respect, "hello Alpha."

"May we speak privately? I have already spoken to your parents, but this situation solely involves you. I would appreciate it if we could talk and I could get your thoughts on what will be done," Ryan explains waiting patiently for a response.

Sparrow looked at him, "yes sir what is it? Wait, am I being kicked out?"

"No, nothing like that. You are just as part of this pack is anyone else," Ryan reassures him. "No, this is about my son Joel, or Grey as you know him, will be turning 16 a month from now, and although he knows everything about our pack, he has no idea how to interact with regular people. An alpha needs to know how to blend in with civilization. We sell  our resources to the outsiders so we can buy other things like oil for our lamps, rope for traps, and other necessaries that we can't find in the forest." Ryan pauses before he gets to the part that involves Sparrow, " I know that you and Joel have not gotten along in the past, and I am very aware that he is the cause of most of it. That is why I am here asking you to do what is best for the pack. My son needs to be ready for his responsibilities which is why I have enrolled him in the school that you attend. I am hoping that you can teach him about humanity as well as the societal norms got to go along with it." He pauses yet again to allow Sparrow to adjust to this information.

"So you want me to be a guide for Grey?" Sparrow asked.

Ryan straightens his already tall and perfect posture somehow making him seem more powerful, "that is correct."

If I do this then Grey may let up on his teasing, but there is the extremely likely possibility that he will not listen to me, Sparrow thinks to himself.

"Please don't feel like you have to make a decision this second. Joel doesn't start school for another week. You have until then to decide," Ryan begins his walk back to his own home when he turns around, "I almost forgot, tell your father that his group has to change their hunting area soon. Many animals are going into hibernation."

sparrow nods, "I've noticed the traps are catching less and less animals, I'll tell him." Ryan smiles then continues on his way.

Sparrow heads inside spotting his father reading in the living room, "hey dad..."

"I've already had the hunters remove the traps from their quadrant. The only one left is yours," his father interjects.

"Okay I'll do it after my homework."  he heads up to his room alone sitting on his bed. He sets his bag down beginning to unpack when a familiar form climbs into his window.

"How was your day outsider?"

Sparrow looks to Grey, "my day went fine."

"Well that is just dandy for you. Meanwhile, I am being punished for not being kind to your people. I have to go to public school now, and if that wasn't bad enough I have to follow you around like a lost Pup!" Grey rants. Sparrow thought for sure he would run out of breath.

Sparrow sighs, "it's what Ryan wants." He walks over to his desk with his work and begins to write.

"My Dad is a pushover," Grey huffs. "I mean you're an outsider yet he allows Coney and Sam to keep you around. Are you even bonded to anyone here?" Grey asks both to act condescending but at the same time he was genuinely curious.

Sparrow shook his head, "no there's no one who doesn't look at me funny. Even at school people call me forest boy."

"That isn't what I'm talking about. When someone has chosen you they rarely know it. It's international it is something you feel. You will safe with that person and happy when they're around you. They will do anything if it will keep you safe and happy."

"Well I don't feel anything," sparrow turns to face Grey who at some point came down and crossed the room.

"Maybe you already have," Grey puts his hands on the arms of Sparrow's chair trapping him. Sparrow eyes widen as Grey leans in. Grey chuckles, "you seem very frightened outsider."

Sparrow shivered and pushed Grey away "you're too close."

Grey's eyes shine with fascination, "I can't believe it... You feel the threat and intimidation of an alpha. You feel our power!" Sparrow looked at him. Grey examines him getting ever closer, "perhaps everyone is wrong about you. Maybe you aren't an outsider after all."

"B-but I'm not like you... or-or the rest of our pack." He could practically hear his own heartbeat.

"No, you don't like us, you don't look like us, and you certainly don't..." Grey poses to take a whiff of sparrows scent, "smell like us," he confirms.

Sparrow nodded, "so it means I'm still an..."

