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Draco's P.O.V

"Yes I will be careful." I tell my father for the hundredth time that afternoon. This had to be the most exciting morning of my life. I found out that Harry is the Dark Lord's son, has a very troubled past, is mated to my godfather, and finding out that Dumbledore is the biggest arse in this universe.

"Draco I'm just worried." My father states in a sad whisper. I turn to see a worried expression plastered on his face. I never saw him like this before.

"I will be careful dad, I promise." I said as I looked him in the eyes. I look up to the castle and see in no longer as welcoming. I realized there's only a few of us in this world who know the truth about what goes on behind these stone walls. Even the grass seems duller. I never realized how eerie this gate looks with its metal bars. I rest my hand against the cold surface and let out a deep sigh. "Do I have to go back here? Can't you, Severus and Tom teach me? I'm sure I'll learn more then here."

"Why that may be true, we can't afford suspicion. If Dumbledore notices you're missing to it will only cause more problems that we don't need right now. Believe me son, if I could home school you I would." He wraps his arm around my shoulders. I sigh knowing that fighting him on the subject won't change his mind. 

 Looking back at the castle I see people roaming around. Unaware of the evil that goes on just in the headmaster's office. What Dumbledore did puts the Death Eaters to shame. Even they don't torture kids. Adults maybe, but kids? That's to cruel to the supposed world's most evil and vile wizard, but not to the one who is supposed to be the lightest. Noticing in the crowd a boy with hair more orange than fire and a girl with dark brown curls. Weasley and Granger. They seem to be heading this way.

"Hey, Malfoy!" weasel calls out.

"What do you want Weasel? Can't you see I'm talking to my father?" I question. What if there hear on Dumbledore's terms?

"We want to speak to Lord Voldemort you ferret." he retaliates to me. Speak with him?

"What the devil are you on about?" my father says.

"Look, we know that Harry and Professor Snape are mates. And we know what Dumbledore did to him and what he is planning on doing. I'm not like my mother and sister who love muggles. My brothers, father and I all despise them." he fires back. Now, I'm interested.

"How do you know what Dumbledore did? How do we know you're not lying?" I question him.

"We don't know the full extent of what he is doing. But I looked in my moms room and saw a marriage contract between my sister and Harry. I don't think it's right and neither does Hermione."

"Okay, but how do you know that Snape and Harry are mates?" my father asks him coldly.

"We pieced it together. Both Harry and the Professor disappear after Harry goes through his inheritance. And I watched his behavior in class and he would get really flustered whenever Snape walked by." This time Hermione answered.

"Why do you want to see him?" my father asked pointing his cane to the girl. "Aren't you muggleborn? At least he's pure blood."

"I believe that she has been lied to by Dumbledore as well. There is no way that she is muggle born with the amount of power she has." Wesley pipes in. I look to my father to find him turning the request over in his mind.

"We will take you to him, but only after you swear on your magic that you are not here on Dumbledore's terms."

"Wait, you're serious?" I half scream at him. He has to be out of his mind to do this.

"Draco if they swear to it we shall be fine." he replies looking smug.

"Wait before you do that, I have one more question. If the rest of your family besides your mother and sister are muggle lovers, then why don't you say something or just leave?" I asked. I turn to my father to see a startled expression on his face. Clearly he didn't think of it.

"Yes, why didn't you?" he asks.

"We couldn't. Why do you think Charlie is in Romania? He tried to the same thing and our mother tried to kill him. So during the night he came into each of our rooms and said goodbye and left. He only has contact with us." he says back. Now somethings are making sense. Sometimes in the Slytherin dorms I hear people say how Charlie was the only Wesley to get away. Now I know why.

"If you believe your friend here not to be a muggle born we will have to go to Greengotts first." My father says as he turns to them. "But like I said first you have to swear on your magic so we know we are not being played for fools."

"Of course sir." Granger speaks up.

"We solemnly swear on our magic that we are here on our own terms and headmaster Albus Dumbledore has no knowledge of this meeting or what we know. So mote it be." out of the end of their wands sparks shot out in silver and gold sealing the bond.

"Good now we shall make our way to the bank and from there we will go and see the Dark Lord."

"Am I going with you?" I ask in hopes that I'll be able to get out of going here for a few more hours. He turns to me with a stern face and I give him the best sad face I could muster up. I see in his eyes that he broke at that and he lets out a tired sigh.

"Fine, you can come. But after that all of you are returning here. We don't need Albus getting suspicious of us. Hold on to my sleeve all of you." He sticks out his arm and the three of us grab it. I look up at the castle that I used to call home with a bitter taste in my mouth before I am pulled away, leaving everything behind in a blur.

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