"Hush," Grey demands. He inhales again, this time a deep growl rumbles in his chest, "hmm, I can't believe I'm saying this but actually smell good. Have you been in the woods?" Grey asks catching Sparrow off guard.

"Yes I pass through the forest to get to school and back."

Grey locks eyes with him. His bright green eyes with golden rings contrasted his golden-brown completion extremely well.

Sparrow looked away blushing, "I need to finish up my work." Grey stands up and heads to the window.

"See you around," he drops to the ground taking off at a run.

Sparrow sighed and started working on his homework again.

"Sparrow, your Dad wants to speak with you, come down here please!" His mom calls.

Sparrow stood up, "coming Mom!" He leaves his things and went back downstairs. "Dad what did you need me for?" Sparrow asked.

"I asked Grey to stop coming into the house without permission." Sam shakes his head, "when he finally comes of age things will definitely change around here."

Sparrow woke up to his alarm going off. He sat up but someone grabs him pulling him back down.

"Ow, hey what?"

"Don't move and don't make a sound."

Sparrow turned seeing Grey in his bed, "Grey get out!" He yelled quietly.


Sparrow groans "I need to start getting ready for school and so should you."

"You're feisty I'll admit," Grey climbs on top of him straddling his hips.

"Get off Grey I am not in the mood for games," Sparrow said trying to push him. Grey pins his hands down near his head.

"But you have captured my interest now. I'm wondering how you would react to an alpha in other situations," Grey leans forward. Sparrow could feel his warm breath near his skin.

Sparrow breath caught in his throat, "I won't submit to you."

"We shall see," Grey tights his grip as he moves body farther down. He brings his body to meet Sparrows, his lips now brushed against the sweet spot on his neck. Sparrow closed his eyes, he could feel his dick hard in his underwear. Grey kissed the area now, lightly running his tongue over it.

Sparrow moves under him, "stop," Grey looked at Sparrow and smiled. He moves down, even more, coming face to face with his dick. Grey licks the clothed area making Sparrow moan.

Grey looks up at him, "have you ever got your dick wet?"

Sparrow shook his head. Grey smiles again, "but you want to. I bet you would love the warmth of someone's mouth around your shaft." Sparrow nodded blushing a deep red. Grey climbs off standing on his knees to take off his shirt.

Sparrow watched him, "Grey we can get caught." Grey brushes him off kissing his jawline gently. Sparrow pulls him up kissing his lips. Grey holds close, fingers threading through his hair. Sparrow pulled away panting, I do need to get ready."

"Meet me by the hollow tree," Grey pops out again shirt and all.  Sparrow took a shower making sure not to wake anyone up as he finished and went outside. He made his way to the hollow tree and found Grey sitting on a motorcycle. Sparrow looked at the motorcycle scared out of his mind. Grey tosses him a helmet, "hop on feisty." Sparrow put on the helmet and got on holding onto Grey tight. He reves the engine a couple of times before taking off down a dirt road.

Sparrow relaxed, "can we get some food? I know a good cafe near the school it's within walking distance."

Grey shrugs, "sure I could eat." Sparrow gave him directions which only took them about fifteen minutes until they reached the little cafe.

Sparrow got off of the bike, took off his helmet and went inside. A woman in her 60s was getting the shop ready for the day, "hey Gram gram do you want help?"

"Oh Sparrow that would be so kind, thank you," Gram smiles at him then retreats to the kitchen. Sparrow starts by cleaning off the tables next he cleans the windows. Grey walks inside hands in his pockets observing him. After Sparrow finished he sat down next to Grey and order their food. Shortly after a server brings it to their table, they thank him then began to eat. While the two ate, a bright red pick up pulls into the parking lot. A girl with short brunette hair gets out and starts inspecting Grey's bike. Sparrow kept his head down.

Grey noticed his reaction to the girl and stood up, "I'll be right back." the steps out approaching his bike.

"Oh hello, is this your motorcycle?" The girl asks.

"Yes," Grey looks her up and down. Her short hair was curly and she had blue highlights that matched her icy eyes. This girl looked very attractive as well as done up. Grey guessed that she came from money. "What's your name?" He asked.

"Misty," she said, "my name is Misty. I haven't seen you around here before."

"No you haven't. I live deep in the woods. My father is making me go to school here with him..." Grey points to Sparrow.

Misty's demeanor changes "you should leave that freak and hang out with me and my friends."

Grey leans against the wall, "meh, I'm more of a lone wolf kind of person."

Misty moves closer, "well even so you and I could have some fun," she leans in.

Grey gives her a sly smile, "is flirting with strange guys your thing?"

Misty smiled, "only if they are good looking."

Grey smiles back, "maybe I'll take you up on that offer." He turns around facing the window feisty let's go!" Sparrow came out, he his shirt and jeans were covered in coffee. "Who did that?" To Misty it would only seem that Grey was asking a question, but Sparrow could sense the power and demand in his voice.

Sparrow shivered, "some kids from school, thats all..." he whispered glancing over at Misty. Grey glares at her returning his focus back on Sparrow.

"Where are they now?"

Sparrow turned starting across the parking lot at a group of laughing boys. They stood by a blue convertible open the snickering.

Gray stocks his way over, "sup guys." He punches the tallest one breaking his nose then he kicks him in the ribs.

They looked at Grey, "What gives man," The other boys yell.

"You people are disgusting. Calling people names and stuff is one thing, but spilling stuff on them, shoving them around and any other physical abuse is unnecessary. If I catch you doing this to anyone again you want and up in a 6 foot grave. He will not touch Sparrow, you will not even look at him in any harmful way. If you think I'm messing around I will not hesitate to end you," Grey walks back to Sparrow and puts him on his motorcycle. "As for you Misty, find better friends or you won't have the same threat on your hands," he drives away this time having Sparrow in front while he controlled the bike.

Sparrow was looking at Grey, "they will do it when your not looking threat or no threat. The same  thing happen when i told the teachers."

"Lucky for you my Dad told me to stay with you." Grey makes a turn heading back to the woods.

"I thought you were coming to school with me?" Sparrow questioned.

"We're going to get you cleaned up first," Grey stop at his house and leads Sparrow upstairs to his room.

Sparrow sat down on the bed, "what should I wear now."

"Here," Grey hoes to his closet pulling out a green T-shirt, dark blue jeans, boxers, and clean socks. He sets them on the bed in a pile, "will this do?"

Sparrow nods, "yes it is fine Grey." he took the clothes and went to change.

"You can change here I'm not going to compulsively suck your dick... Although the idea is still interesting to me," Grey teased.

Sparrow looked at him, "okay." He closed the bathroom door and starts changing by the door.

"So since you aren't bound to anyone here would you marry an outsider?" Grey asked him out of curiosity.

Sparrow picked his head up holding his shirt and underwear, "I never fit in with the humans either. I am an outsider there too."

Grey could see his body in full view now although he tried not to stare, "what about the mating seasons? Like do you get the urge to fuck? Or does it not affect you?"

Sparrow looks down, "at times I feel like I should get fucked, but they are rear." he puts on the green shirt turning around to get the boxers.

Grey gets to his feet, "what about you doing it though? Do you not think our guys and girls like the rest of us?"

Sparrow now stood in front of him, "it's different..."

Grey comes closer still, "okay..." He pins Sparrow to the wall kissing him hungrily. Sparrow kissed back moaning softly. Grey grabs his waist pulled him closer as he slips his tongue past Sparrow's teeth. Sparrow looks up, he was rock hard and his heat was wet. Grey smirked, is this one of those rare times where you want to be fucked?"

Sparrow nods, "yes."

"Have you ever done anything like this?" he asked.

He shook his head, "no I've never done anything."

"Okay, we'll take it slow," Grey kisses Sparrow again more softly this time. Sparrow kissed him softly warping his arms around his neck. While making out Grey slides his hand down Sparrow's body. When he feels Sparrow's scrotum, he cuffs it in his hand lightly massaging it. Sparrow cried out loudly as Grey's hand came into contact with his slick entrance. Grey moves down brushing his lips against him, "hmm I you taste as good as your mouth."

He looks down at Grey, "what do you think i taste like?"

Grey smiles sitting up, "if you give me another taste I'll gladly give you my answer." Sparrow shivered, "Grey don't it's sensitive." Grey thrusts his tongue in him. Sparrow cried out. Grey continued until Sparrow turned into a complete hot mess. His dick stood straight up, his heat was glistening and puckered waiting for Grey to enter. sparrow himself as painting rosy cheek. His hands tangled in the sheets.

Sparrow looked at Grey's hard dick, "no I will be there when you need me."

"Me too," when Grey finally pushes in both teens moan in ecstasy. Everything starts out so but as their desire builds things get harder and faster. They made the bed raddle, not one inch of their bodies were apart anymore. At some point, Sparrow reveals his neck to Grey he accepts biting the boy. Sparrow moans releasing himself as Grey did the same. The two then fell asleep.

Two weeks later the boys were still participating in thei "activity." One would go to the other whenever they needed them. During the day they would go through everyday life, but at night or when alone things changed. in class, Grey was working silently on a paper for biology.

Misty turns around a smug look on her face, "hey Grey, have you seen Forest boy lately? Getting really chubby."

"You've put on quite a bit of weight yourself," Grey sneers getting up from his desk.

Misty follows him, "I have not." Sparrow was drawing at his desk when Grey came over, "Yes you have... Hey, feisty the teacher is gone. Do you want to skip with me?" He smiled.

Sparrow held him, "do you have condoms?"

"Yeah, I bought A couple of boxes after I noticed the change," Grey lightly pushes him against a locker.

Sparrow smiled and kissed him, "okay."

Grey cupped his face in his hands, "Misty is a bitch. I like how you look."

Sparrow smiled, "I am glad."

Grey buries his face in his neck inhaling Sparrow, "hmm god I want to take you home. There I can be as close as I want. I can cover myself in your intoxicating scent and kiss you for hours."

Sparrow moaned, "we have school though."

Grey licks his neck, "I'm only daydreaming babe." He pulls away from Sparrow and walks into the bathroom.

Sparrow followed him, "I'm not in the mood now."

"I know I didn't think you would be," Grey unzips his pants. Sparrow sat by the sink and closed his eyes. Grey chuckles, "you shouldn't have come in here if you didn't want to see this." Sparrow growled. Grey laughs even harder, "oh you're growing at me?"

Sparrow nodded, "yes I am."

Grey finishes up then walks over to wash his hands, "that is so hot," he teased.

Grey finishes up then walks over to wash his hands, "that is so hot," he teased.

Sparrow walks towards the door, I'm heading back to class ."

Grey blocks the exit, "oh come on babe I'm just messing around. Please don't be mad at me."

Sparrow looked at him and growled, "someone is in here with us."

"Yeah, I was hoping that I would hear you fags fuck," a boy comes out of a stall and lights a cigarette.

Sparrow glares at him, "get out Quill!"

Quill walks closer, "or what? Are you going to ass fuck me while your boyfriend watches?" Grey gets in between Sparrow and Quill. He throws Quill to the ground and kicks him in the gut. Quill stumbles to get up but manages to do so. He tackles Grey, punching him repeatedly in the face.

"Stop please," Sparrow begs. Grey gets the upper hand once again. This time the pins Quill to the tile and bites into his neck. Quill screams in pain. Sparrow pulled Grey off.  His eyes glowed with the intensity of a wolf, "It okay you've got me, I'm safe."

"He's fucking crazy!" Quills ran out of the bathroom presenting his hand to his neck to stop the bleeding.

Sparrow stops Quill in his tracks pulling him back into the bathroom, "you have been marked."

"What the hell are you talking about!"

Sparrow inspected the wound, "Grey, you've made a new wolf."


"Shit," Grey slaps his forehead, "I must have bitten through the muscle."

Sparrow hits Grey's head, "yes you did because it's deep!"

"Babe I'm sorry I was trying to protect you. Some of my natural instincts are harder to keep in check."

Sparrow sighs, "we can take him to the settlement since it will be lunch in a few more minutes."

"You freaks aren't taking me anywhere!"

"Oh shut up," Grey knocks him out with a punch then hoists him over his shoulder. Sparrow followed him keeping an eye out for teachers and staff. They take three lunch passes and head out.

"Okay I know Quill drives a car, I just need to locate it," Sparrow checks Quill's pockets for the keys.

"The douche probably drives a range rover or Tesla," Grey scoffed.

Sparrow found the keys walked to the car and unlocked it "it's a Jeep."

"Oh the actually has taste," Grey throws Quills unconscious body into the back seat and climbs in.

Sparrow nodded, "I know, love who drives?"

"You're calling me love that is a good sign," Grey takes the keys from Sparrow starting the car and driving off once he got in. Sparrow smiled. When they approach the settlement Grey parks the jeep in the woods then carries Quill to the square. "We've got a pup!" he announced. Everyone came out to the square, including Grey's family. Sparrow kneeled to the Alpha as did the rest of the pack.

"You turned someone?"

"Dad I didn't know I could do it. I was protecting a friend and things got out of control "

"You are going to be responsible for him, and since your abilities are developing I think it is time that you have found a mate," his father tells him.

Grey's eyes go wide, "Dad I don't turn 16 for another two weeks."

Ryan shrugs, "if you are mature enough to expand your pack you are mature enough to endure our bloodline continues." Grey bowed his head walking into his house. Sparrow followed him.

"Sparrow you don't have to be here," he tells him.

Sparrow smiled, "why not?" Grey takes him upstairs to his room.

"You heard what my Dad said. He wants me to find a mate and have a family."

"So why not me? Are you worried that I'm not your mate?"

"I don't have one, that's not the point," Grey squeezes Sparrow's hands. "Sparrow you are different you don't have to get married at 16 or have kids too early. We choose to live like this. I don't want you to throw your life away for some boy who you've fooled around with and been dating for a couple of days."

Sparrow looked down, "but you gave me your mark so I'm yours."

Grey smiles, "good because I was completely talking out of my ass. Sparrow, I don't know what it is, but something has been pulling me towards you. I couldn't even try to ignore it when it started." Sparrow blushed and kissed his neck which was how wolves accepted mateship. A growl resonates in Grey's throat. Sparrow pulls away and Grey pins him to his bed biting his neck. Sparrow cried out in pleasure, unlike Quill's pain-filled scream. "You are mine," Grey whispers to him.

Sparrow nodded, "yes I am yours I belong to you." Grey lets his hands go kissing him sweetly.

Sparrow kissed him back, "if you want to wait on pups you can tell your parents."

Grey kissed his nose, "I'll do what I want when I want it. What do you want?" he asked.

Sparrow blushed, "I want to carry but can we keep it a secret?"

"Only if we get married in your 16th birthday in secret," Grey conditioned.

Sparrow nods, "I accept."

Grey nuzzles him, "are you going to stay over tonight? We could do homework, watch movies, make out a little..."

Sparrow blushed, "play a game while we do homework."

Grey sat up interest peeked, "what kind of game did you have in mind?"

Sparrow smiled, "a stripping game, each time one of us gets a paper done we take off an article of clothing until nothing is left."

"Oh how erotic, I think I am a bad influence on you," Grey kisses Sparrow's neck. "I hope you're a fast writer." Sparrow gasped softly. Grey slides off the bed and over to his desk. Sparrow took the bed, spread out his books, and began writing out his homework. Grey does the same. Grey finished their first assignment making Sparrow lose his shirt. Sparrow frowns and kept on writing, now he finished with his first assignment. "Were you frowning because you wanted my shirt off, or did you want to keep yours," Grey asked as his shirt falls to the floor.

"I wanted to keep mine on."

"That seems a bit redundant. Why would you suggest a stripping game if you didn't want to strip?" Grey finishes another assignment and starts on the next in his pile.

Sparrow blushed took off his shoes and kissed Grey's neck, "well I want to have you strip." He finished two papers. Grey took off his shoes and socks. More time passes, the boys were down to their final assignments when Quill walks into the room.

"Your father told me to... What are you fags doing?"

Grey shots up from his chair and slams the door shut. "I was about to give it to you in the ass if you ever use that language again. Around here every one is attacked to the opposite and same-sex, with a few exceptions," Grey said.

Sparrow grabs Grey's robe from the bathroom to cover up, "Grey calm down. What is it, Quill, what does the Alpha want?"

Quill searches the back of his head, "he said to stick with your boyfriend. I've read the white wolf okay... I'm not getting fucked by you or becoming bi because you turned me."

Grey looks at him in disgust, "first of all actual werewolf aren't like that. Second, that book in for gay men and crazy fangirl shit, and finally I wouldn't want to leave my fiancé for your homophobic ass." Sparrow chuckled softly.

Quill glared at him, "then explain Sparrow!"

"I already did," Grey pulls Sparrow to him. "Can I get some love now?" He whispers under his breath.

Sparrow nodded "yes.." he whispered back. "Quill go see one of the elders. They will tell you about pack life," Sparrow explained. Grey moves the robe to kiss his shoulders.

"You two are going to have to move your bang season. My orders were to stay here and listen to what you say. Apparently I'm not allowed to go home. Now you have to entertain me."

Grey sighs, "come back when I'm not so riled up by this guy."

"Can't you kill his fucking boner you stupid crow?"

Sparrow glared at him before getting on his knees. He kissed Grey's boner and took it out sucking.

Grey sat on the bed and smirking, "get used to it. Wolves have a high sex drive, if we aren't in bed we're making out. If we aren't making out we are constantly touching or thinking about our partner."

Quill looks down at Sparrow, "I'll be like him?"
Sparrow pulled away, "no you are a new pup, I'm an outsider to the pack I have never been bitten."

"Baby you were adopted you are not an outsider. Soon I will be married to the hottest member of the pack. That is great for me, I don't know why you aren't sick of me though," Grey smiled.

Sparrow smiled back and kissed Grey, "but I'm not as hot as you." Grey picks him up growling softly.

Quill sits on the floor, "can you stop? Please, preferably before I throw up?"

Sparrow cuddles up to Grey's chest, "hmm who can take in this fowl mouth pup?"

Grey pulls him in, "mmm, can we put him in a box then drive off?"

Sparrow smiled more, "that is tempting to do, I bet your parents will agree to that as well."

"I can hear you, you assholes!" Quill scoffed.

"Great! Next, we could come home and get married. After that, we can start trying for a baby and forget all about the homophobe that so obviously wants to screw dudes," Grey flips Sparrow over sucking on his bite mark.

"You are fucking with me now aren't you?"

Sparrow moved out from under Grey grabbed Quill by the ear and dragged him to a night class. Grey follows behind.

"Ahh, what the fuck man! You can have his dick any day, why do you want it so badly now!" Quill yells as he's dragged.

Sparrow looked at him, "you need to be taught the pack ways."

"Fuck you whore!"

Grey grabs him by the throat, "what did you say fucko!"

"You're fucking a cock whore fag," Quill laughed. Grey throws Quill down again but this time there was a lot more blood. Both fighters had a broken jaw, nose, and knuckles. It was all fair game until Grey transformed and started mauling Quill.

Sparrow watched as six men ran to pull Grey off of Quill. He had passed out from all of the blood loss as well as organ damage.

"Throw him in the cell!" Ryan ordered.

Sparrow was left in shock seeing Grey get taken away. His parents try to comfort him, but Sparrow ran back to the house in tears.

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